Скажи, Странник, скоро уже выйдет твоя книга? Говорили тебе, зря ты ее съел...
Екек — существа из филиппинского фольклора, описываемые как крылатые люди, либо полулюди-полуптицы. Считается, что екек в определенной степени родственны манананггал, но в отличии от последних, не способны разделять свое тело, а по ночам могут превращаться в огромных птиц, охотящихся на беременных женщин. Напав на жертву, екек запускает ей в матку свой хоботок и через него высасывает кровь из еще нерожденного ребенка.
In Philippine mythology, Ekek (or Ek Ek) are vampiric bird-like human creatures. They are winged-humans who search for victims at night. They hunger for flesh and blood. They are usually described as flying creatures that look like the Manananggal, but are unable to divide or split their body in the way that the Manananggal does. The Ekek is also associated with the Wak Wak because of some similar characteristics. The only difference between a Wak Wak and Ekek is that Ekek has a bird-like bill whereas the Wak Wak has none.
The Ekek can transform into a huge bird or bat at night to prowl in the form of. Similar to the Manananggal, the Ekek looks for sleeping pregnant women. Then it extends a very long proboscis into the womb and kills the fetus by draining its blood. It is said that while this is taking place, a "ek-ek-ek" sound is often heard. The Ekek fools people into thinking it is far off in the distance by producing a faint sound when it is actually near.
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