
Aluga. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Aluga (Ah-lou-GA, A-LUGA)

The aluga takes its name from the Hebrew word that is synonymous with vampirism and translates to mean “leach”. This vampiric creature that originates from Mediterranean lore is considered by some sources to be nothing more than a blood-drinking demon, while others claim it to be the demonic king of vampires. A handful of references say that it is nothing more than a flesh-eating GHOUL.

The aluga is mentioned in the Bible, Proverbs 30:15: “The horseleech hath two daughters, crying Give, give. There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four things say not, It is enough: (16) The grave; and the barren womb; the earth that is not filled with water; and the fire that saith not, It is enough”.

Source: Bunson, Vampire Encyclopedia, 5; Preece, New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 461

Alû. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Alû (Oll-LOO)

An invisible, demonic vampire from ancient Babylon, the alû attacks its victims (men) at night while they sleep. Its victims awake the next day ill and feeling drained of energy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE).

Source: Curran, Vampires, 25; Jastrow, Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, 262; Turner, Dictionary of Ancient Deities, 28, 38, 146, 291; van der Toorn, Dictionary of Deities and Demons, 24


Алу — невидимый демонический вампир из древнего Вавилона, который атакует своих жертв (мужчин) ночью, когда они спят. Проснувшись на следующий день его жертвы чувствуют себя больными и истощенными (смотри «Энергетический вампир»).

Источники: Curran, «Vampires», 25; Jastrow, «Religion of Babylonia and Assyria», 262; Turner, «Dictionary of Ancient Deities», 28, 38, 146, 291; van der Toorn, «Dictionary of Deities and Demons», 24

Alqul. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Alqul (AL-QUIL)

Alqul is an Arabic word used to describe a type of vampiric GHOUL from Arabic lore.

Source: Brewer, Character Sketches, 34; Meyes, Mythologie der Germanen


Алькюль — арабское слово, которое используется для описания вампирического гуля в арабском фольклоре.

Источники: Brewer, «Character Sketches», 34; Meyes, «Mythologie der Germanen»

Alp. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Alp (ALP)
Variations: Alb, Alf, ALFEMOE, Alpdaemon, Alpen, Alpes, Alpmann, APSARAS, BOCKSHEXE, BOCKSMARTE, Cauquemare, Chauche Vieille, Dochje, DOCKELE, Dockeli, Doggi, Druckerl, DRUDE, Drut, Drutt, ELBE, Fraueli, Inuus, LEETON, Lork, Maar, MAHR, Mahrt, Mahrte, Mar, MARA, Mare, MÄRT, Moor, Mora, Morous, Mura, Murawa, Nachtmaennli, Nachtmahr, Nachtmanndli, Nachtmännlein, Nachtmerrie, Nachtschwalbe, Nachttoter, Nielop, Nightmare, Night Terror, Old Hag, Quauquemaire, Racking One, Rätzel, Schrätlein, Schrättel, Schrättele, Schrätteli, Schrattl, Schrettele, Schrötle, Schrötlein, Schrsttel, Stampare, Stampen, Stampfen, Stempe, Sukkubus, Toggeli, Trampling, Trempe, Trud, Trude, Trutte, Tryd, Tudd, Vampyr, Walrider, Walriderske, Wichtel, and numerous others through history and geographic region.

Originating from Germany, this vampiric demon does not have a single true form. Throughout the ages the only consistency in its description is that it wears a white hat. Generally the alp is male, and although there are a scant few reports of it being female, it should be noted that this creature has exceptional shape-shifting abilities. An alp can assume the form of any animal it pleases, but it prefers that of birds, cats, demon dogs, dogs, pigs, and snakes. It is very strong, can become invisible, can fly, and has the unique ability to spit butterflies and moths from its mouth. Because of its shape- shifting ability, the alp has been linked to werewolf lore in the Cologne, Germany, region (see GERMAN VAMPIRES).

Alouque. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Alouque (AH-low-kwa)

Alouque is an alternate word used in the ancient Hebrew language to mean “vampire”.

Source: Bouquet, Alouqa ou la Comédie des Morts


Алуква — альтернативное слово для обозначения вампира в древнееврейском языке.

