
Biloko. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн


In the Democratic Republic of the Congo there is a vampiric creature called a biloko. A hairless humanoid, grass grows on its body and it uses leaves as clothing. This is possibly why its name translates to probably mean “food”. It is described as having long, sharp claws, piercing eyes, and a snoutlike nose.

The biloko has a most unusual way of hunting — from a hiding place it rings a magical bell that can put a person to sleep and then it opens its mouth up wide enough to swallow its prey whole. With the use of its bell, the biloko is often appointed as a guardian of hidden treasure. It lives in the deepest parts of the rain forest in the hollows of trees. Fortunately, amulets and fetishes can be made that will protect the wearer.

Source: Chopra, Dictionary of Mythology, 53; Knappert, Bantu Myths and Other Tales, 142; Knappert, Myths and Legends of the Congo, 130

Bibi. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bibi (Bee-BEE)

One day a year the Gypsy tribes of the Balkans pay honor to a vampirelike being they call bibi (“aunt”). It is described as a tall, thin, and barefoot woman wearing a red dress and accompanied by two small girls. Some sources also include two white lambs to its entourage. An unforgiving being propelled by vengeance, the bibi visits homes at random. If invited inside, it will bless the home with good fortune; however, if it is turned away, the inhabitants of the house will fall ill with cholera. If there are children in the home, it will strangle them to death, but their bodies will show no signs of attack.

Source: Crowe, History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia, 212, 214; Guile, Complete Vampire Companion, 8; Pearson, National Minorities in Eastern Europe, 204

Bhuta. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bhuta (BOO-ta)
Variations: Brahmaparusha

A vampiric spirit from India, a bhuta (“bad nature spirit”) is created when a person who has a physical deformity dies or when a person dies before their proper time, such as in suicide. It is described as looking like a shadow or a flickering light and has the supernatural ability to possess a corpse. Once it has a body, the bhuta spreads sickness and disease. It is also able to shape-shift into a bat or an owl.

Although the bhuta feeds primarily on human corpses, it gets the occasional craving for milk. When this happens, the vampire is known to attack infants who have recently been fed.

Typically, this species of vampire is found in cemeteries, but there are occasions of a bhuta being sighted in places that would have interested it back when it was a living person. For instance, if the body of the person that the bhuta possesses was an active alcoholic at the time of his death, the vampire may be spotted frequenting bars. No matter what area the bhuta haunts, its presence will permeate the area and people will experience an uncomfortable feeling there; it may even be strong enough to keep animals away. If a MECARU CEREMONY is celebrated every 15 days to honor and show respect to the bhuta, then it will not attack anyone and will find a way to be at peace with its environment.

Considered to be a companion of the Shiva, the bhuta casts no shadow, cannot stand on the ground, and is so susceptible to the smell of burning turmeric; if it is in its presence for too long, the vampire will dissipate.

Bhootums. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bhootums (BOO-pomes)
Variation: Bhut, BHUTA, Bhuts, Bhúts, Bhutu

A type of INCUBUS from India, the bhootums is a vampiric spirit that copulates with Hindu women. It can be driven off with a medium- or high-level MECARU CEREMONY, depending on the spirit’s strength.

Source: Masters, Eros and Evil, 181; Rodrigues, The Complete Hindoo Pantheon, 27; Sugden, The Gospel Among Our Hindu Neighbours, 91

Бхутамы (Бхуты)
Варианты: Бхут, Бхута, Бхуты, Бхуту

Бхутамы — тип индийского инкуба, вампирические духи, которые совокупляются с женщинами Индии. Его можно отогнать с помощью церемонии Мекару — среднего или высокого уровня, в зависимости от мощи самого духа.

Источники: Masters, «Eros and Evil», 181; Rodrigues, «The Complete Hindoo Pantheon», 27; Sugden, «The Gospel Among Our Hindu Neighbours», 91

Bhayankara. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bhayankara (Buy-ANN-car-ah)

The bhayankara is a vampire from Tibetan lore to which blood sacrifices are made. Its name, bhayankara, translates to mean “fear”, “terror”, or “terrifying”. It is not uncommon for temples to make sacrifices and give blood offerings in order to appease these vampiric beings. A singleminded predator, it lives to consume the blood of animals and humans alike.

