Jonathan Hunt "Bestiary. An Iluminated Alphabet of Medieval Beasts for Young Readers" — Simon & Schuster Inc., 1998 (140)

Bestiary. An Iluminated Alphabet of Medieval Beasts for Young Readers

Black Dog stalks travelers on the moors, and just hearing its footsteps can kill. A single glance from a basilisk is fatal. Wyverns — two-legged dragons with wings — attack castles and villages from the air.

Hundreds of years ago, medieval scholars believed the world was filled with strange and terrifying creatures. They wrote about them in bestiaries — collections of facts, myths, and stories about animals. Here are twenty-six creatures from those medieval legends, from the two-headed amphisbaena to the fierce ziphius, a water-owl that preys on ships and sailors. Detailed, dramatic paintings based on illuminated manuscripts will transport you to the Middle Ages — when much of the world was still unknown and mysterious terrors haunted the night.

Год издания
Simon & Schuster Inc.

Культурно-географическая классификация существ: Культурна-геаграфічная класіфікацыя істот: Kulturalno-geograficzna klasyfikacja istot: Культурно-географічна класифікація істот: Cultural and geographical classification of creatures:


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