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Aswang Mandurugo. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Aswang Mandurugo (AZ-wang Mandoor-roo-go)
Variations: DANAG, Mandragore

In the Philippines, the Capiz province is known as a haven for witches and for a species of elusive demonic vampires known as the aswang mandurugo. It appears as a beautiful woman by day, but at night its true form, that of a monstrous winged being, is revealed. When it can, it will marry a man to ensure it has a constant supply of blood. It will “kiss” the sustenance it needs nightly from its husband prey by inserting its barbed tongue into the victim’s mouth and draining off the blood it needs. The only symptom that the husband may present is a gradual and unexplainable weight loss. There is no test or discernable way to ascertain beforehand if a bride-to-be is an aswang mandurugo, but a preventative measure may be taken. If you sleep with a knife under your pillow at night, you may awake in time to witness your attacker. If you are fast enough to draw the knife and stab the vampire in the heart, it will be destroyed.

Source: Curran, Vampires, 35-44; Lopez, Handbook of Philippine Folklore, 227; Ramos, Aswang Syncrasy, 3; University of San Carlos, Philippine Quarterly, vol.10-11, 213

Aswang Festival. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Aswang Festival

In the Philippines, Roxas City in the Capiz province was the location of Dugo Capiznon Inc.’s annual Aswang Festival. A citywide event attracting tourists with its local seafood, parades, dancing, and fancy dress ball, the primary purpose of the event was to dispel the myth of the aswang. Roxas City has long been a haven for aswangs, as well as witches and warlocks. The two-day pre-Halloween celebration was not appreciated or encouraged by the local Catholic churches.

Source: Guerrero, Stun of Islands, 67; Lopez, Handbook of Philippine Festivals, 146, 227

Праздник Асванга

Город Рохас в филиппинской провинции Капис был местом проведения ежегодного Праздника асвангов, который устраивала компания «Dugo Capiznon». Это общегородское мероприятие, привлекавшее туристов своими морепродуктами, парадами, танцами и причудливыми маскарадами, ставило своей задачей развеять миф об асванге. Город Рохас уже давно считается убежищем для асвангов, а также ведьм и колдунов. Но местная католическая церковь не оценила и не одобрила это двухдневное празднество накануне Хэллоуина.

Источники: Guerrero, «Stun of Islands», 67; Lopez, «Handbook of Philippine Festivals», 146, 227

Aswang. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Aswang (Az-wang)

Aswang, the Tagalog word for “dog”, is applied to anything and everything that is considered a vampire.


Source: Cannell, Power and Intimacy, 144-145, 277; Hufford, Terror That Comes, 236-237; Ramos, Aswang Syncrasy, 39

Astral Vampire. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Astral Vampire

An astral vampire is a vampiric spirit or a vampiric thought form. Through a magical ceremony, a sorcerer may create an astral vampire from a newly deceased corpse. Another way to create an astral vampire is to practice a specific type of psychic vampirism during life so that as death nears, the spirit may slip from the body and enter into the astral plane. There it continues to exist, moving nightly between planes in order consume human blood. Signs of attack are that the victim feels weak and overly tired.

Source: Belanger, Psychic Vampire Codex, 270; Denning, Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense, 235; Slate, Psychic Vampires, 3, 20, 22, 50-53, 55-57

Asrapas. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Asrapas (AS-rap-ahs)
Variations: Asra Pa, DAKIN

The female attendants of the goddess KALI are collectively known as asrapas.

Source: Blavatsky, Theosophical Glossary, 95; Dowson, Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology, 255; Shastri, Ancient Indian Tradition, 143

Асрапы (Ашрапы)
Варианты: Ашра-Па, Дакин

Асрапы — собирательное название спутниц богини Кали.

Источники: Blavatsky, «Theosophical Glossary», 95; Dowson, «Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology», 255; Shastri, «Ancient Indian Tradition», 143

Asrapa. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Asrapa (AS-rap-ah)
Variations: Asurkpa

The creation of this VAMPIRIC WITCH or demonic vampiric being from India is uncertain. Some lore says that it was born the offspring of Kasyapa the sage and his wife Muni, daughter of Daksha, while other stories say that the asrapa, whose name translates to mean “blood drinker”, was a thought form that came into being when the Brahma was angry. No matter how it came to be, the asrapa is usually depicted as a naked woman. It is a shape-shifter who can raise the dead through a boon given to it by the goddess KALI. It can usually be found wandering in a cemetery. It prefers to consume human flesh: man, woman, or child, living or deceased — it does not matter.

