Aulia Khairunnisa, Mira Wardhaningsih "A Book of Indonesian Ghosts" — Bandung: StoryTale Studios, 2020 (1573)

A Book of Indonesian Ghosts

Have you ever wondered what kind of supernatural beings that are considered frightening in another culture?

The way of perceiving horror in one particular culture might be different to another because the values and concept of frightening phenomena that we perceive might be different as well. Through A Book of Indonesian Ghost, StoryTale Studios, the authors provide the readers 30 chosen Indonesian ghosts with thorough explanations and illustrations on each of them. The ghosts in this book are classified by their origins, explained by their general descriptions, the appearances, and their trivia.

Indonesia has a great variation of ghosts that are spread across its provinces. Let’s get to know more Indonesian ghosts through this book!

Место издания
Bandung, Indonesia
Год издания
StoryTale Studios
6239476730, 9786239476731
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