
Vampire Dog, Shuk. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Vampire Dog, Shuck

It is possible that reports of vampiric dogs were originally based on sightings of rabid dogs or dogs afflicted with canine leishmania, but the lore of such creatures remains. Described as ferocious and overly aggressive, smelling of death, with glowing red or yellow eyes, vampiric canine REVENANTs such as the AUFHOCKER hunted both animals and humans alike, ripping out their throats and draining the bodies of their blood. The mythology of this creature says that a vampire dog will move into an area and begin killing smaller animals first, like rabbits and cats, before moving on to larger animals such as other dogs and sheep. To destroy this vampire, beheading, shooting, or stabbing will work.

Source: Barber, Dictionary of Fabulous Beasts, 134; Porter, Folklore of East Anglia, 89-91; Rose, Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, 419; Tongue, Forgotten Folk Tales, 70-72

Vampire Dog, Ennerdale. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Vampire Dog, Ennerdale

For 65 years there was a vampiric creature, many say it was a dog, that hunted sheep all over England, Ireland, and Scotland from 1810 to 1874 and again briefly from 1905 to 1906. The first report of the animal came in May 1810 in the town of Ennerdale, located near the English and Scottish border. Described as a large dog whose tracks were long and deeply set in the ground, it was reported as killing six or eight sheep a night, ripping holes in their throats and draining all of their blood. None of the carcasses were ever found eaten or even partially consumed. In early September of that same year, a large black dog was spotted in a cornfield and shot. The killings stopped for a brief period of time and resumed again, only this time in Ireland. The idea of a wolf was dismissed as the last one had been spotted back in 1712. The vampire dog was blamed and it was reported to be killing as many as 30 sheep a night by then, its hunger obviously having increased. The sheep were slain as they had been back in England — throats bitten out and drained of blood. The paw prints that were left behind were again described as long with deep and obvious claws. On April 11 the large dog was again shot, this time by an archbishop, only to be sighted again ten days later and a hundred miles away. Again it was shot and again it was sighted, another hundred miles away. All along and throughout, sheep were having their throats ripped out and their blood drained away. In Limerick, Ireland, it bit a man who shortly thereafter went insane and was admitted to Ennis Insane Asylum. On and off the cycle continued. The dog was sighted, the sheep were slaughtered, the dog was shot, and some distance and days later the killings began again. Eventually, in 1874, the dog was shot one final time, and as the people waited for it to reappear, it never did — until nearly 30 years had passed.

Vampire Chair. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Vampire Chair (Vam-pire Chair)

In Canter County in the mountains of East Tennessee, United States, chair-making brothers Eli and Jacob Odom were famous for their tight-joint, mule-eared, slat-back, hickory-splits, woven seat chairs. Hundreds of their chairs were sold and distributed all over the state between 1806 and the late 1840s, but a pair of the brothers’ comfy chairs came into the possession of a woman who was a self-proclaimed vampire. She lived in a cabin in the mountains overlooking the Hiwassee River near Charleston, Tennessee (see LIVING VAMPIRE). Although there are no records of her exploits or of her death, a body alleged to be hers was found in 1917 during the widening of the crossroads near where she was believed to have lived. The body was found buried facedown and fairly well petrified, as there are high levels of minerals in the ground water in that region of the country. Still protruding from her chest was a stake that had been run through her heart. What was most interesting is that the stake was a cradle-lathe support (bottom leg support) for the type of chair that was exclusively made by the much-famed chair-making brothers, Eli and Jacob Odom. It was assumed that the chair that the support came from was looted from the vampire’s home after her death, repaired, and re-entered into the community.

Vampirdžia. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн


A type of vampire slayer from the Balkans and western Bulgaria and Macedonia, this quasisupernatural being has the natural ability to see and detect vampires. This person’s circumstances of birth — the son of a vampire — allows him to enjoy an elevated social status as he alone bears the responsibility of being able to purge the community of the vampire that plagues them. He is able to slay vampires by using a gun in addition to the more traditional means. Unlike the SÂBOTNIK who has the natural ability to see vampires, the vampirdžia must chew upon a magical herb in order to gain this ability. A professional, the vampirdžia is very well paid for his services, either with actual money or with gifts. Women are never born vampirdžia.

Source: McClelland, Slayers and Their Vampires, 60

Vampirdzhija. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Vampirdzhija (Vam-per-HEED-ah)

From Bulgaria comes another type of vampire hunter known as a vampirdzhija. It specializes in the hunting and destruction of a type of vampire known as an USTREL. Using a highly ritualistic ceremony, on a Saturday morning all the fires in a community with a vampire are extinguished. Then, at the crossroads, the vampirdzhija builds two bonfires that are set aflame with “new fire”, that is, fire that is created from the rubbing together of two sticks. Next, all the cattle and sheep are gathered together and herded to pass between the twin bonfires, as the mature USTREL lives in the space in between the animals’ horns. The USTREL, rather than being singed, or worse, will leap off the animal and run into the countryside, where wolves will find and devour it. After all of the animals have passed through the bonfires, a fagot of new fire is taken into the community and used to relight all of the fires there.

