Maximo D. Ramos "The Creatures Of Midnight: Mythical Beings from Philippine Folklore" — Philippines, Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing, 1990 (1299)

The Creatures Of Midnight

This book tells about 85 creatures of legend from Philippine Folklore.

Many people believe that they exist and are afraid of them. The people of the ancient Philippines believed many things about the unseen creatures of the Philippine storyland. If you have met a good storyteller, he may have told you interesting legends about these creatures. And you may have asked a lot of questions about them which he could not answer. If you want to know more about these beings, turn the pages of this book, look at the pictures, and enjoy what is said about them.

We call them creatures of midnight because it is said that they show themselves to people about the middle of the night.

Место издания
Quezon City
Год издания
Phoenix Publishing
Название серии
Realms Of Myths And Reality
1981837760, 978-1981837762
Статьи с использованием данного источника

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