Source: Carter, The Vampire in Literature, 16; Somany, Shiva and Shakti, 14; Sundararajan, Hindu Spirituality, 470


Бхаянкара — вампир из тибетского фольклора, в жертву которому приносят кровь. Название бхаянкара означает «страх», «ужас» или «наводящий ужас». Чтобы умиротворить этих вампиров, храмы нередко устраивают заклания и делают подношения кровью. Непоколебимый в своем хищничестве, бхаянкара живет ради пожирания крови как животных, так и людей.

Источники: Carter, «The Vampire in Literature», 16; Somany, «Shiva and Shakti», 14; Sundararajan, «Hindu Spirituality», 470

Betail. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Betail (BAY-tail)
Variations: Betails

The betail is a vampiric spirit from India that possesses and then animates corpses to feed on human blood.

Source: Melton, Vampire Book, 322; Stefoff, Vampires, Zombies, and Shape-Shifters, 16

Вариант: Бетаилы

Бетаил — вампирический дух из Индии, который вселяется в трупы, а затем оживляет их, чтобы питаться человеческой кровью.

Источники: Melton, «Vampire Book», 322; Stefoff, «Vampires, Zombies, and Shape-Shifters», 16

Berwick Vampire. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Berwick Vampire (Bur-LICK Vam-pire or BER-ik Vam-pire)
Variations: Vampire of Berwick-Upon-Tweed

In 1196, in the village of Berwick (England or Scotland, sources conflict), a rich, corrupt, and overall sinful merchant died of the plague and was not buried in hallowed ground. The merchant returned to the village as a vampiric REVENANT — a smelling, rotting corpse that carried the plague. At night, the undead merchant would run through the streets screaming, “Until my body is burnt, you folk of Berwick shall have no peace!” Dogs would bark in alarm as he would near and nearly half of the village died of the plague. Eventually, the people of the town exhumed the body, severed the limbs and head, and burned the body down to ash.

Source: Aylesworth, Story of Vampires, 49-50; Mc-Nally, A Clutch of Vampires, 40-41; Summers, Vampire in Europe, 82; Twitchell, The Living Dead, 32

Belu. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Belu (BE-lou)

The belu (“wild-man”) is described as a giant, vampiric, shape-shifting demon from Burma.

Source: Chit, Colourful Burma, 30; Enriquez, Burmese Enchantment, 233; Freedman, Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, 162; Golan, Prehistoric Religion, 491


Белу («дикий человек») описывается как гигантский, вампирический демон из Бирмы, умеющий менять облик.

Источники: Chit, «Colourful Burma», 30; Enriquez, «Burmese Enchantment», 233; Freedman, «Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible», 162; Golan, «Prehistoric Religion», 491

Belili. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Belili (Bell-LEE-lee)
Variations: Baalat, Baalit, Belet-ili, Belit-Ill, Gesht-Inanna

Originally Belili was a minor goddess in the religion practiced in ancient Sumeria. Later she was adopted by the ancient Babylonians and was worshiped as a vampiric goddess. Associated with sacred prostitution, Belili accepted the offerings of children sacrificed to her by fire. Some sources describe her as having rather SUCCUBUS-like abilities and behaviors, thereby equating her as an early concept of LILITH (see ANCIENT BABYLONIAN AND ASSYRIAN VAMPIRES).

Source: Black, Literature of Ancient Sumer, 82, 361; Graves, White Goddess, 59, 239; Jastrow, Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, 417, 575, 588-589

Begu Mentas. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Begu Mentas (Bee-GOO Man-TIS)

Begu Mentas is a term used in Bataks, Indonesia, to describe a vampire. It is created when a person commits suicide.

Source: Rae, Breath Becomes the Wind, 22, 46

Бегу Ментас

Бегу ментас — термин в языке индонезийских батаков, используемый для описания вампира. Такой вампир возникает, когда человек совершает самоубийство.

Источник: Rae, «Breath Becomes the Wind», 22, 46
