A vampiric REVENANT from Serbia, the vlkodlak is created by one of two ways. The first method is when a man under 20 years of age who was a murderer, perjurer, or had sexual intercourse with his mother dies. The other way a young man can become a vlkodlak is if he was killed by a werewolf or ate meat from an animal that was slain by a werewolf. No matter how it is that the vlkodlak came into being, it will rise from its grave as a blood-covered, animated corpse, acting the part of a shameless drunkard. It has the power to cause eclipses.
To prevent a potential corpse from rising as a vlkodlak, its thumbs and toes must be cut off and nail driven into its neck. A vlkodlak, unless it is killed, will wander the earth for exactly seven years. At the end of that time, the vampire dies and its soul is reborn into a human, and the cycle begins again in a different part of the country. To destroy one, the vlkodlak must be stabbed through the stomach with a stake made of HAWTHORN and the HAIR on its body covered with tar. Then the vampire must be set ablaze with a candle that was used during its wake. The fire must be hot enough and burn long enough to render the corpse to ash.
Source: Alexander, Mythology of All Races, 299; Mac-Culloch, Celtic Mythology, 229; Mercatante, Good and Evil, 98; Turner, Dictionary of Ancient Deities, 500
Vjesci (Va-JES-ee) or (VYESKEE)
Variations: Opji, Vjeszczi, Vjeszczi Wupji
In Poland there is the belief that when a person who was born with a caul or teeth is about to die, he will use his last breath to renounce God. The body will retain its heat longer than a corpse should, its limbs will remain limber, the lips stay red, and blood will begin to seep out of its cheeks and fingernails. At midnight on the night of the person’s burial, it will rise up as a vjesci from the grave and begin seeking out family members to prey upon. Other than having a ruddy brown complexion and being immensely strong, the vjesci can pass for human.
When a child is born with a caul, it is possible to prevent it from becoming a vjesci at death. The caul must be preserved and on the child’s seventh birthday must be ground up and fed to him. Unfortunately, there is no known way to save a child who was born with teeth, but its resurrection can be stopped. To begin, the body will be placed in the COFFIN facedown so should it one day begin to dig its way free, it will be heading in the wrong direction. A CRUCIFIX and a coin must be placed in the corpse’s mouth at the time of its burial so that when the vjesci awakens, it will already have something in its mouth to chew upon. A bag of seeds, usually poppy, is also placed in the COFFIN, as the vampire will be compelled to count them all before it will leave its grave; however, it will only count one seed every seven years. Then, a net is wrapped around the COFFIN because if the vjesci should manage to count all the seeds, it will then have to stop and untie all the knots in the net, as that is another irresistible urge it must give in to.
Source: Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies, Paper 1-4, 8, 21, 23, 25; Lorentz, Cassubian Civilization, 70, 132, 133; Perkowski, Vampires of the Slavs, 191, 195
In Melanesia there is a vampiric being that hunts the Lakalai people of New Britain called a vis. At night the vis flies out in search of prey. When it attacks, it uses its long shiny talons to rip out its victim’s eyes before consuming his flesh and drinking his blood.
Source: Moon, Encyclopedia of Archetypal Symbolism, 173; Rose, Giants, Monsters and Dragons, 384
В Меланезии есть вампирическое существо, называемое вис, которое охотится на народ лакалай, живущий на острове Новая Британия. Ночью вис вылетает в поисках добычи. Когда он нападает, он использует свои длинные блестящие когти, чтобы вырвать у жертвы глаза, прежде чем съесть ее плоть и выпить кровь.
Источники: Moon, «Encyclopedia of Archetypal Symbolism», 173; Rose, «Giants, Monsters and Dragons», 384
There is a ghostly flame-red vampiric spirit in India known as a virika (“brave one”). Its teeth have been stained red by the quantity of blood it has consumed. It tends to linger around the home of someone who is dying, gibbering to itself as it is filled with excitement. To prevent it from attacking, a shrine must be built to its honor and filled with food and flowers. If the virika accepts the gifts, it will leave, and the dying will be granted a reprieve, left to depart this life in peace.
Source: Balfour, Cyclopædia of India, 87; Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, 603; Khanam, Demonology, 23
В Индии есть призрачный огненно-красный вампирический дух, известный как вирика («некто храбрый»). Если он выпил достаточно крови, его зубы окрашиваются в красный цвет. Он склонен задерживаться возле дома, где есть умирающий, бормоча что-то себе под нос, поскольку его переполняет волнение. Чтобы предотвратить нападение вирики, в его честь нужно построить святилище и наполнить его едой и цветами. Если вирика примет дары, он уйдет, и умирающие получат передышку, чтобы с миром уйти из этой жизни.
