
Timpanita. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Timpanita (Tim-pa-NEAT-na)
Variations: Brucolak, Brukulaco

In the Greek Islands, there is a vampiric REVENANT known as a timpanita. It is created when someone who has been excommunicated from the church dies or when a person of Albanian or Turkish descent dies. Like many GREEK VAMPIRES, its skin is dry and tanned looking, and is pulled tightly over its body. However, this particular species of vampire is noted for its deep and echoing voice.

At night, the timpanita wanders through its former community, using its sonorous voice to call out the names of the people it knew in life. Anyone who responds to its call will either be attacked by the timpanita and have his blood drained from his body or he will die of a mysterious and painful disease. It can also emit an earpiercing scream and can spread the plague.

To destroy the timpanita it must be decapitated and its head boiled in wine. Then, the entire corpse must be burned to ashes.

Source: Haining, Dictionary of Vampires, 38; Ronay, Truth about Dracula, 22; Volta, The Vampire, 149

Tikoloshe. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Tikoloshe (TIC-ah-la-lish)
Variations: Gilikango, HILI, Thokolosi, Tik-aloshe, Tokolosh, Tokoloshe, Tokoloshi

The Xhosa people of Lesotho, Africa, have in their lore a vampiric creature known as a tikoloshe (see AFRICAN VAMPIRE WITCH). It is an excellent familiar for a witch and many do not mind the high price that must be paid for its summoning spell to work — a family member of the witch will die within a year’s time of the spell being cast. Accepting this, a tikoloshe is created by removing the eyes and tongue from a corpse, piercing the skull with a red- hot iron poker, and then blowing a magical powder, whose ingredients are a well-guarded secret, into its mouth. The powder will animate and transform the corpse into an obedient and much-prized familiar.

Always male, a tikoloshe is a short, hairy, baboonlike creature with a tall forehead and a receding hairline (see HAIR). It has a single buttock and a penis so long that it keeps it slung over its shoulder. Able to use magic, the tikoloshe will create for itself a magical stone that will allow it to become invisible. It keeps the stone hidden in its mouth at all times. Although it can shapeshift into any form it wishes, there will always be a monkeylike characteristic to it. Should it need to fly, it shape- shifts into the form of a HILI, a type of vampiric bird that is also a part of the Xhosa people’s mythology.

In exchange for being the witch’s familiar, the tikoloshe will demand a daily supply of cow’s milk, food, lodgings, and the right to have sex with the witch whenever it wants (or a woman at his disposal to fulfill his sexual needs should the tikoloshe’s witch be a man). In exchange for all of this, the tikoloshe will otherwise be completely at its witch’s disposal, day or night.

Thaye Tase. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Thaye Tase (THEY SAY)

In Burma there is a vampiric REVENANT called a thaye tase. It is created when a person has died a violent death. It returns as an ugly giant, causing cholera and smallpox outbreaks wherever it goes. It takes great pleasure in going to the deathbed of those dying and, visible only to them, laughs and revels in their misery.

Source: Bryant, Handbook of Death, 99; Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, 25; Jobes, Dictionary of Mythology, 1537

Тхаэ Тасе

В Бирме есть вампирический ревенант, называемый тхаэ тасе. Он возникает, когда человек умирает насильственной смертью. И возвращается как уродливый гигант, вызывая повсюду, где появляется, вспышки холеры и оспы. Ему доставляет большое удовольствие идти к смертному одру умирающих, и, показываясь только им, смеяться и наслаждаться их страданиями.

Источники: Bryant, «Handbook of Death», 99; Hastings, «Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics», 25; Jobes, «Dictionary of Mythology», 1537

Thabet Tase. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Thabet Tase (THAB-it SAY)

In Burma there is a type of SUCCUBUS that is called a thabet tase. Created when a woman dies in childbirth, the thabet tase returns to its community and preys on the men there each night.

Source: Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, 25; Leach, Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, 1104; Scott, Gazetteer of Upper Burma, 28

Тхабет Тасе

В Бирме есть вид суккуба, который называется тхабет тасе. Возникающий, когда женщина умирает при родах, тхабет тасе возвращается в свою общину и каждый вечер охотится там на мужчин.

Источники: Hastings, «Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics», 25; Leach, «Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore», 1104; Scott, «Gazetteer of Upper Burma», 28

Tezcatlipoca. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Tezcatlipoca (Tehs-cah-TLEE-pooh-cah)

The Aztec people of ancient Mexico had in their pantheon a vampiric god who had domain over material things and of the night called Tezcatlipoca (“Smoking Mirror”). The smoking mirror that he carried in all of his artistic representations allowed him to know the thoughts and deeds of any man. He was a skilled magic user, could shape-shift, and had at his disposal an array of mysterious and unspecified powers.

Tezcatlipoca, when manifesting on earth, could usually be found at the crossroads. There he challenged men to one-on-one combat or tempted them to do evil; should they resist, he rewarded them.

