Monstrous Compendium, Al-Qadim Appendix (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition, MC13) — TSR Hobbies, 1992 (1236)

Monstrous Compendium, Al-Qadim Appendix

Glittering treasures lie undisturbed in darkened caves. Angry genies seethe in magically-sealed bottles. Gigantic birds of prey roost atop unscalable mountain peaks. Sea serpents twist and slither beneath blue waves. Alongside a world of stunning beauty and idyllic leisure exits a harsh realm of legendary beasts and monsters. The AL-QADIM appendix for your Monstrous Compendium contains 64 pages of monsters drawn from the fables of the Middle East. The creatures in this appendix are perfect for an AL-QADIM campaign, or for spicing up any AD&D game desert setting.

Год издания
TSR Hobbies
Название серии
Monstrous Compendium
Изображения из данного источника


Дмитрий Re: Monstrous Compendium
Дмитрий's picture
Статус: оффлайн

Извиняюсь, а где это можно скачать?

21 January, 2017 - 06:25
KOT Re: Monstrous Compendium
KOT's picture
Статус: оффлайн

Вот тут много :)

21 January, 2017 - 20:09

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