J.R.Lucas "A Treasury of Legends" — CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017 (1311)

A Treasury of Legends

Picking up this book is like sitting by a campfire with an old lumberjack. The author has brought together 13 gripping pieces of north-woods folklore from across the country (but mostly in and around the Great Lakes). But you won't find the average backwoods fairy tails like that of Paul Bunyan or Johnny Appleseed here... This book is filled with more obscure, lesser known folklore. Each chapter is a different legend - some of them are ghost stories, others tell tall tales of strange creatures that lurk in the deep dark forest, others still relate the plights of intrepid frontier men braving the elements. A Treasury of Legends explains natural occurrences with supernatural tales. If you've ever wondered where the northern lights come from, or why the Woolly Mammoth went extinct, or why this book has a picture of a burning moose on the cover, the tales within will answers all your questions. This book also includes such gut-wrenching, heart-pulling stories as the tale of two lovers caught up in the midst of a colonial war, and the story of a contrite woodsmen on the run from humanity itself. Of course, no book of north country folklore would be complete without it's fair share of bears, and trust me, this book has enough hair-raising bear encounters for even the bravest outdoorsman. 13 chapters, 13 stories — ghost stories, native folklore, local legends and old family tall-tales all come together to form this spooky yet charming compilation, truly "A Treasury of Legends".

Год издания
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
1974447545, 9781974447541
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