Источники: Balfour, «Cyclopædia of India», 87; Hastings, «Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics», 603; Khanam, «Demonology», 23
There is a Slavic myth that when a person is cursed by God or a child dies unbaptized, he will return as a type of vampiric fay known as a vila. When it returns, it will look like a beautiful little girl with long HAIR. Living in clouds, meadows, ponds, and trees, the vila, a very capable combatant, will attack lone travelers. However, like the VELES, offerings of cakes, flowers, fruit, ribbons, and vegetables will prevent its attack. All vile, as they are collectively called, have the ability to control storms and shape- shift into a horse, swan, or wolf.
Source: Auerbach, Our Vampires, Ourselves, 20; Dixon-Kennedy, Encyclopedia of Russian and Slavic Myth, 182; Royal Anthropological Institute, Man, 189
A vampiric REVENANT from Russia, the viesczy is born either with a caul, with teeth, or as the child of a witch and a werewolf. After it has died, it will rise from its grave as a red-faced vampire seeking out its family or cattle to feed upon. It bites a hole in the chest, just over the heart, using a barb on the bottom of its tongue. It is possible to prevent the vampire from ever leaving its grave by tossing a handful of poppy or carrot seeds into the grave, as the viesczy will be compelled to count them.
Active between noon and midnight, the viesczy spends the rest of its time back in its grave, chewing upon its burial shroud, feet, and hands.
The only way to destroy a viesczy is to burn it to ash. However, care must be taken, because just like with the UPIER and the UPIERCZI, the viesczy’s body will explode, but rather than maggots, it will burst out into rats. Each and every one of these animals must be found and killed or else the vampire will return, seeking revenge.
Source: Oinas, Essays on Russian Folklore, 124; Perkowski, Vampires of the Slavs, 162; Ralston, Russian Folk-Tales, 325
A Slavic species of SUCCUBUS, the viechtitsa preys upon young men who are deeply asleep, causing them to be completely consumed with sexual desire for it (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). Oftentimes this passion and desire is so intense that its human lover dies, which is why its ideal, if not preferred, lover is another type of vampire known as a VOUKODLAKS.
Source: Chaplin, Dictionary of the Occult and Paranormal, 165; Masters, Eros and Evil, 188; Summers, Werewolf in Lore and Legend, 148
In India, there is a vampiric spirit that is called a vetala. One is created every time a child dies and does not receive proper funeral rites. When a vetala possesses a corpse it causes a hideous transformation to take place: the feet and hands twist backward; the face twists about until it resembles a fruit bat with slitted eyes; the skin becomes discolored by turning either GREEN, light brown, or white; and the fingernails grow long and carry a poison on them. While the vetala possesses the corpse, it is able to animate it and will use its magic to find human blood to drink, for as long it does so regularly, the body that the vetala is possessing will not decompose. It will call to it a GREEN horse that it will use as its mount.
Using its magic, the vetala will enter into a home by use of an enchanted thread being fed down a chimney. Typically it preys on those who are asleep, using the opportunity to drain them of their blood, but it will also take advantage of a person who has passed out drunk. Women who have gone insane are also fed upon, the idea being no one would believe them if they reported it. But above all, its favorite prey is children. Regardless of whom it attacks, the vetala mostly feeds on intestines and excrement.
Vetalas can cause insanity and miscarriages, and anyone who survives one of its attacks will first suffer through a severe illness before he can begin to recover. However, because of the vetala’s ability to see into the past, present, and future, as well as its deep insight into human nature, it is often the goal of a sorcerer to capture one and use it for his own intent.
According to the vampire lore from Montenegro and Serbia, all a woman needs to do to ensure that she returns from the dead as a veshtitza is to practice magic in life. At night, the soul of the witch leaves its body and possesses a black hen or moth to scout out a home that has children in it. This possession lasts until the veshtitza willingly leaves or the sun rises. Then, the soul races back to the body, which then rises up and goes to where the children are. There it uses its powers to cause others to fall into a deep sleep such as a state of sleep paralysis, presumably so as not to wake the parents. It then attacks the children, consuming their hearts and drinking their blood.
Veshtitze, as they are collectively called, are fast even for vampires, but they are not particularly strong. They are susceptible to silver weapons but cannot be killed by one. Only direct exposure to sunlight will kill a veshtitza.
A close-knit breed, they have taken oaths to protect one another. Veshtitza covens gather together, meeting regularly at midnight in the branches of a designated tree. Once gathered, they will share the blood and hearts they took that night among one another.
Source: Folklore Society, Publications, 175; Petrovitch, Hero Tales and Legends, 20; Radosavljevich, Who Are the Slavs?, 17
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