Ссылки на картинки - драконы


Из СВ-рукописей - http://kardiologn.livejournal.com/382128.html + http://kardiologn.livejournal.com/384416.html

Драконы. Графика 15-17 век. - http://marinni.livejournal.com/447235.html

Дракон-буквица - http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mab8z1QIdJ1rppc0go1_500.jpg + http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3152/3414920196_3f20249f69_z.jpg?zz=1 + http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3379/3414944340_6077fde739_z.jpg?zz=1

Мерлин и Вортигерн - http://kardiologn.livejournal.com/373937.html

Лубок и картины - http://kardiologn.livejournal.com/366145.html

дракон в каком-то манускрипте, Opening of text, with images inside oval frame. (16th century) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=427661&t=w

A Book of Four-Footed Beasts-1658-64 - дракон и саламандра - http://www.britishmuseum.org/collectionimages/AN00997/AN00997817_001_l.jpg

типа драккар - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/RihWvffmrRI/AAAAAAAABJE/X-Ua_MRTx3A/s1600/-17.jpg


Язон - Iason sopit draconem custodem avrei velleris. (16--) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1622939&t=w

Jason tuant le dragon gardien de la Toison d'or Lille - BM - ms. 0391 f. 052v - http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3304/3438300884_eb72073544_o.jpg

Сальватор Роза - Ясон и дракон, итальянская 1663 - 1664. - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/RihGOffmrII/AAAAAAAABH8/ERD_0LLf1Y8/s1600/dragon12.jpg

Геракл - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/23/Hercules_slaying_the_Hydra.jpg/800px-Hercules_slaying_the_Hydra...

An image of Perseus freeing Andromeda attributed to Moritze Meurer. Image found thanks to Peacay Chez. - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/RjJAhSlnI2I/AAAAAAAABTM/TF2gmfh0LWQ/s1600/4972.jpg

The south fountain at Witley Court, Worcestershire, the seat of the Earl of Dudley. (1862) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=807732&t=w
Joachim Wtewael (1566-1638). Perseus and Andromeda.1611.

- картина - http://s40.radikal.ru/i090/1107/26/d825aa444459.jpg крупно - http://s40.radikal.ru/i090/1107/26/d825aa444459.jpg

песей без подписей - http://kardiologn.livejournal.com/48450.html#cutid1

Фредерик Лейтон, Perseus and Adromeda - http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/35/bakz.16c/0_1cb3a_ad352f3_XL.jpg


- Alexander fighting dragons, Le livre et la vraye hystoire du bon roy Alixandre, Paris, c. 1420–25, Royal 20 B. xx, ff. 49v-50 Photo: British Library Board - http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02044/Alexander-fighting_2044318b.jpg

Iskandar (Alexander the Great) cuts off the head of a dragon. (Rajab 1025 [July 1616]) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1658113&t=w


Cadmos tuant le dragon de la Source d'Arès ; Construction de Thèbes Lille - BM - ms. 0391 f. 029v - http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3558/3437490759_5e322d59d9_o.jpg

Cadmus and the Serpent, from Book 3 of Ovid's Metamorphses.http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/RihrzvfmrXI/AAAAAAAABJ0/qcqBOZ20Sj8/s1600/a31.jpg
- Hendrick Goltzius,

Cadmus slays the dragon http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/38/Hendrick_Goltzius_Cadmus_Statens_Museum_for_Kunst_1183.jpg/794p...

