Filipino Ghost Stories: Spine-Tingling Tales of Supernatural Encounters and Hauntings from the Philippines by Alex G. Paman — Tuttle Publishing, 2011 (1535)

Filipino Ghost Stories: Spine-Tingling Tales of Supernatural Encounters and Hauntings from the Philippines

Ghost stories are commonplace in traditional Filipino culture. Whether they take place at a relative's funeral or a hacienda located deep in a remote province, virtually all families have their own personal accounts of their encounters with the supernatural. Passed on from generation to generation, these tales act as a bridge to the past, to a time lost or nearly forgotten.

To write this book of ghostly encounters with all manner of things eerie and terrifying in the Philippines, the author collected creepy tales that have been told in his family for generations. Covering ghostly encounters in bustling cities and in remote towns — and even a short section of hauntings on American soil — Filipino Ghost Stories offers good, old-fashioned scary stories perfect to share around the campfire or under the blankets with a flashlight.

Like secret food recipes, traditional ghost stories in the Philippines are valuable personal heirlooms, something to be passed forward to future generations. This book delivers terrific entertainment — and some good spine-tingling chills — for those interested in the Philippines and aficionados of the supernatural alike.

Место издания
Tokyo, Vermont, Singapore
Год издания
Tuttle Publishing
0804841594, 978-0804841597
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