Я с детства был страстным любителем страшных историй, дешевых романов ужасов и фильмов о монстрах. Ещё я люблю читать про индийский фольклор, особенно сказки о сверхъестественных созданиях. Издательство Blaft, которое двенадцать лет назад основал в том числе и я, добилось определённого успеха, выпуская литературу ужасов и книги о чудовищах — похоже, наши читатели, как и я, получают удовольствие от подобных историй.
Бхайрав и я взялись за составление этой книги по той причине, что хотя в Индии поразительное разнообразие мифологической нечисти, большая часть этой нечисти неизвестна за пределами конкретного региона или языковой общности. Такой расклад немного удивляет — обычно истории ужасов хорошо передаются между культурами.
A vampiric race of giants with scaly tails from the lore of southeastern Europe, the Zmeus collect the ears from their victims to eat. Born the children of ZMÉIOACA, the Zmeus have the psychic ability to drain the life-force from their victims at a distance (see ENERGY VAMPIRE).
Source: Bunson, Encyclopedia of Vampires, 285; Senn, Were-wolf and Vampire in Romania, 41
Змеус (Зимус, Змеи)
В преданиях юго-восточной Европы есть змеусы — вампирическая раса гигантов с чешуйчатыми хвостами, собирающие для еды уши своих жертв. Змеусы, дети Змеюки, обладают экстрасенсорной способностью на расстоянии вытягивать жизненную силу из своих жертв (смотри «Энергетический вампир»).
Источники: Bunson, «Encyclopedia of Vampires», 285; Senn, «Were-wolf and Vampire in Romania», 41
In the Moldavia region of Romania there is a vampiric spirit similar to an INCUBUS that is known as a zemu. It is the only vampire that does not cast a reflection in a mirror. Similar to the ZBURATOR, the zemu looks like a flame. At night this highly skilled lover visits young girls and widows, shape-shifting into the guise of a handsome young man. It then has sexual intercourse with them, stealing away their life-energy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). In Transylvanian lore the zemu uses its shape-shifting abilities to change into a lovely young woman in order to seduce shepherds, much like a SUCCUBUS.
Both fast and strong, the zemu has an array of abilities that enables it to be a very successful predator, such as being able to cause hallucinations, desolidification, flight, and shape-shifting into a cloud of dust and mist.
Preventing a zemu from attacking is as simple as hanging a wreath of aconite over the bedroom windows, as this will prevent it from entering. Not particularly given to violence, despite its strength, the zemu can be killed if dealt an otherwise fatal blow with a silver weapon or longterm exposure to direct sunlight.
Zburator (ZOO-bah-rat-or)
The zburator (“the flying thing”) is a vampiric creature from Romanian lore, similar to an INCUBUS. Described as a winged and handsome young man with black eyes and HAIR, it looks like a shooting star as it flies across the sky. At night, the zburator visits young girls and women, has sexual intercourse with them, and drains off some of their life-energy with each visit, leaving them ill, pale, and thin (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). It is easily repelled by leaving a clove of GARLIC on the windowsill.
Source: Lecouteux, History of Vampires; Mackenzie, Dracula Country, 92; Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 322
Yukshee is a singular and specific vampiric demon from the Hindu lore of India and she is the most beautiful and sexually insatiable of all the succubi (see SUCCUBUS). If a man has survived an encounter with her, he will be rendered impotent for the rest of his life, as she will have consumed all of his sex drive (see ENERGY VAMPIRE).
Source: Edwardes, The Jewel in the Lotus, 108; Riccardo, Liquid Dreams, 51; Tyson, Sexual Alchemy, 10
Юкши — конкретная и особенная вампирическая демоница в преданиях индийского индуизма, и она самая красивая и ненасытная из суккубов. Если мужчина переживет столкновение с ней, он станет импотентом на всю оставшуюся жизнь, так как она поглотит все его сексуальное влечение (смотри «Энергетический вампир»).
Источники: Edwardes, «The Jewel in the Lotus», 108; Riccardo, «Liquid Dreams», 51; Tyson, «Sexual Alchemy», 10
Yuki Ona (OO-key OWN-ah)
Variation: Yuki Onna, Yuki-Onne
In Japanese lore there is a type of vampiric spirit known as a yuki ona (“snow woman”). It levitates rather than walks and appears to its victims as a tall and beautiful woman with impossibly long HAIR and inhumanly pale skin. Sometimes a yuki ona will show itself wearing a pure white kimono, but other times it will appear in the nude. On occasion, it will be holding a child in its arms. A yuki ona is perfectly camouflaged against a snowy backdrop, and combined with its ability to shape-shift into a cloud of mist or falling snow, it can be impossible to find.
The yuki ona is only active in the winter months as its hunting methods require. It will lead travelers astray, assuring they die from exposure or by breathing on them with its icy breath to make sure they meet the same death, but more quickly. It will appear before parents who are looking for their child; the yuki ona will seem to be holding it, beckoning for them to come and claim it. As soon as they do, taking it into their arms, the yuki ona turns them into ice. It has also been known to be aggressive, and although under normal circumstance it must be invited into a home, it will burst into a person’s home by sending a gust of icy wind, freezing the occupants, especially the sleeping ones, to death. Not afraid to uses it beauty as a lure, it will tempt men into having sexual intercourse with it, and all the while the yuki ona will drain them of their lifeenergy, pleasuring them until they die (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). When it wishes it, one look into its eyes will cause a person to go insane. With each death it causes, it absorbs the life-energy of its victims.
A vampiric demon from Hebrew lore, the Yezer Ha-Ra (“the evil inclination in man’s nature from birth”) only attacks worshippers as they exit the synagogue on Friday nights. It possesses a person’s body and drains away his life-energy over a period of some time until the victim dies or the vampire has been successfully exorcised by a rabbi (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). As long as the demon remains in the person’s body, it will also be harassing its victim by sending him explicit and intense lustful thoughts.
Езер Ха-ра («прирожденные злые склонности человека») — вампирический демон из ивритских преданий, нападает только на верующих, когда они выходят из синагоги в пятницу вечером. Он овладевает телом человека и некоторое время вытягивает его жизненную силу, пока жертва не умрет или вампир не будет изгнан раввином (смотри «Энергетический вампир»). Пока демон остается в теле человека, он не даст покоя своей жертве, посылая ей явные и очень сильные похотливые мысли.
Yatu dhana is the name of the vampiric behavior that is displayed by the sorcerers who work in conjunction with the vampiric race of demons known as RAKSHASAS. When these sorcerers consume the flesh of the human remains that the RAKSHASAS leave behind, they are committing yatu dhana.
Яту-дхана — название вампирического поведения, которое демонстрируют колдуны, работающие в союзе с вампирической расой демонов, известных как ракшасы. Когда эти колдуны поглощают плоть человеческих останков, оставленных ракшасами, они совершают яту-дхану*.
The yasha is a vampiric creature from Japan. Looking like a vampire bat, it is in fact the reincarnated form of a woman who was filled with anger in her past life.
Source: Bush, Asian Horror Encyclopedia, 207; Chopra, Dictionary of Mythology, 310; Smith, Ancient Tales and Folklore, 217
Варианты: Яккха, Якса, Яси
Яся — вампирическое существо из Японии. Оно похоже на летучую мышь-вампира, но фактически это форма реинкарнировавшей женщины, которая в прошлой жизни была переполнена гневом*.
Источники: Bush, «Asian Horror Encyclopedia», 207; Chopra, «Dictionary of Mythology», 310; Smith, «Ancient Tales and Folklore», 217
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