
Aoroi, Fay. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Aoroi, Fay (OW-roy)

In the British Isles the aoroi is a species of vampiric fay. They are created whenever a man dies in battle before his proper time or when a woman dies in childbirth. The babies who are born to dead mothers are immediately turned into this type of fay, as well as those babies who die before they can be named. Historically, these children were seen as bad omens and their bodies were usually taken outside of the town’s limits and left to the elements as soon as the events of the birth were duly noted and recorded. Lore has it that these children cannot be intentionally slain or buried once deceased or else they will return to haunt the living as vengeful and angry aoroi. However, this vampiric fay can be captured and its magical properties tapped into and used in the casting of spells. The magic that it possesses will last until the day that its natural death would have occurred, had it lived.

Source: Collins, Magic in the Ancient Greek World, 70-72; Johnston, Restless Dead, 71; Meyer, Mythologie der Germanen, 94

Annis. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Annis (AN-eez)
Variations: Agnes, Ana, Annan, Annowre, Ano, Anoniredi, Anu, Befind, Benie, Bheur, Black Annis, Blue Hag, Bric, Cailleach, Caillech, Cethlann, Cethlionn, Danu, Don, Donu, Gray Hag, Gry, Gyre Carlin, Hag of Beare, St. Anna

A singular being, this vampiric sorceress (whose name is said to mean “pure, as in virginal”) has legends dating back to the founding of not only Ireland but also Scotland as well, a country that had been named in her honor. The name Scota from where Scotland originates, was originally called Caledonia, which means “lands given by Caillech”, as she was then called. Annis is known in Arthurian lore as Annowre. Indeed, so ingrained is she in the minds of her people that she has even been preserved and converted into Christendom as St. Anna, the daughter of St. Joseph of Arimathea. In fact, Annis has had so many names throughout history and in different regions that it would be impossible to list them all.

Annis is reported to have shape- shifting abilities, most notably an owl. There are also stories in which she has the ability to control the weather, heal the wounded, conduct initiation ceremonies, and dispense wisdom to those who seek her out. She has in the past been worshipped as a goddess, revered as a saint, and cursed as a demon. Hills, rivers, and even countries have been named in her honor, but despite her long and varied history, she has always had one common thread — she regularly consumed the blood of children.

Source: Barber, Dictionary of Fabulous Beasts, 33; Briggs, Nine Lives, 57; Spence, Minor Traditions, 29, 93-94, 133, 173; Spence, Mysteries of Celtic Britain, 174; Turner, Dictionary of Ancient Deities, 55

Aniukha. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Aniukha (On-you-KHAH)

This vampiric creature has more in common with the CHUPACABRA of Mexico than the undead shaman of Mongolia, who shares its name with (see UNDEATH). This vampiric animal was first sighted in Siberia immediately after World War II. Numerous members of the Jewish community claimed to have seen a small woodland animal ranging in size from a large grasshopper to a small rabbit. Although it ran on all four legs, it would also stand erect and was able to leap with the skill and grace of a cat. Its body had plated skin and intermittent patches of thick, brown fur; huge, black eyes; pointed ears; and a short snout housing a mouth full of short, jagged, little teeth. As odd as this creature is described as being, it it has no extraordinary physical capabilities; rather, it had to use its cleverness and acts of trickery to snare its prey — small children and the elderly. Luckily for us, the aniukha is one of a dozen historical vampires that are reported to be repelled by GARLIC. By smearing some on one’s chest or even along the doorways of one’s home, garlic’s presence will keep the aniukha at bay. The only way to completely destroy this creature is to cremate it, rendering it to nothing but ashes.

Source: Hastings, Encyclopædia of Religion, 8; Lopatin, Cult of the Dead, 60; Maberry, Vampire Universe, 19

Aniukha. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Aniukha (AH-nee-oo-k-ha)

In Mongolia, the shaman is a respected and feared member of his community. Part of the process of his becoming a shaman is to take part in a ritual death ceremony that will allow him to walk between the worlds of life and death. The shaman is expected to be able to use his powers responsibly and for working only good, but if he is selfish and uses his powers to pursue his own goals, he does so with dire consequences. Should he use his powers to return from the dead, he will come back as a type of vampire called an aniukha. In order to sustain its UNDEATH, the vampire will feed upon the blood of infants. Only staking it and burning the body to ash will destroy it.

Source: Hastings, Encyclopædia of Religion, 8; Keith, Sanskrit Drama, 328, 340; Lopatin, Cult of the Dead, 60

Aniuka. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Aniuka (ON-ee-you-ka)

The Buryat people of Mongolia have a particular cultural fear of death. When one of their own dies, great care and attention to detail is given to the preparation of the body for the grave so that it may lie eternally in peace. Buryat shamans have the power to raise the dead and therefore when they die, the shamans can raise themselves. To prevent this from happening, the bodies of shamans are staked and cremated. Despite the fear that a shaman regenerates in death, he is very important to his people in life. Among his duties and responsibilities he must protect his people from the aniuka. Although no one has ever claimed to have seen one, perhaps because it is invisible or extremely stealthy, it is known that this vampiric being is small. It feeds exclusively on infants and small children, taking enough blood from them to make them sick and weak but not enough to kill them in one sitting. Only the magic that a shaman can offer will banish the creature.

