A vampiric demon from Hebrew lore, the Yezer Ha-Ra (“the evil inclination in man’s nature from birth”) only attacks worshippers as they exit the synagogue on Friday nights. It possesses a person’s body and drains away his life-energy over a period of some time until the victim dies or the vampire has been successfully exorcised by a rabbi (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). As long as the demon remains in the person’s body, it will also be harassing its victim by sending him explicit and intense lustful thoughts.
Езер Ха-ра («прирожденные злые склонности человека») — вампирический демон из ивритских преданий, нападает только на верующих, когда они выходят из синагоги в пятницу вечером. Он овладевает телом человека и некоторое время вытягивает его жизненную силу, пока жертва не умрет или вампир не будет изгнан раввином (смотри «Энергетический вампир»). Пока демон остается в теле человека, он не даст покоя своей жертве, посылая ей явные и очень сильные похотливые мысли.
Yatu dhana is the name of the vampiric behavior that is displayed by the sorcerers who work in conjunction with the vampiric race of demons known as RAKSHASAS. When these sorcerers consume the flesh of the human remains that the RAKSHASAS leave behind, they are committing yatu dhana.
Яту-дхана — название вампирического поведения, которое демонстрируют колдуны, работающие в союзе с вампирической расой демонов, известных как ракшасы. Когда эти колдуны поглощают плоть человеческих останков, оставленных ракшасами, они совершают яту-дхану*.
The yasha is a vampiric creature from Japan. Looking like a vampire bat, it is in fact the reincarnated form of a woman who was filled with anger in her past life.
Source: Bush, Asian Horror Encyclopedia, 207; Chopra, Dictionary of Mythology, 310; Smith, Ancient Tales and Folklore, 217
Варианты: Яккха, Якса, Яси
Яся — вампирическое существо из Японии. Оно похоже на летучую мышь-вампира, но фактически это форма реинкарнировавшей женщины, которая в прошлой жизни была переполнена гневом*.
Источники: Bush, «Asian Horror Encyclopedia», 207; Chopra, «Dictionary of Mythology», 310; Smith, «Ancient Tales and Folklore», 217
Australia’s premier vampiric creature, the yara-ma-yha-who, looks like a short, red-skinned man with an exceptionally large head and mouth and suckers on its fingers and toes. What is most unusual about this vampire is that it has no teeth whatsoever. It dislikes sunlight and prefers to spend its daylight hours in caves near a water source. An ambush predator, the yara-ma-yha-who hides in the branches of fig trees and attacks anyone who walks underneath it. It grabs him up and, using the suckers on its fingers and toes, drains the blood from its victims. When it is finished, it swallows the body whole. A short while later it will vomit the person back up, whole and alive. A person who is repeatedly attacked by the yara-ma-yha-who will gradually become shorter and shorter until he is the creature’s size. Then he will start to grow HAIR all over his body and become a yara-ma-yha-who himself.
The spirit of the fig tree can kill a yara-ma-yha-who by climbing into its ear and making a noise that causes the vampire’s own soul to flee its body in the form of tree fungus.
Source: Harrap, Myths and Legends, 342; Reed, Aboriginal Fables, 142-144; Rose, Giants, Monsters and Dragons, 403-444; Smith, Myths and Legends of the Australian Aboriginals, 342-344
Xipe Totec (“Our Lord the Flayed One”) was one of the vampiric gods of the Aztec people of ancient Mexico. He was described as wearing the skin of the victims who were sacrificed to him, symbolic of the “new skin” that the earth perpetually grows for itself.
The second month of the Aztec calendar was called Tlacaxipehualiztli (“Flaying of Men”). It was during this time when the priests of Xipe Totec would make their human sacrifices, ripping the still-beating hearts out of the bodies and then flaying the skin before discarding the remains. The human hide was dyed yellow and made into a garment called a teocuitlaquemitl (“golden clothes”), which was only worn by Xipe Totec’s priests. In the second part of the ceremony, additional sacrifices were tied to a framework and shot with arrows, not necessarily killing them outright. Their blood falling to the ground was symbolic of the spring and its rains, which revitalized the land.
