Meeting with Monsters: An Illustrated Guide to the Beasts of Iceland (Íslenskar kynjaskepnur) — JPV útgáfa, 2008 (1503)

Meeting with Monsters: An Illustrated Guide to the Beasts of Iceland (Íslenskar kynjaskepnur)

Icelandic folklore heritage contains a wealth of tales about weird animals and ferocious monsters. These creatures terrified Icelanders in prior centuries but have hardly been noticed recently, at least for the most part. The main folk legends and stories of these monsters from in or around Iceland are recounted in this book, from both oral and written sources. The monsters and their peculiarities are described in the text in a detailed, insightful manner, and the locations where they have been spotted are shown on a map. The illustrations accompanying the text shed additional light on this interesting part of Icelandic folklore.

Год издания
JPV útgáfa
9979656727, 978-9979656722
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