A vampiric REVENANT specifically from northern Dalmatia, the vrukolak is created when a person dies the victim of a vrukolak, by being murdered without anyone witnessing the crime, or when a cat or dog is allowed to jump over the body before it can be properly buried. It will first prey on its former family and friends before moving on to other victims. Vrukolak have the ability to create others of its kind and can transfix a person by maintaining continuous eye contact as well as emitting a disturbing shriek.
A vrukolak cannot be destroyed but it can be made incapable of ever rising from its grave and attacking anyone again. The vampire must first have its tendons cut so that it cannot walk. Then it can be nailed into its COFFIN with the last nail being driven through its heart.
Source: Alexander, Mythology of All Races, 229; Baring-Gould, Book of Werewolves, 64; McClelland, Slayers and Their Vampires, 105
On the Greek island of Myconi was a species of vampire known as a vroucolaca that was immune to the effects of holy water, prayers, religious processions, and being stabbed with swords. The vampire, left unchecked despite the best attempts of the citizens of Myconi to stop it, fed freely and often. Having no other option other than abandoning their island and moving to the nearby islands of Syra or Tinos, one last attempt was made to destroy the vampire. Its body was found and cremated, and as it burned the demon that possessed the corpse fled, never to return.
Source: Aylesworth, Story of Vampires, 5
Вруколака (Вриколакас)
На греческом острове Миконос существовал вид вампира, известный как вруколака, который был невосприимчив к воздействию святой воды, молитв, религиозных шествий и ударам мечом. Несмотря на все попытки жителей Миконоса остановить его, неуязвимый вампир свободно и часто кормился. Когда не осталось ничего другого, кроме как покинуть остров и перебраться на близлежащие острова Сирос и Тинос, сделали последнюю попытку уничтожить вампира. Его тело нашли и кремировали, и поскольку труп был сожжен, демон, овладевший им, убежал, чтобы никогда не возвращаться.
In Bulgaria, in the Demir-Haskov region, there is a type of vampire known as a vrkolak. Described as looking like a shadow, this vampire is created when the blood from a person who was murdered with a gun or a knife falls to the ground. Fourteen days later, the blood that was spilt will become a vrkolak and immediately set out to spread diseases to the local livestock. The vrkolak can only be slain by a type of vampire seer known as a SÂBOTNIK, who will kill the vampire in the same method that it was created. For example, if the vrkolak was created through a murder committed with a knife, then the SÂBOTNIK must use a knife to slay the vampire. Additionally, a dog that is a SÂBOTNIK can destroy a vrkolak with its bite.
Source: Alexander, Mythology of All Races, 229; Baring-Gould, Book of Were-Wolves, 64; McClelland, Slayers and Their Vampires, 105; Summers, Werewolf in Lore and Legend, 16
A vampiric spirit from Russian lore, the vpir possesses the corpse of a sorcerer or witch and animates it for its own evil purposes. The vpir attacks nightly those who travel alone, taking great delight in the terror it causes and reveling in the blood it consumes.
Source: Hunter, Encyclopaedic Dictionary, 404; Perkowski, Vampires of the Slavs, 164; Ralston, Russian Folk-Tales, 321
Выпир (Упырь)
Варианты: Упыр
Выпир — вампирический дух из русских преданий, овладевает трупом колдуна или ведьмы и оживляет его для своих злых целей. Ночью выпир нападает на тех, кто путешествует в одиночку, испытывая громадное удовольствие от ужаса, который внушает, и наслаждаясь кровью, которую выпивает.
Источники: Hunter, «Encyclopaedic Dictionary», 404; Perkowski, «Vampires of the Slavs», 164; Ralston, «Russian Folk-Tales», 321
Russian vampiric lore tells of the vourdalak, a particularly evil vampire that resembles a beautiful woman and preys exclusively upon men. It can only be destroyed by decapitating it and burning the body to ashes.
Source: Bunson, Vampire Encyclopedia
Русские предания рассказывают о вурдалаке, особенно злом вампире, который похож на красивую женщину* и охотится исключительно на мужчин. Его можно уничтожить обезглавив и спалив дотла.
Источник: Bunson, «Vampire Encyclopedia»
* Термин «вурдалак» — искажение от слова «волкодлак», созданное и введенное в оборот, вероятно, А.С.Пушкиным в стихотворении «Вурдалак»; сегодня в русском языке это синоним упыря-вампира. Классический славянский упырь, однако, представляет собой живого мертвеца (любого пола), восставшего из могилы и преследующего своих ближних и дальних родственников, убивая их одного за другим.