Источник: Bouquet, «Alouqa ou la Comédie des Morts»

Alouqâ. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Alouqâ (AH-low-ka)
Variations: ALOUQUE, ALQUL

A vampiric demon from ancient Hebrew lore, the alouqâ exhausts men to death with its lovemaking (see SUCCUBUS). Eventually, it drives its lovers insane, causing them to commit suicide.

Source: Langton, La Démonologie, 59; Masson, Le Diable et la Possession Démoniaque

Варианты: Алуква, Алькюль

Алука — вампирический демон из древнееврейского фольклора, который до смерти истощает мужчин своей любовью (смотри «Суккуб»). В конце концов, это сводит их любовников с ума, заставляя совершать самоубийство.

Источники: Langton, «La Démonologie», 59; Masson, «Le Diable et la Possession Démoniaque»

Aloubi. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Aloubi (EL-bee)
Variations: Alobuy, Alouby

There is little known about this vampire from the Aquitaine region of France. Other than that, its name translates to mean “twelve” and it is described as being notably thin with a ghostlike glide to its gait.

Source: Tondriau, Dictionary of Devils and Demons

Варианты: Алобуя, Алуби

Об этом вампире из французской области Аквитания мало что известно. За исключением того, что его имя означает «двенадцать», и он описывается как исключительно худое существо со скользящей призрачной походкой.

Источник: Tondriau, «Dictionary of Devils and Demons»

Alnwick Castle. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Alnwick Castle (ANN-ick CAS-el)

In the year 1096 a baron by the name of Yves de Vescy first built Alnwick Castle. It has been sieged upon, occupied, invaded, abandoned, restored, and added on to over the years by the nobility that have laid claim to it. Today the castle stands as the second largest occupied castle in England. Alnwick Castle is open to the public and has been utilized in numerous films, but few tourists who visit it are aware that one of its past lords was a vampire.

The story, which originates in the twelfth century, claims that an unnamed ruling lord of Alnwick Castle was an evil and paranoid man (see ABHARTACH). One night he climbed out of his chamber window with the intent of creeping along the ledge to his wife’s bedroom window to see if he could catch her in an adulterous act. Before he could reach her window, however, he slipped and fell, hitting the ground with a fatal impact but not dying right away. He lay there helpless until dawn, when he finally expired shortly after his discovery. He was given a proper Christian burial; however, the lord of the castle returned from his grave that very night as a vampiric REVENANT and began to attack the local populace, spreading a plague as he went. It was decided to return to the lord’s grave and exhume the body. His corpse was discovered to be bloated and completely filled with blood. The body was stabbed and it exploded with such force it destroyed the corpse.

Source: Bunson, The Vampire Encyclopedia, 4; Hartshorne, Guide to Alnwick Castle, 16; Lawson, Modern Greek Folklore, 362; Stuart, Stage Blood, 15; Summers, Vampire in Europe, 85

Allu. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Allu (AH-loo)

According to Akkadian mythology, this creature is in fact not entirely a vampire but rather is considered to be a CAMBION, a being that is half human and half demon. Described as being faceless, it is conceived when a SUCCUBUS has intercourse with a man. Assuming that the man survives his encounter with the succubus, as the time of his natural death draws near, his demonic son will return and linger at his bedside. Just as the father expires, the cambion snatches up the soul and enslaves it. Allu are particularly vicious and seek to destroy everything.

Source: Curran, Vampires, 29-33; Robinson, Myths and Legends of All Nations, 266; Thompson, Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, 132

Alitos. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Alitos (AL-LEE-toes)

This vampire comes specifically from the Kithnos region of Greece (see GREEK VAMPIRES). Other than that its name translates to mean “rascal” or “vagabond” and it is elusive; nothing else is known about it.

Source: Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin


Этот вампир родом из региона Китнос (смотри «Греческие вампиры»). Помимо того, что его название переводится как «мошенник» или «бродяга», и это нельзя считать полностью достоверным, больше о нем ничего не известно.

Источник: Summers, «Vampire: His Kith and Kin»