Each year during the fifth month on the Aztec calendar, Toxcatl, a handsome young man was selected to represent the god on earth for the next year. The representative led a lavish life of dancing, feasting, and being worshipped as a god by eight beautiful women chosen to be his companions and four equally beautiful brides. After his year of deification ended, a ritual was performed where he climbed to the top of the temple and broke all of the flutes that he used while he represented Tezcatlipoca. Then, he was sacrificed, his heart ripped from his chest while it was still beating.

Source: Aguilar-Moreno, Handbook to Life in the Aztec World, 76, 145, 146, 207; Lurker, Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, 342; Payne, History of the New World Called America, 531-537

Tenatz. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Tenatz (Ten-ANTS)
Variations: Tenac, Tenec

In Bosnia and Montenegro there is a vampiric spirit called a tenatz that possesses a corpse and uses it as its own body. At night, it shape-shifts into a mouse and enters into a person’s home. Once inside, it waits for the victim to fall asleep and attacks, draining him of his blood. Simply burning the corpse during the day will destroy the tenatz.

Source: Durham, Some Tribal Origins, 259; Petrovitch, Hero Tales and Legends of the Serbians, 21; Royal Anthropological Institute, Man, 189

Варианты: Тенатц, Тенец

В Боснии и Черногории есть вампирический дух, называемый тенац, который овладевает трупом и использует его как собственное тело. Ночью он превращается в мышь и проникает в чей-нибудь дом. Оказавшись внутри, он ждет, когда жертва заснет, и нападает, высасывая кровь. Тенаца уничтожит простое сжигание трупа в дневное время суток.

Источники: Durham, «Some Tribal Origins», 259; Petrovitch, «Hero Tales and Legends of the Serbians», 21; Royal Anthropological Institute, «Man», 189

Taxim. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн


A vampiric REVENANT said to exist throughout Eastern Europe, the taxim is a plague-spreading animated corpse fueled only by its desire to enact revenge. The taxim seeks out those who caused it great distress in life, and nothing short of achieving its goal will stop it.

Source: Bunson, Encyclopedia of Vampires, 252


Таксим — вампирический ревенант, который, как утверждают, существует по всей Восточной Европе, это оживший труп, распространяющий чуму, которого питает только жажда мести. Таксим ищет тех, кто при жизни причинил ему большие неприятности, и ничто на пути к достижению цели его не остановит.

Источник: Bunson, «Encyclopedia of Vampires», 252

Tarunga. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн


On the Bank Islands off the coast of Australia lives a large number of people who consider themselves a type of sorcerer called a tarunga (see LIVING VAMPIRE). These individuals claim to have accumulated so much power that they are able to detach their heads from their bodies and shape-shift into invisible vampires. In this form the tarunga are able to drain away the life energy of the recently deceased, a process that takes a few weeks to complete (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). During this time, people in the community will suffer from exceptionally vivid dreams. To prevent a deceased tarunga from feeding, a watch must be maintained at its gravesite as the vampire will not feed if a person is too near.

Source: Codrington, The Melanesians, 249, 254-256; Maberry, Vampire Universe, 275; Sumner, Science of Society, 820

Tanggal. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Variations: ASWANG, Preay (“vampire”), Srei Ap

All throughout Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Melanesia, and the Trobriand Islands is a vampiric sorcerer known as a tanggal (“comes apart”). By day, it looks like an ordinary woman, but at night it detaches its head from its body and flies off by undulating its intestines and flapping its ears and lungs (see LIVING VAMPIRE). It attacks people for their blood and feces, which it feeds on. The tanggal is easily repelled by GARLIC, SALT, and spices.

Source: Guiley, Complete Vampire Companion, 26; Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Part 13, 237; Spence, Encyclopædia of Occultism, 93-94

Talamaur. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Talamaur (TALL-ah-mor)
Variation: Talamur, TARUNGA

On the Banks Islands of Australia as well as on the Polynesian Islands there is a type of LIVING VAMPIRE called a talamaur, which can be a force for good or for evil, depending on the person. He is greatly feared by the community he lives in, and the possibility of being banished or even being stoned to death is very real. All talamaur have the ability to astral-project and speak to ghosts. Some have a spirit or a ghost as a familiar (see ASTRAL VAMPIRE).

If the talamaur is an evil and predatory vampire, he will attack people who are dying or the newly dead, feeding off the last bits of their life-energy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). Should he attack a healthy person, he will do so while the person is asleep, ripping his heart out of his chest and consuming it while it is still beating in order to enslave his soul. The souls of those the talamaur has consumed surround him and are forced to act as a protective shield. This mass of souls is called a TARUNGA, and its specific powers vary depending on the capability of the souls that compose it.

To test if a person is a talamaur, he is held over a pile of burning leaves and forced to breathe in the smoke. If he is a vampire he will confess, giving a full account of all his crimes and naming all of the spirits he controls.

Source: Codrington, The Melanesians, 222; Royal Anthropological Institute, Journal, vol.10, 285; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 227
