Nina and Jiří Pavelčík "Myths of the Czech Gypsies" // Asian Folklore Studies Vol.60, No.1 (2001), pp.21-30 — Nagoya: Nanzan University, 2001 (538)

Myths of the Czech Gypsies

In this article two Gypsy myths that are recorded in a manuscript by Rudolf Daniel are introduced and described. These two myths are significant because they indicate that some of the oldest Gypsy traditions on record were long preserved in the Gypsies' oral traditions. On the basis of the individual elements that make up these myths and others like them, the authors suggest that a more exact determination of the location and time of the Gypsy migrations can be determined.

Название периодического издания
Asian Folklore Studies
Номер периодического издания
Vol.60, No.1 (2001)
Место издания
Нагоя (Япония)
Год издания
Nanzan University (Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture)
Статьи с использованием данного источника

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