A vampiric spirit from Slavic lore, the voukodlaks enters into the body of a sleeping man and possesses him. Once the vampire has control, it will use the body to attack and rape young girls and women until it comes across its ideal mate, another type of vampire known as a VIECHTITSA.
Source: Masters, Eros and Evil, 188; Summers, Werewolf in Lore and Legend, 148; Wolf, Dracula: Connoisseur’s Guide, 105-107
Вукодлаки (Вукодлак)
Варианты: Вукодлак
Вукодлаки — вампирический дух из славянских преданий, входит в тело спящего человека и овладевает им. Как только вампир получит над телом контроль, он будет использовать его для изнасилования молодых девушек и женщин, пока не наткнется на своего идеального партнера — вампира другого вида, известного как вещица.
Источники: Masters, «Eros and Evil», 188; Summers, «Werewolf in Lore and Legend», 148; Wolf, «Dracula: Connoisseur’s Guide», 105-107
Throughout Bulgaria and Macedonia there is the prevailing belief in a vampiric spirit known as a vompir, or vompiras if it is a female spirit. The vompir is created when a person is improperly buried or mourned, dies in disgrace, or passes on in some unnatural way, such as in childbirth or by suicide. At night, the vompir enters into the body of a corpse and possesses it. Once in control of the physical body, the vampire animates it and seeks out its prey — a sleeping person. Then it suffocates him and drains the body of blood.
Should a person ever find himself under the assault of a vompir, he must pray to the god of darkness and night, Troyan, or the goddess of beauty and love, Lada, for deliverance.
Apart from its ability to possess and animate corpses, the vompir can also cause nightmares, create droughts, and divert rivers.
A vompir can only be destroyed once it has occupied a corpse. After it has been captured, the vampire must be decapitated followed by the severing of its feet and hands. The body is then to be tied up tightly and either stabbed through the heart with a stake made of aspen wood or have a raven’s claw driven into the skull from behind the right ear. Lastly, the body must be buried underneath a huge millstone.
In Dalmatia there is a type of vampiric REVENANT that hunts the fields and forests and is known as a volkolak. Volkolak means “dead, but alive, resembling an ordinary man”, “vampire in 40 days”, and “werewolf ’s son”. Volkolak are created when a man who happens to be a werewolf lives with a woman as her husband but never marries her, gets her pregnant, and then dies before his child is born. The child will, when it eventually dies, rise up 40 days later as this type of vampire. A second way that a volkolak is created happens when a man sells his soul to the devil. When this person dies, he too will become this type of vampire.
Source: Indiana University, Journal, vol.14, 241; Perkowski, The Darkling, 53; Summers, Werewolf in Lore and Legend, 15
According to Slavic lore, there is a vampiric water spirit known as a vodyanik, the male counterpart to the RUSALKA. Its name translates to mean “water grandfather,” which is fitting when one considers its appearance. It looks like an old man with a long, GREEN beard and red, round belly and cheeks. Atop its bald head the vodyanik wears a tall and pointed hat it has made of woven reeds and about its waist is a belt made from rushes. All other clothing it may wear is always GREEN.
Vodyanik are, like many fay tend to be, oddly territorial and occasionally unpredictable. For instance, the vodyanik is perfectly fine with people using the water it lives in for bathing, as long as they do not do so during the midnight and noon hours. Should it discover that someone has broken this rule, it will pull him under and drown him, draining the blood from his lifeless corpse. It has been known to help fishermen by assuming the shape of a trout or salmon and driving schools of fish into their nets. Vodyanik will also warn fishermen of approaching storms.
Whenever the mood occurs or the notion strikes, the vodyanik will shape-shift into the form of a handsome young man (who, no matter the circumstance, will be wet all over his left side) in order to attract the attention of a lovely young woman. It may even adopt the guise of someone she knows and trusts in order to trick her. Once it has her near or in the water, it will pull her under and drown her, feeding off her blood as she dies.
In Russian folklore there is a vampiric water spirit known as a vodovyj opyr. It lives in lakes, ponds, rivers, and wells, attacking humans and drinking their blood.
Source: Bogatyrëv, Vampires in the Carpathians, 171
Водный опир
В русском фольклоре есть вампирический водный дух, известный как водовый опир. Он живет в озерах, прудах, реках и колодцах, нападает на людей и пьет их кровь.
Источник: Bogatyrëv, «Vampires in the Carpathians», 171
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