New Bestiary, the encyclopedia of imaginary beings

New Bestiary

Welcome to New Bestiary, the encyclopedia of imaginary beings. The word ‘bestiary’ itself comes from Middle Ages. Bestiaries were compendiums of beasts many of which never really existed.

Today there are many modern bestiaries such as Jorge Luis Borges’s Book of Imaginary Beings and many others. Our goal is to create online encyclopedia of ancient and modern imaginary beings based on reliable sources. The major part of New Bestiary is Russian only for the time being. The list of articles in English can be found here.

We are fully aware that such ultimate mission is impossible but we’re trying our best and welcome you to join our journey.

Map of imaginary beings

Map for bestiary tourists, indicating places where we can meet mythological creatures, or at least monuments to them :)

Recent articles

In Japanese folklore, a nursing spirit in the form of a long-haired woman with enormous breasts, who protects the souls of deceased children but is dangerous to the living
Article by: Matthew Meyer (en), Алкэ (ru); 02-09-2025 / 02-09-2025 at 03:51
Visits: 125; comments: 1, last — Дмитрий, 02-09-2025 at 08:35
According to the folklore of the Aymara people from South America, winged demonesses with long, sagging breasts who steal human souls, taking the form of beautiful women.
Article by: KOT; 02-07-2025 / 02-08-2025 at 12:15
Visits: 127; comments: 2, last — KOT, 02-08-2025 at 03:35
According to folk beliefs from Ardennes*, a lizard-like amphibious monster the size of a calf
Article by: KOT; 03-22-2021 / 02-07-2025 at 01:45
Visits: 8734; without comments
Chinese monster from ancient text of Shan-hai Ching, an ox with a white head, a single eye, and a snake’s tail, an omen of a great plague
Article by: KOT; 02-05-2025 / 02-05-2025 at 05:17
Visits: 150; without comments
A creature from Albanian mythology in the form of an ugly, malevolent old hag capable of taking the shape of a small amphibian and screaming at night by the edge of the ponds and rivers
Article by: KOT; 01-26-2025 / 02-04-2025 at 12:40
Visits: 199; without comments
According to the japanese folklore, aquatic, hairy, animal-like yōkai which live in deep rivers
Article by: Алкэ (ru), Matthew Meyer (en); 02-03-2025 / 02-03-2025 at 10:12
Visits: 191; without comments

Latest Stuff

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ImageШарлей. Иллюстрация Бартоломея Гавела для ККИ "Гвинт" 010.02.2025
ImageШарлей. Иллюстрация Витольда Варгаса (Witold Vargas) 010.02.2025
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ИсточникGustaw Morcinek “Śląska mitologia” // Literatura ludowa R.I, nr 4. Śląsk Cieszyński — Warszawa 1957 (1716) 010.02.2025
ПерсоналииМорцинек, Густав (Gustaw Morcinek) 010.02.2025
Страница существаШарлей 010.02.2025
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ImageТи-но-уя. Иллюстрация Мэтью Мэйера 009.02.2025
ПерсоналииБоттрелл, Уильям (William Bottrell) 008.02.2025
ПерсоналииБове, Ричард (Richard Bovet) 008.02.2025
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Запись в блогеWorms (Змеи). Статья из «Эльфийского словаря» К.Бриггс 008.02.2025
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ImageХапиньюнью. Иллюстрация Джессики Лесли Молина Кано 008.02.2025
ИсточникDaniel Cossíos "Breve Bestiario Peruano" — Lima: Editorial Casatomada S.A.C., 2008 (1715) 007.02.2025
ПерсоналииКоссиос, Даниэль (Daniel Cossíos) 007.02.2025

Our site chronology

02-12-2025 — Your appearance on the site

25.10.2012 — the new bestiary took its rightful place on the main domain

04.01.2008 — the first stone was laid in the construction of a new bestiary

07.11.2005 — new address is

22.09.2004 — new address is

22.03.2004 — we started the forum

07.03.2004 — "Encyclopedia Of Mythical Creatures" moved to

27.07.2003 — "Encyclopedia Of Mythical Creatures" first appeared online at

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