Source: Melton, Vampire Book, 367; Perkowski, The Darkling, 82; Ramsland, Science of Vampires, 161

Vampirdzhii. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Vampirdzhii (Vam-per-HEED)

In Bulgaria there is a living, vampiric halfbreed called a vampirdzhii, born from the union between a human and a PLATNIK. Blessed by God, this red-eyed being can reveal a vampire for what it is by using holy icons. The vampirdzhii’s preferred method of destroying vampires is to prick them with a briar thorn or by boiling the vampire to death in a large cauldron. They are similar to other vampire hunters such as the DHAMPIRE, PLATNIK, and the VAMPIRDZHIJA.

Source: Konstantinos, Occult Truth, 29; Melton, Vampire Book, 367; Perkowski, The Darkling, 82; Ramsland, Science of Vampires, 161

Vampir. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Vampir (Vam-PEER)
Variation: PENANGGLAN, Penangllaen, Penanngallau, Pernanggal, Upeer, VAMPIIR, Vampyras, VRYKOLAKA, Vurkulaka, Wamphyr, Wampire, Wukodalak

In German lore, when a person commits suicide or was a heretic, murder victim, werewolf, or witch in life, he will rise up from the grave as a vampiric REVENANT (see GERMAN VAMPIRES). The vampire has a bloated body, long fingernails, red skin, and blood in and around its mouth. Able to cause drought and illness in cattle, it hunts humans for their blood. Repelled by both GARLIC and silver, it is also mysteriously compelled to count seeds that have been spilled out along the ground.

The vampire can be destroyed by stabbing it through the heart with a wooden stake made of mountain ash, but it must be done with a single blow or the revenant will not die. Another way to destroy the vampire is to behead it, remove its heart, boil it in wine, place it back in the body, and then burn the entire corpse to ash.

Source: Dundes, Vampire Casebook, 73; Indiana University, Journal, vol.14, 266; Perkowski, The Darkling, 38; Stefoff, Vampires, Zombies, and Shape-Shifters, 17

Vampijerovic. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Vampijerovic (Vam-pa-DREV-nic)

According to the lore of the Gypsies of the Balkans, a vampijerovic is born the child of a human and a vampire. It looks like a normal person, but it has the ability and drive to hunt down and kill vampires.

Other types of natural-born vampire hunters are the DHAMPIRE, DJADADJII, KRSNIK, LAMPIJEROVIC, and the VAMPIRDZHIJA.

Source: Haining, Dictionary of Vampires, 178; Indiana University, Journal, vol.14, 266; Masters, Natural History of the Vampire, 143; Perkowski, Vampires of the Slavs, 217

Vampiir. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Vampiir (Vam-PEER)

In northern Europe, in the Republic of Estonia, the concept of a blood-drinking vampire was imported from the neighboring countries of Latvia, Finland, Russia, Sweden, and Ukraine. Calling this vampire a vampiir, it entered silently into a person’s home, lay on top of someone, and smothered him to death while he slept. It had the ability to shape-shift into a bat and a wolf; however, a vampiir was only active a few hours each night and was susceptible to sunlight. Like many of the vampires that lived in neighboring countries, the vampiir was killed either by burning it to ash, decapitation, or by hanging.

Source: Bunson, Vampire Encyclopedia, 87; Dundes, Vampire Casebook, 54

Вампиир (Вампир)

На севере Европы, в Эстонию понятие кровопийцы было импортировано из соседних стран: Латвии, Финляндии, России, Швеции и Украины. Этот вампир, называемый вампииром, тихо входил в дом, ложился на спящего человека и душил до смерти. Он мог превращаться в летучую мышь и волка; однако вампииры были активны всего несколько часов в течении каждой ночи и боялись воздействия солнечного света. Как и многих других вампиров из соседних стран, вампиира можно было убить если сжечь его дотла, обезглавить или повесить.

Источники: Bunson, «Vampire Encyclopedia», 87; Dundes, «Vampire Casebook», 54

Utukku. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Utukku (OO-too-coo)

This species of vampire was first mentioned in the Mesopotamian epic, Gilgamesh. The utukku was created when a person died before he could fulfill an obligation, causing his soul to become bound to his corpse, creating a REVENANT. Usually found in deserted places in the desert and mountains and along the ocean’s shore, it kills by making direct eye contact with a person, absorbing his life-energy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). As time passed, this ancient species of vampire became thought of more as a demon.

Source: Rogers, Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, 147-148; Sayce, Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia, 283-287; Thompson, Semitic Magic, 39-40; Wiggermann, Mesopotamian Protective Spirits, 113-114