Source: Aguilar-Moreno, Handbook to Life in the Aztec World, 151-152, 154; Cramer, The Devil Within, 154; Markman, Flayed God, 204; Myring, Vampires, Werewolves and Demons
A vampiric REVENANT from Chinese lore, the xiang shi is created when a person’s second soul, the P’O, fails to leave the body upon death. The xiang shi must consume human blood and flesh; otherwise it will begin to decompose.
Source: Guiley, The Complete Vampire Companion, 26
Сян Ши
Сян ши — вампирический ревенант из китайских преданий, возникает когда по, вторая душа человека, не покидает тело после смерти. Сян ши должен поедать человеческую кровь и плоть; в противном случае он начнет разлагаться.
Источник: Guiley, «The Complete Vampire Companion», 26
In China there is a vampiric ghost called a xi xie gui. Its name means “suck blood ghost” in Mandarin Chinese. Created when a person’s second soul, the P’O, fails to leave the body upon death, the xi xie gui preys upon humans for their blood. Although there is no known way to destroy this vampire, it can be prevented from entering into one’s home by placing a length of wood measuring six inches long underneath the house’s front door.
Source: Schwarcz, Place and Memory, 146
Си-Се Гуй
В Китае есть вампирический призрак, называемый си-се гуй. Его название, на мандаринском наречии китайского, означает «призрак, сосущий кровь». Возникающий, если по, вторая душа человека, не может покинуть тело после смерти, си-се гуй охотится за человеческой кровью. Хотя нет известного способа уничтожить этого вампира, можно предотвратить его вторжение, поместив под входной дверью дома кусок дерева длиной шесть дюймов.
In Albania there is a particularly vicious type of vampiric REVENANT known as a wurwolaka. It is one of the few vampires that has the ability to create more of its own kind. The wurwolaka is an ambush predator, and at night it attacks humans, ripping them apart and drinking their blood. Anyone who looks upon it will be stricken with insanity. The only way to destroy this vampire is to burn its body to ashes.
Source: Aylesworth, The Story of Vampires, 5; Wright, The Book of Vampires 105
Вурволака (Вурволак)
В Албании есть особенно злобный вид вампирического ревенанта, известный как вурволака. Это один из немногих вампиров, способных создавать больше представителей своего вида. Вурволака — хищник, нападающий из засады; по ночам он нападает на людей, разрывает их на части и пьет кровь. Любой, кто увидит его, будет поражен безумием. Единственный способ уничтожить этого вампира — сжечь его тело дотла.
Источники: Aylesworth, «The Story of Vampires», 5; Wright, «The Book of Vampires», 105
Near the Bight of Benin along the West African coast in the Gulf of Guinea there is a vampiric being known as a wume. Created when a criminal dies and remains unburied or when a person has been cursed to UNDEATH, the wume is powerful, smart, and notoriously difficult to kill. Usually a band of warriors and a priest, all of whom have been ritualistically cleansed, are sent out to track and destroy one. It is best advised to approach a wume only after it has fed, as it will then drift off into a near comalike sleep. Then the men will be a comparable match for it and will eventually be able to tie its arms down along its body and wrap several layers of rope up and down its body. Once the wume is tightly wrapped, nearly mummylike, the surviving warriors will take the vampire to a secret and isolated location where it is buried in a deep and unmarked grave. Then, the men must never speak of the place or go there again, for the wume will use its ability to compel anyone who walks near its grave to dig it up.
Source: Jones, Dawn of European Civilization, 434; Pashley, Travels in Crete, 209; Wharton, North American Review, 95; Wright, Book of Vampires, 105
In the Bulgarian provinces nearest to Albania and Dalmatia the word wukodlak (“wolf hair”) is used to describe a vampire.
Source: Jones, Dawn of European Civilization, 434; Pashley, Travels in Crete, 209; Wharton, North American Review, 95; Wright, Book of Vampires, 105
В болгарских провинциях, ближайших к Албании и Далмации, слово вукодлак («волчья шерсть») используется для описания вампира*.
Источники: Jones, «Dawn of European Civilization», 434; Pashley, «Travels in Crete», 209; Wharton, «North American Review», 95; Wright, «Book of Vampires», 105
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