In the geographic and historic region of Romania that was once Wallachia, there is the lore of a vampiric were-creature called a priculics (“wolf coat”). By day it passes as a handsome young man, but at night it has the ability to shape-shift into a large and shaggy black dog. In its animal form it will attack anyone it encounters, draining his of his blood.
Source: Baskin, Sorcerer’s Handbook, 88; Leland, Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling, 65; Masters, Natural History of the Vampire, 93; Perkowski, The Darkling, 40
В географическом и историческом регионе Румынии, который когда-то был Валахией, есть предания о вампирическом оборотне, который назывался прикуликс («волчья шкура»). Днем он выглядит как красивый молодой человек, но ночью у него есть способность превщаться в большую и косматую черную собаку. В своей животной форме он нападает на любого, с кем сталкивается, выпивая его кровь.
Источники: Baskin, Sorcerer’s Handbook, 88; Leland, Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling, 65; Masters, Natural History of the Vampire, 93; Perkowski, The Darkling, 40
The mashan is a demonic vampire known to the people of India and Nepal. Residing in another dimension, the mashan seldom if ever comes to our world because it is very difficult to find a place where the barrier that separates dimensions is weak enough to allow the demon to pass through. On occasion, a sorcerer, by use of geomancy, will discover such a location and summon a mashan to our world with the intent of binding the demon to do his bidding. This is a very dangerous prospect because if the sorcerer makes even the slightest mistake the mashan will drain him dry of his blood and then immediately set out on a killing spree, spreading plague everywhere it goes. Only prayers said to the god Shiva can send the demon back to the realm where it belongs. Shiva uses his influence and encourages the demon to return of its own accord.
Source: Dube, Untouchable Pasts, 67; Fauna and Flora Research Society, Scientific Results of the Japanese Expeditions, 149; Saletore, Indian Witchcraft, 40; Sarkar, The Folk Element in Hindu Culture, 89-90
According to Jewish folklore, LILITH, the first wife of Adam, left her husband and their children to be with the demon Sammael. Together they dwelt in and near the Red Sea where LILITH became a demon herself. Every day she gave birth to one hundred demonic offspring. These vampiric demons, her children, are called lilim, although some sources say that all of her female children, even those she had with her first husband, Adam, were called the lilim. Some sources say that if the demon was male, it was called lili or SHAITANS. The ancient Greeks called these beings lilim lamiae, EMPOUSE, and the daughters of Hecate (see GREEK VAMPIRES). Ancient Christians referred to them as the Harlots of Hell and SUCCUBUS.
Lilim feed their bloodlust by attacking children, deer, fish, menstruating women, pregnant women, and men who have sex with their wives while fantasizing about other women. Lilim also have the right to plague newborn male children for eight days or until they have been circumcised, as well as are allowed to attack newborn females until they are 20 days old, kidnapping them to consume if the opportunity presents itself. When lilim attack adults, they have SUCCUBUS-like tendencies. They also have the interesting ability to look into a person’s eyes and see what, if any, doubts he may have about anything.
To prevent attack, monks who have taken a vow of celibacy must sleep with their hands over their genitals, clutching a CRUCIFIX. Wearing Hasidic amulets of protection work as well. Lilim can only be destroyed by God, as He had decreed that 100 lilim a day will die until LILITH returns to her husband.
Source: Eason, Fabulous Creatures, 26-27; Koén-Sarano, King Solomon and the Golden Fish, 63; Koltuv, Book of Lilith, 35; Turner, Dictionary of Ancient Deities, 166
In Cythera, Greece, this is a word used to describe a vampire (see GREEK VAMPIRES). Lampasma translates to mean “a brightness” or “an entity”.
Source: McClelland, Slayers and Their Vampires, 197; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin
На острове Китира в Греции — это слово используется для понятия «вампир» (смотри «Греческие вампиры»). Лампасма переводится как «свечение» или «существо».
Источники: McClelland, «Slayers and Their Vampires», 197; Summers, «Vampire: His Kith and Kin»
Lamašhtu (La-MOSH-too)
Variations: Dimme, Lamashto, Lamastu, Lamatu; in incantations Lamashtu is referred to as “the Seven Witches”
At least 4,000 years ago in ancient Babylon, there was a vampiric, demonic goddess by the name of Lamashtu. She was born the daughter of the sky god Anu and was described as a woman with a hairy body, the head of a lioness (or bird), the ears and teeth of a donkey, wings, and long eagle talons for fingers (see HAIR). She rode upon an ass, carrying a double-headed snake in each hand. In art she was depicted as suckling dogs and pigs at her breasts.
If crops failed or rivers ran dry it was her doing. When Lamashtu grew hungry she would seek out a pregnant woman and touch her belly seven times, causing the woman to miscarry. Then Lamashtu would eat the aborted fetus. If opportunity presented itself, Lamashtu would kidnap a newborn child and nurse it from her own poisoned breast.
The most feared goddess of her time because she was known as a remorseless baby-killer, Lamashtu would also strike down men at random, as well as send haunting nightmares and fatal diseases.
Pregnant mothers would often wear the amulet of Pazuzu, a wind demon, as he would often clash with the goddess. Mothers who did not want the protection of a demon had the option of offering Lamashtu gifts of broaches, centipedes, combs, and fibulae. These gifts, along with a clay image of the goddess, would be put in a model boat, and in ritualistic fashion be set adrift down a river in the hopes that it would reach Lamashtu in her underworld home.
For all the fear the goddess inspired, archeologists have never discovered any evidence of a single sanctuary, shrine, or temple erected to her; not even a mention of one exists in any writings that were left behind. There have, however, been numerous prayers that can be said to invoke against Lamashtu.
This vampiric spirit from Chinese lore looks like a transparent, dark humanoid with black HAIR and dark eyes. It is created when a person’s P’O does not leave his body because he led a dishonest or sorrow-filled life or committed suicide. Events that can occur after death that can cause some of a person’s P’O to be left behind are failure to be given proper funeral rites, letting direct sunlight or moonlight fall across the body, or letting a cat jump across the corpse. If any of these events should occur, this type of k’uei, a vampiric spirit, lives off the evil aura that some people generate.
The k’uei is an agile and intelligent being, and as long as it is left alone, it will not harm anyone — unless someone tries to prevent it from feeding. Should this happen, the k’uei will first resort to using its limited magical ability to curse that person, as it is somewhat cowardly and shies from physical attacks.
K’uei can easily be found on a battlefield because any place that has been touched by the chaos of war will attract them. They are repelled by holy artifacts and will not enter onto holy ground.
Source: Belanger, Sacred Hunger, 122; Hodous, Folkways in China, 78; Latourette, The Chinese, 163
The dearg- due is a type of vampiric REVENANT from Ireland that has been feared since the days before the introduction of Christianity. These ancient creatures are described as looking like a beautiful yet pale woman who can be seen strolling aimlessly through graveyards at night. It uses its beauty to lure men to it and then kisses them on the mouth. When it does so, it drains them of their blood.
To stop a dearg- due from continued assaults, its grave must be found and a cairn erected on top of it, trapping it beneath. Ireland’s most famous dearg-due is said to be buried beneath a strongbow tree. About four times a year it is able to escape from its grave and feed.
Source: Jones, On the Nightmare, 123; MacHarris, Folklore and the Fantastic, 135; Stuart, Stage Blood, 15
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