Jean Le Romain. Alaux - Cadmus Combattant Le Dragon, France 18th - 19th century - http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/RiZDkBir0II/AAAAAAAABEc/Lh3bFY4uP1o/s1600/dragon13.jpg

архангел Михаил Великолепный часослов герцога Беррийского. Битва Архангела Михаила с драконом над аббатством Мон-Сен-Мишель (Гора Святого Михаила), у побережья Нормандии. Фрагмент. Около 1414-1416 гг. Велень, акварель. 29 х 21. Музей Конде, Шантийи- http://www.varvar.ru/arhiv/gallery/nord/limburg/images/limbourg_saint_michael2.jpg

Святая Марта и Тараск
The Morgan Library & Museum, The Hours of Henry VIII, f. 191v (‘St. Martha Taming the Tarasque’). c. 1500. Artist: Jean Poyer.
История такова. Некая Марта из Марселя пошла к бедному животному, лаской и обманом вывела его из укрытия, где его ждали кровожадные дикари, вбившие себе в голову, что животина топит их суда и жрёт дикарей (может и жрало, если лезли, крокодилы до сих пор жрут, если к ним подходить). Так и замочили очередное несчастное существо, а хитрую и коварную бабу объявили святой. - http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m47280SkMn1rppc0go1_1280.jpg

Св. Маргарита Антиохийская - http://pics.livejournal.com/kardiologn/pic/000xwpds/s640x480

Domenico Mattioli - St Margaret and the Dragon - http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/RiYD4xir0AI/AAAAAAAABDc/vLsQjfrC5is/s1600/dragon3.jpg

виверн - http://pics.livejournal.com/kardiologn/pic/0018r4e9/s640x480
морской Иллюстрация 1908 года. - http://dragonet.narod.ru/illustrat/1908.jpg

Бахрам Гур

Bahrâm Gûr kills a dragon. (Rajab 1025 [July 1616]) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1658043&t=w

Bahrâm Gûr kills a dragon that devoured a youth. (1026-1030 [1616-1620]) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1597290&t=w

Bahram Gur's Combat with the Dragon, from the Shah-nama or Book of Kings - Shiraz, 1370. - http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/R4QQ4CLEsZI/AAAAAAAAEMA/8vOFnbYtbew/s1600/im21.jpg

"Bahram Gur killing a dragon. A miniature painting from a seventeenth century additon to a sixteenth century manuscript." Illustrated by Muhammad Zaman - Mazamdaran, Northern Iran, 1675. - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/RiRUXpftpoI/AAAAAAAABDE/6Oen8ajpVD8/s1600/11400_2.jpg

Гуштасп (?)

Gushtâsp (Gushtâsb) slays a dragon. (1026-1030 [1616-1620]) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1597351&t=w


Rustam's Third Feat: he kills a dragon. (Rajab 1025 [July 1616]) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1658047&t=w

Rustam and his horse Rahksh fighting a dragon. Opaque watercolour. - 1640-1660 - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/RiRWNpftppI/AAAAAAAABDM/GcW88iXECMY/s1600/11200_2.jpg

"Indian Rustem Killing the Dragon, a page from a manuscript of the Shah Namah, 1800. Opaque watercolor and gold on burnished Indian paper." - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/RiYethir0BI/AAAAAAAABDk/oxVKPWuNkpw/s1600/dragon23.jpg

Garshâsp, an ancestor of Rustam, kills a dragon with a lance. (Rajab 1025 [July 1616]) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1658135&t=w

The text concerns Zâl's fight with the Turanian hero Khazarvân, but the illustration shows Rustam in his traditional cos... (1026-1030 [1616-1620]) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1597387&t=w


Isfandiyâr's Third Exploit: he battles the dragon. (1026-1030 [1616-1620]) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1597355&t=w

Firdausi, Shah-name - Isfandiyar killing a dragon. - http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/R5InuyLEumI/AAAAAAAAEds/ey5DZpPmWEg/s1600/026916.jpg

Моисей (?)

