Michael Carroll "From a Persian Tea House: Travels in Old Iran" — London: Tauris Parke Paperbacks, 2007 (1384)

From a Persian Tea House: Travels in Old Iran

An evocative and beautifully written account of Michael Carroll's journey to Iran that took him through the heart of the country — from the Taurus mountains to the Gulf of Oman, during the years following the CIA-led coup of 1953. He explores countless mosques, tombs and palaces, goes in pursuit of an elusive dervish and bargains for Silk Road jade and carpets. The narrative is adorned with colorful episodes from Iran's long history and with amusing anecdotes that complement and enrich Carroll's travels in a country that has since changed beyond all recognition.

Место издания
Год издания
Tauris Parke Paperbacks
Название серии
Tauris Parke Paperbacks
1845115007, 978-1845115005
Статьи с использованием данного источника

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