
Balbal. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Balbal (BAWL-bawl)

A vampiric, GHOUL-like creature from Tagbanua, Philippines, the balbal can be found in or near Muslim villages. Its name, which literally translates to mean “one who licks up”, is an apt description of its hunting technique. The balbal glides through the air and alights upon a home with a thatched roof. Then, using its long, curved nails, it rips open the roof and snatches up its sleeping prey with its very long, thick tongue. After it kills and feeds, the balbal returns with a facsimile of its prey made of banana leaves and places it in the home.

Source: Dumont, Visayan Vignettes, 13, 121; Parais, Balete Book, 40; Ramos, Creatures of Midnight, 47; Ramos, Creatures of Philippine, 69, 72

Baka. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Variations: Benin

The baka is a vampiric spirit created when a bokor (a Vodun priest) who has led a life of evil dies. The baka has the ability to shape- shift into any animal it desires and by doing so will have a physical body. Once a form has been assumed, the baka can then hunt down humans to consume their flesh and drink their blood. The baka is especially dangerous because no matter what animal form it takes, it will retain its natural strength, which is powerful enough to kill a healthy adult man. In addition to sating its hunger for blood, the baka oftentimes is a vengeful being, especially if the bokor it was in life was murdered. To ensure that it has its revenge against those responsible for its death, the baka may decide to spread a fatal disease throughout a community.

Source: Davis, Passage of Darkness, 51; Owusu, Voodoo Rituals, 54, 79; Malbrough,Hoodoo Mysteries, 3-4, 131, 180

Двенадцатый подвиг Геракла (укрощение Цербера)

Через несколько дней в дом Геракла вошел глашатай и сказал: "Царь Эврисфей посылает тебе новый, на сей раз пос

Одиннадцатый подвиг Геракла (яблоки Гесперид)

Давным-давно, когда на светлом Олимпе боги справляли свадьбу Зевса и Геры, Гея-Земля подарила невесте волшебн

Восьмой подвиг Геракла (кони Диомеда)

И вновь велел Эврисфей отправляться в далекий путь на сей раз на север — во Фракию.

Седьмой подвиг Геракла (Критский бык)

Шесть раз уже возвращался Геракл в Микены и по приказанию Эфрисфея отправлялся в полный опасностей путь.

Шестой подвиг Геракла (Авгиевы конюшни)

Стимфальские птицы были последним порождением чудовищ в Пелопонесе, а так как власть Эврисфея дальше предел
