A vampiric REVENANT from Romania, strigoiu appears whenever someone speaks its name aloud. Described as looking like a redheaded woman, a strigoiu will usually take up residence in an abandoned house. The only way to destroy this vampire is to nail it to the bottom of its COFFIN to keep it in the ground or to burn the REVENANT to ashes.
Not as dangerous as its female counterpart, the male of this species is called a strigoiul. Uncommon for a vampire, the strigoiul will gather together and hunt in packs. The same method of detruction that is used to kill a strigoiu will not work on a strigoiul. The death of the male requires that its heart be removed and cut in half. Then GARLIC must be placed in its mouth and an iron nail driven through its head.
Source: Eliade, Encyclopedia of Religion, 179; Ginzburg, Ecstasies, 170; Masters, Natural History of the Vampire, 44, 92
Strigoii Vii (STREE-goy VEE)
Variations: Concealment-Rãu (“bad one”), Strigoii
In Romanian vampire lore a strigoii vii is a person who is a VAMPIRIC WITCH while alive (see LIVING VAMPIRE) and will become a vampire, most likely a STRIGOII MORTI, in death. Strigoii vii are easily recognized for what they are, as they have blue eyes and red HAIR and two beating hearts. At night the strigoii, as it is commonly called for short, sends out its soul to psychically attack animals, crops, and humans, draining them of their life-energy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). As its soul flies in the night sky it looks like sparks, but it also has the ability to shapeshift its soul to look like an insect or small animal.
Strigoii Morti (STREE-goy MOR-tea)
Variations: Strigoii
In Romania, a strigoii morti is a male vampiric REVENANT that is friendly toward the Gypsy clans. It is created when a person commits suicide or the seventh son of a seventh son dies and rises back up from the dead. The strigoii morti returns looking much like it did in life, a blue-eyed redhead with twin hearts (see HAIR). A blood drinker whose very presence causes fear and repulsion, it is easily repelled by GARLIC. To kill this vampire, both of its hearts must be destroyed.
In Rome, Italy, there is a VAMPIRIC WITCH called a striges that by the use of her magic can shape-shift into a crow. In her bird form the striges will then attack people, using its claws and beak to draw blood that it will then drink up. The striges is no doubt the modern incarnation of the STRIGA and the STRIGE.
Source: Day, Vampires, 233; Summers, The Vampire in Europe, 230; Wood, The Nineteenth Century, 52
Варианты: Стриджес Мормос, Стригла
В Риме (Италия) есть вампирическая ведьма, называемая стриджи, которая с помощью магии превращается в ворону. В своей птичьей форме стриджи будут нападать на людей, используя клювы и когти, чтобы выпустить кровь, которую они потом выпьют. Стриджи без сомнения являются современным воплощением существ под названием стрига и стрега.
Источники: Day, «Vampires», 233; Summers, «The Vampire in Europe», 230; Wood, «The Nineteenth Century», 52
In Romania and Macedonia there is a vampiric bird called a strige. It is created when a witch’s soul returns to plague the living. Using its long sharp beak that can easily cut the skin of a person so it can drink his blood, it will attack alone or in a flock.
Source: Bryant, Handbook of Death, 99; Cremene, Mythology of the Vampire in Romania; Gaster, Myth, Legend and Custom, 579; Hurwitz, Lilith, the First Eve, 48
Стрыдже (Стрыга)
В Румынии и Македонии есть вампирическая птица, называемая стрыдже. Она возникает, когда возвращается душа ведьмы, чтобы изводить живых. Используя свой длинный острый клюв, который легко может поранить человеческую кожу, она будет атаковать в одиночку или в стае, чтобы пить кровь.
Источники: Bryant, «Handbook of Death», 99; Cremene, «Mythology of the Vampire in Romania»; Gaster, «Myth, Legend and Custom», 579; Hurwitz, «Lilith, the First Eve», 48
In ancient Rome there was a deformed and vicious vampiric, owl-like creature with the face of a woman called a strigae. At night it flew out into the night sky to attack children and drain them of their blood. By day, it shape-shifted into the form of an old woman. The strigae fell under the domain of Hecate. Offerings of honey-cakes and chicken hearts as well as puppies and black lambs would keep it at bay. King Stephen I of Hungary (969–1038) made it against the law for strigae to leave their home at night or to do harm to anyone.
Source: Burns, Witch Hunts in Europe, 96-97, 195; Levack, The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe, 46; Russell, Witchcraft in the Middle Ages, 68-70, 132; Talasi, Acta Ethnographica, 129-169
In ancient Rome there was a type of VAMPIRIC WITCH called a striga (“witch”), but it is now uncertain as to whether it was a LIVING WITCH or the returned spirit of a deceased witch. In either case, the witch was consistently described as looking like an old woman. When it took flight in its shape-shifted form of an owl, it would meet with its coven, a collection of either seven or nine strigele (the plural form of the word). As they flew about, the coven was described as looking like little dots of lights up in the night sky. These lights were referred to as “witch lights”. Strigele would gather together to celebrate who and what they were, dancing at first, and then later flying out en masse to find children to feed upon. The strigele would drain the children they came across of their blood and curse others, causing them to slowly waste away and die.
Source: Alexander-Frizer, Pious Sinner, 21; Morris, Sorceress or Witch, 165; Trachenberg, Jewish Magic and Superstition, 37, 41-42
The stregoni benefici (“beneficial vampire”) of Italy is a type of vampiric being that preys on other vampires. However, there is a great deal of confusion as to whom or what it is. Some sources say that the stregoni benefici is a living witch or LIVING VAMPIRE; others say it is a vampiric halfbreed, similar to a DHAMPIRE. Still others claim that it is not a vampire living or undead, but rather a normal human being who has dedicated his life to the pursuit of slaying vampires (see UNDEATH).
Source: Bunson, The Encyclopedia of Vampires, 247; Drakakis, Gothic Shakespeares, 182; Oinas, Essays on Russian Folklore and Mythology, 116
In the historical region of Romania called Wallachia, there is a female VAMPIRIC WITCH called a streghoi that drains children of their blood. Similar to the STREGA of ancient Rome, the streghoi shape-shifts into a bird and then flies out looking for its prey.
It is tradition in the Wallachia region that when a child is born, all those who are present go outside and throw a stone over their shoulder, saying aloud, “This into the mouth of the streghoi”.
В Валахии, историческом регионе Румынии, есть вампирическая ведьма, под названием стрегой, которая досуха высасывает кровь у детей. Подобно стреге древнего Рима, стрегой принимает облик птицы и улетает в поисках пропитания.
В Валахии существует традиция: при рождении ребенка все присутствующие выходят на улицу и бросают через плечо камень, говоря вслух: «Это в рот стрегоя».
In ancient Rome there was a type of VAMPIRIC WITCH called a strega (“female witch”), or stregone (“male witch”) if the witch was a man (see LIVING VAMPIRE). At night, the strega would shape-shift into a bird or ride upon her flying goat, looking for children to drain dry of their blood. Like many vampires who can be warded off with a common object, the strega is no different, as placing a broom in the child’s room is enough to keep this type of vampire out.
Source: Grimassi, Italian Witchcraft, 3-8, 259-274; Leland, Etruscan Roman Remains, 162; Summers, The Vampire in Europe, 127; Symonds, Renaissance in Italy, 125, 143, 187
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