Costin, Claudia "Folkloric Aspects of the Romanian Imaginary and Myth" — Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018 (1594)

Folkloric Aspects of the Romanian Imaginary and Myth

This volume explores a selection of significant and topical elements from the vast amount of Romanian folkloric and mythological material. It sheds light on the mythical-ritualistic aspects of three complex calendar holydays (specifically The Lads of Brașov, Călușarii, and Sânzienele), whose ritualistic sequences, laden with mythical-symbolical reminiscences, were lost during the Communist period and are known today thanks to their spectacular features. Such aspects include demonic mythical beings (such as Iele, Rusalii, Știma Apei, The Woodwoman, and Strigoi) that define the collective imaginary; significant myths that have found their artistic expression in fairytales and legends; and the role of women in traditional Romanian society.

Год издания
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Статьи с использованием данного источника

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