Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual 4th Edition — Wizards of the Coast, 2008 (300)

Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual 4th Edition

Welcome to the Monster Manual. It joins the Player’s Handbook and Dungeon Master’s Guide to form the core rules for the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Roleplaying Game!

The Monster Manual offers a rich collection of monsters designed to challenge player characters (PCs) of every level. This introduction explains how to read each monster’s statistics. Refer to the glossary on pages 280-283 for definitions of common terms that are not spelled out in a monster’s statistics block.

Lists of monsters by level and role appear on pages 284-287 to assist you in tailoring encounters to the level and abilities of the player characters.

Место издания
Год издания
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Статьи с использованием данного источника


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