New Bestiary, the encyclopedia of imaginary beings

New Bestiary

Welcome to New Bestiary, the encyclopedia of imaginary beings. The word ‘bestiary’ itself comes from Middle Ages. Bestiaries were compendiums of beasts many of which never really existed.

Today there are many modern bestiaries such as Jorge Luis Borges’s Book of Imaginary Beings and many others. Our goal is to create online encyclopedia of ancient and modern imaginary beings based on reliable sources. The major part of New Bestiary is Russian only for the time being. The list of articles in English can be found here.

We are fully aware that such ultimate mission is impossible but we’re trying our best and welcome you to join our journey.

Map of imaginary beings

Map for bestiary tourists, indicating places where we can meet mythological creatures, or at least monuments to them :)

Recent articles

A type of nightmare demon that strangles people, known from the folk beliefs of the inhabitants of the areas around Sanok and Krosno, towns in southeastern Poland
Article by: KOT; 02-20-2025 / 02-20-2025 at 11:34
Visits: 94; without comments
According to the japanese folklore, dangerous shape-changing yōkai which live in bamboo groves and can stretch to become extremely tall
Article by: Matthew Meyer (en), Алкэ (ru); 02-19-2025 / 02-19-2025 at 06:30
Visits: 123; without comments
According to a Maltese superstitious belief, a zombie-like beast with long hair and curved nails, shambling through the streets late at night on Christmas eve
Article by: KOT; 02-04-2021 / 02-19-2025 at 12:10
Visits: 6474; without comments
According to the folklore of the Maltese island of Gozo, a "phantom queen" who sneaks into houses on New Year's Eve, bringing either good luck or misfortune to families — depending on the home maintenance and cleanliness
Article by: KOT; 02-19-2025 / 02-19-2025 at 12:07
Visits: 78; without comments
According to Belarusian folk beliefs, a creature living in a hut, invisibly wandering at night on the walls and lulls children to sleep with its barely audible melodious singing
Article by: KOT; 08-08-2019 / 02-18-2025 at 08:33
Visits: 23775; comments: 5, last — korg, 06-24-2022 at 08:29
In classical Persian texts, a half-man, half-horse creature who lives in the far west and sings enchanting songs that cause all living beings to lose consciousness
Article by: Mahsa Daemi (en), KOT (ru); 02-14-2025 / 02-14-2025 at 03:45
Visits: 187; without comments

Latest Stuff

Типсортировать по иконкамЗаголовокОтзывыПоследний
Запись в блогеMab. Статья из «Эльфийского словаря» К.Бриггс 221.02.2025
Страница существаХурбуж 020.02.2025
ИсточникOskar Kolberg "Lud. Jego zwyczaje, sposób życia, mowa, podania, przysłowia, obrzędy, gusła, zabawy, pieśni, muzyka i tańce". Tom 51 — Sanockie-Krośnieńskie. cz.III — Wrocław-Poznań: Polskie towarzystwo ludoznawcze, 1974 (1722) 020.02.2025
ImageНобиагари. Иллюстрация Мэтью Мэйера 019.02.2025
Страница существаНобиагари 019.02.2025
Страница существаМлейка 019.02.2025
ИсточникAnton Attard "Gozitan Christmas Lore and Traditions" // The Gozo Observer (No.23), December 2010 — p.17-24 (1721) 019.02.2025
ИсточникЯнка Купала. Збор твораў у сямі тамах — Мн.: Навука і тэхніка, 1972-1976 (1720) 018.02.2025
ИсточникБеларускі фальклор: хрэстаматыя / складальнік К.П.Кабашнікаў і інш. — Мінск: Вышэйная школа, 1996 (1719) 018.02.2025
Запись в блогеWife of Bath's Tale. Статья из «Эльфийского словаря» К.Бриггс 017.02.2025
ИсточникGraeber D. "Painful Memories" // Journal of Religion in Africa. Vol.27, Fasc.4, Religion in Madagascar II (Nov., 1997) — pp.374-400 (1718) 016.02.2025
Страница существаЭнкантадо 616.02.2025
ImageМирамас. Иллюстрация Мохаммада Расулипура 014.02.2025
Страница существаМирамас 014.02.2025
Страница существаПоляница 110.02.2025
ImageШарлей. Концепт-арт Каспера Мадеяка к игре "The Witcher: Monster Slayer" 010.02.2025
ImageШарлей. Иллюстрация Бартоломея Гавела для ККИ "Гвинт" 010.02.2025
ImageШарлей. Иллюстрация Витольда Варгаса (Witold Vargas) 010.02.2025
ИсточникВедьмак. Настольная ролевая игра. Дневник охотника на чудовищ — М.: Hobby World, CD Projekt Red, 2020 (1717) 010.02.2025
ИсточникGustaw Morcinek “Śląska mitologia” // Literatura ludowa R.I, nr 4. Śląsk Cieszyński — Warszawa 1957 (1716) 010.02.2025
ПерсоналииМорцинек, Густав (Gustaw Morcinek) 010.02.2025
Страница существаШарлей 010.02.2025
ImageДи-цзян. Иллюстрация Ли Ифаня (aka Шань Цзэ) 010.02.2025
ImageДи-цзян по имени Моррис. Тест анимации персонажа к фильму "Шан-Чи и легенда десяти колец" 010.02.2025
ImageЛинъюй. Иллюстрация из "Каталога гор и морей" 010.02.2025

Our site chronology

02-21-2025 — Your appearance on the site

25.10.2012 — the new bestiary took its rightful place on the main domain

04.01.2008 — the first stone was laid in the construction of a new bestiary

07.11.2005 — new address is

22.09.2004 — new address is

22.03.2004 — we started the forum

07.03.2004 — "Encyclopedia Of Mythical Creatures" moved to

27.07.2003 — "Encyclopedia Of Mythical Creatures" first appeared online at

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