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This comprehensive compilation references myths and fantasies from around the world and spanning human history. Detailed yet succinct, the very readable articles are collected under seven topics, e.g. the cosmos, the ground and the underground, and arranged alphabetically by subject. The diverse coverage examines myriad imagined powers and creatures from historical, sociological, cultural, and artistic perspectives, and while many of the ghosts, wizards, gremlins, gods, fairies, and so forth are familiar, many more, e.g., Hyperborea, Alulei, and Phaeton, are not. Each article summarizes the identity, definition, and aspects of the entity, drawing on material derived from classic studies in myth and lore. The illustrations are extraordinary. Though the format is somewhat ungainly for a reference source, and cross references are absent, this book is a rich treasury. The Australian authors, who have written several monographs on mysteries, gnomes, and weird tales of land and sea, have demonstrated a remarkable grasp of the narrative elements of folklore, fables, and belief systems. A significant contribution to all collections in fantasy and allied genres.
Я эту книгу в своё время читал. не такая уж она и крутая.
Ну по сути это уровень "Энциклопедии вымышленных существ" Королёва, который половину своей книги отсюда и взял ))
Но в случае с некоторыми существами, к сожалению, более глубоких корней найти не могу, Пейдж просто указывает список источников в конце книги, не уточняя, какими из них пользовался для каждой конкретно взятой статьи.
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