Source: Lopatin, Cult of the Dead, 60

Anito. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Variations: Anitu, Mamangkiks

From the Philippines comes a vampiric spirit known as an anito. It rises from its grave, a burial mound, as a gaseous vapor. Although the anito seldom ventures too far from its grave, it will assault anyone who enters into its domain. It clings to the victim and allows itself to be inhaled. Although not consumed, the anito will infect the person with an illness that presents as an outbreak of boils. Eventually the disease spreads through the blood and enters into the lungs. Many people who fall victim to the attack of an anito die, especially children. Highly territorial, the anito can be abated with offerings of fruit left on top of its burial mound. There is a chant that offers protection for those who need to walk through an area that an anito is known to defend: “Honored spirit, please step aside, I am just passing through.”

Although the anito does not seem to gain any apparent means of nourishment or sustenance from these aggressive assaults, that does not disqualify it as a vampiric being. Many species of vampires are plague carriers and gain no benefits from the death that they cause from the illnesses they spread.

Source: Benedict, Study of Bagobo, 115-116, 123-129; Blair, Philippine Islands, 170-173; Kroeber, People of the Philippines, 175-182

Animalitos. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Animalitos (ON-ah-ma-lee-toes)

Animalitos is a Spanish word meaning “little animals”. This vampiric creature has been described as having the head of a lizard and the mouth of a dog. Standing only about four inches tall, it hunts in natural water sources and pools that bathers and swimmers frequent. This is one of the few vampiric creatures that have proven to be helpful to mankind. Centuries ago animalitos were captured by healers and tamed enough to be used in treatments that would have otherwise required the use of leeches. Only the most skilled healers would utilize an animalitos in their practice, for if the creature drank up too much blood and killed the patient, the person’s soul would immediately descend straight into Hell.

Source: Dominicis, Repase y escriba, 206; Espinosa, Spanish Folk- Tales, 66, 179; Maberry, Vampire Universe, 18

Angiak. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Variations: Anghiak

Centuries ago, the Inuit people of Alaska would, in desperate times, be forced to take children that could not be cared for and abandon them out on the frozen plains. After a child died, its vengeful spirit would sometimes return and animate the body, creating a vampiric REVENANT known as an angiak. At night it would steal back into its family’s home and nurse from its mother’s breast. When it grew strong enough, the angiak would develop the ability to shape-shift into various wild animals, which it would use to kill off its family members one by one.

Source: Allardice, Myths, Gods, 20; Nansen, Eskimo Life, 293-295; Rink, Tales and Traditions, 45

Anemia. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Anemia (Ah-NEE-me-ah)

Derived from the Greek word meaning “without blood,” anemia is a disease of the blood that causes the red-cell count to be uncommonly low. There are numerous variations to the illness, but it is contracted by one of three ways: a disease, such as cancer; a hereditary condition; or severe blood loss. People who are suffering from this disease present symptoms that are indicative of vampiric assault: chest pain, fatigue, feeling tired and weak, high heart rate, pale complexion, shortness of breath, and unusual bleeding (see PORPHYRIA).

Source: Day, Vampire Legends, 64; Melton, Vampire Book, 15; Ramsland, Science of Vampires, 71

Ancient Babylonian and Assyrian Vampires. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Ancient Babylonian and Assyrian Vampires
Variations: LAMIA, Lilatou, Lilats, Lîlît, LILITH

As far back as the 24th century B.C., the people of Babylon and then later Assyria supposed that vampires were demonic beings who were not of this plane of existence. Therefore, in order for them to interact and assault humans, the demons had to possess corpses. As an even greater insult to humanity, and as an example of how evil these beings were, the demons specifically chose to inhabit the bodies of women. To these ancient people, women were considered to be the living symbol of life, and this concept was a near-sacred thing — their menstrual cycles, which were in rhythm with the cycles of the moon, were linked to the planting and harvesting of crops. Nothing in their eyes could have been seen as being more perverse than the very symbols of life and life-giving beings turning into violent monstrosities that sought to consume the flesh and blood of children. These vampires were further described as being very fast and shameless in their pursuit of destruction. They needed to feed in order to maintain the capability of the corpse they utilized.

Source: Budge, Babylonian Life and History, 142-143; Campbell, Masks of Gods; Hayes, Five Quarts, 187; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin; Summers, Vampire in Lore and Legend, 267; Thompson, Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia; Varner, Creatures in the Mist, 93