Mûsâ (Moses) encounters a dragon that devours all the sheep in a valley near Midian. (ca. 988 [ca. 1580]) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=psnypl_spn_677&t=w
The staff of Mûsâ (Moses) is turned into a dragon that devours pharaoh's men. (18 Shawwâl 984 [8 January 1577]) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1658036&t=w

Просто Шахнаме

Firdausi, Shah-name - "Poem anthology Navruz s fight against the dragon." - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/R5IqTSLEuqI/AAAAAAAAEeM/Yj5oB7yQsS8/s1600/026940.jpg

Firdausi, Shah-name - Faridun, dragon coming across his sons - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/R5IosCLEunI/AAAAAAAAEd0/hpfRz40mQSI/s1600/026913.jpg

"'Ali attacking the dragon of the Kuh Billaur, watched by Zinhar. A miniature painting from a seventeenth century manuscript of Khavarnama, a poem on the legendary warlike deeds of 'Ali." - Punjab, 1686. - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/RiRNXZftpkI/AAAAAAAABCk/1-shUnobJDA/s1600/35384_2.jpg

"'Ali on foot fighting the six headed dragon. A miniature painting from a seventeenth century manuscript of Khavarnama, a poem on the legendary warlike deeds of 'Ali." - Punjab, 1686 - http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/RiRPZJftplI/AAAAAAAABCs/hsJAIO_DzBQ/s1600/34543_2.jpg

"Gushtasp fighting the dragon. A miniature painting from a sixteenth century manuscript of the epic poem of Shahnama." - 1580-1600 - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xQwP8MNj0EA/RiRTIpftpnI/AAAAAAAABC8/-OOiP9I0Ho4/s1600/11601_2.jpg

Дракон в оформлении заглавной буквы, Ps. 51, with the tail of its initial Q formed by a biting dragon. (1300-1325) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=423668&t=w

Bahrâm Chûbînah kills the dragon that has devoured the daughter of the Khâqân of Chîn. (1026-1030 [1616-1620]) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1597303&t=w

Святой Амун - http://kardiologn.livejournal.com/402059.html


драконочерепаха - http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6066/6022761050_d9f213c72b_b.jpg

Дракон сражается с тигром, Mons in Provincia Kiamsi. (1667) - http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=807715&t=w

Японская принцесса и летающий дракон. Gakutei, Yashima. 1820. - http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/assetimage2.jsp?id=RP-P-1958-425


подборка - http://marinni.livejournal.com/519082.html
Paolo Uccello Florence, 1397 - Florence, 1475 1430-35, Peinture sur panneau de bois, 131 x 103 cm Musée italien – Salle florentine

Preti, Mattia. St. George Victorious over the Dragon. 1678 - http://www.wga.hu/art/p/preti/stgeorg2.jpg

Карло Кривелли, "Святой Георгий", 1472 - http://content.foto.mail.ru/mail/kataga773/1763/s-1809.jpg

Girard Master - St. George and the Dragon, Spanish 15th century oil and tempera on panel. - http://bp3.blogger.com/_2wxFRKAilHM/R4kZNpVKzUI/AAAAAAAAA54/1-oBe4-k7FQ/s1600/dragon25.jpg

Martorell, Bernardo. Saint George Killing the Dragon. 1430-35. - http://content.foto.mail.ru/mail/kataga773/1763/s-1808.jpg

варановый драк - Saint George and the Dragon by Sir Edward Burne-Jones - http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lshqpyR2ge1qho0ulo1_500.jpg

Арнольд Бёклин. Руджеро и Анжелика. (дракон-щука) - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/1873_Boecklin_Ruggiero_und_Angelica_anagoria.JPG?uselang=ru


кузнечик - http://kardiologn.livejournal.com/225706.html

ктулху - http://kardiologn.livejournal.com/229934.html

человекоглавый - http://kardiologn.livejournal.com/224482.html

Толстый и безкрылый - From an 18th century manuscript illustrated by Zoroaster & Clavis Artis - http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luu2vdKHio1qhtuebo1_1280.jpg

много - http://fantastic.library.cornell.edu/dbgfx/800/F054-002.jpg + http://fantastic.library.cornell.edu/dbgfx/800/F054-001.jpg

алхимические - http://kardiologn.livejournal.com/70981.html + http://kardiologn.livejournal.com/57037.html#cutid1 + алхимический дракон - Library. Mellon MS 110 [Alchemical and Rosicrucian compendium (selected pages)] detail of p. 321v. Lower Rhineland (?), c. 1760. - http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1vmcrCFCo1rotwfko1_500.jpg


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