Странник, а ты знаешь, насколько интереснее изучать дракона изнутри?!
Вампир из боливийского фольклора, который охотится на свою добычу, являясь людям в облике милого безобидного старичка, потерявшегося и нуждающегося в помощи. Любого, кто поможет ему, в скором времени ожидает трагический конец. Если жертва не подхватит смертельную болезнь вскоре после этой злополучной встречи, ее тело обнаружат обескровленным (1383: p.13; 1314: p.2).
Чтобы обезопасить себя от Абчанчу, достаточно носить небольшой амулет с каплей чесночного масла внутри (1314: p.2).
This vampire from Bolivia hunts its human prey by appearing to them as a kindly old man who is lost and in need of assistance. Anyone who helps this creature will soon meet with a tragic end. If the victim does not contract a fatal disease soon after the ill-fated meeting, his body will be discovered drained of its blood (1383: p.13; 1314: p.2).
Wary travelers wear small amulets in which they've placed a drop of garlic oil, and this is enough to ward off this beast (1314: p.2).
The Abchanchu is a shapeshifting vampire; it's most common form is that of an elderly person in distress. The act as if they are lost, asking for directions or a place to sleep. They will also claim that they are having trouble at home. If you allow them into your home or return them to theirs that is when they attack. If they return to your home, they accept all kindess and thank you very highly. Once you are asleep, the Abcanchu will sneak into your room and drink your blood. If you return them to their homes, they will spring on you the moment you enter their domain. Promising rewards and a warm meal. They will tell you whatever it takes to get you inside. If this does not work, then they will spring upon anyway. If you manage to survive the attack you will still be it's victim, succumbing to a fatal disease the next morning. Their clothes appear embroidered in gold and silver. They appear from a rich family, but have a cold appearance and icy smile. Travlers can protect themselves with an amulet that has a drop of garlic oil on it.
In the highland plateaus and caves of Boliva is were the Abchanchu lurks. In the early 18th century Abchanchu was confined only to mostly inaccessible regions of the mountains. After a century, their tells began to spread to villages and districts around Bolivia. But they were still indifferent to the eastern vampire myths. As it was the Abchanchu has been more than a vampire at times. Sometimes it was just a malevolent spirit that destroyed crops, caused fires and brought about suspicious deaths. It became like a demon; an old incantation if one thought they heard an abchanchu in a storm was: Come in, come abchanchu, do not do any harm, because Mallcu protects me.
In the region of Uyuni, an abchanchu is still seen as a vampire. With the except that they ask to come in the house late at night, when it's cold and scratch at the windows. Those that do not lock their doors and windows become victims of their attacks.
Abchanchu The Abchanchu of Bolivia in South America is a shape-shifting blood-drinking vampire who assumes the form of an old man who pretends to be lost and helpless, and when some kindly stranger comes along to help the old duffer home, then out come the fangs and the bloodlust. Wary travelers wear small amulets in which they've placed a drop of garlic oil, and this is enough to ward off this beast.
Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us and Hunger for Us
The Abchanchu roams Bolivian roads in the guise of a doddering, frail old man. He appears confused and disoriented, like someone’s helpless old grandpa, and so inevitably a Good Samaritan volunteers to help him. That’s the Abchanchu’s ploy. As soon as opportunity allows, out pop the fangs; his fragility is revealed to be an illusion as the Abchanchu attacks. Under the influence of Dracula-inspired movies, travelers are advised to dab garlic oil on amulets to keep the Abchanchu away. True essential oil of garlic smells so strong that it will likely keep anything away: the power of amulets, sacred texts, and dried garlic flowers carried in a charm bag may be sufficient and definitely more pleasant.
The Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods, and Goddesses by J.Illes
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Экстранаучная классификация
- статус — демон
- домен — аэквор-наземник
- тип — семикреатуры
- класс — антропоморфные
- семейство — вредители
- род — АБЧАНЧУ
- Человек
- Боливия
Дополнительные способности-особенности
- Проклятья и болезни, Человекоубийство, Кровопийство
- Боливийский фольклор
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