Странник, ты веришь в гномиков? А они в тебя верят...
Странник, ты веришь в гномиков? А они в тебя верят...
This book contains the brief presentation of 57 strange beings from Portuguese Mythology. Whether you're interested in myths and legends from Portugal, local culture, or simply looking for a collection of unusual beings you certainly never read about before, this book presents you with many notable creatures, such as:
— The Cavalum, who once nearly destroyed the island of Madeira;
— The Gambozino, a creature extremely famous but that nobody was ever able to find;
— The Homem do Chapéu de Ferro, a very mysterious person who is bound to scare you;
— The Lagarto da Penha de França, associated with the city of Lisbon;
— The Lobisomem, the Portuguese version of the famous Werewolf, which is significantly different from the creature you are possibly familiar with;
— The Menino dos Olhos Grandes, once seen by many people in the Algarve;
— The Tatro Azeiteiro, who causes the smell of olive oil during fogs;
Among many, many others!
Most of these beings were never presented in English before, and so they are compiled here for those who don't speak Portuguese but would like to learn about these strange creatures from the traditional mythology of the country of Camões, Pessoa and Amália.
Существа, которых тут нет, но есть в "Bestiário Tradicional Português":
— Aventesma
— Bisarma
— Blisome
— Corrilário
— Labrego
— Maruxinho
— Moiribho
— Verdugo Barbudo
—Zorra Berradeira
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