Source: Gandhi, Penguin Book of Hindu Names, 40; Klostermaier, A Concise Encyclopedia, 53; Saletore, Indian Witchcraft, 120; Turner, Dictionary of Ancient Deities, 74, 140

Asiman. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Asiman (Ass-AH-min)

From the folklore of the Dahomey people of Africa comes the asiman, a living VAMPIRIC WITCH. She gained her evil powers originally by casting a specific magical spell and is now forever changed; she can remove her skin and transform herself into a CORPSE CANDLE, a form that gives the ability to fly through the sky (see LIVING VAMPIRE). From the air she hunts for suitable prey, and after feeding, she is able to shapeshift into an animal. Only when it is in its animal form can the asiman be destroyed (see AFRICAN VAMPIRE WITCH).

Vampires that are similar to the asiman are the ASEMA, AZÉMAN, LOOGAROO, OBAYIFO and the SOUCAYANT.

Source: Davison, Sucking Through the Century, 358; Farrar, Life of Christ, 467; Melbourne Review, vol.10, 225; Publications, Folklore Society, vol.61, 71; Stefoff, Vampires, Zombies, and Shape-Shifters, 17

Asemann. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Asemann (Ah-SAY-min)

From the Republic of Suriname, this living VAMPIRIC WITCH, very similar to the ASEMA, has the ability to shape-shift into animals at night (see LIVING VAMPIRE). In her animal form, she goes hunting for humans to drain of their blood. Her name is a play on the word azen, which means “carrion” or “cadaver”.

To prevent it from entering into a home uninvited, people should place a broom crosswise on the door. Should they find themselves outdoors at night and under threat of her attack, throw a handful of pepper seeds on the ground. The asemann is one of the vampire species that is mystically compelled to count. Should she still be counting come morning, she will automatically revert to her human form. Now exposed for what she is, the witch can be slain in any manner that would otherwise normally kill a person.

Source: American Folklore Society, Journal of American Folklore, vol.58-59, 242; Melton, Vampire Book, 576

Asema. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Asema (AH-say-ma)

From the Republic of Suriname, this VAMPIRIC WITCH looks like an old man or woman with red eyes and toes pointed downward.

At night, before it can go out hunting, the asema will remove its skin, fold it up neatly, and hide it. With its skin safely hidden away, the asema shape- shifts into a ball of blue light, much like a CORPSE CANDLE. Flying through the air, it slips in and out of people’s homes through even the smallest of openings. Finicky blood drinkers, the asema will avoid those people whose blood has a bitter taste to it. Once they find someone whose blood they find palatable, they return to the victim again and again, night after night, until the person eventually dies. Telltale signs of attack are large red and blue spots at the site of the bite.

The simplest way to prevent being attacked by the asema is to regularly consume some herb, like GARLIC, that will make one’s blood taste bitter. Another method is to keep a handful of tossed sesame seeds or rice mixed with some pieces of owl talon behind the bedroom door. The asema is one of the species of vampires that is mystically compelled to pick up or count seeds before it can attack its victim. Every time the asema picks up one of the owl talon pieces, it will become annoyed it is not a seed, drop all of the seeds it had already accumulated, and start the process all over again. Hopefully there will be enough seeds and talon pieces to distract it until daybreak, as the asema is vulnerable to sunlight when its skin is removed. If it does not flee before dawn, it will die.

Asanbonsam. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Asanbonsam (Ah-SAN-bon-some)
Variation: Asambosam, Asanbosan, Asasabonsam, SASABONSAM

Similar to the YARA-MA-YHA-WHO of Australia, the asanbonsam terrorizes mankind from southern Ghana in Togo and along the Ivory Coast of Africa. Although it is rarely encountered, it looks like a human with hooks of iron for its hands and feet. Its preferred method of hunting is to patiently sit in a tree and wait for some luckless individual to pass directly underneath it. When this happens, the asanbonsam will use its hooks to snatch up its prey and drain it dry of blood. When times are lean, it will venture into a village at night and sip blood from a sleeping person’s thumb. Fortunately, the regular sacrifice of a goat and the spilling of its blood on the ground will keep it satisfied enough to not hunt within the village.

Source: Bryant, Handbook of Death, 99; Bunson, Vampire Encyclopedia, 11; Masters, Natural History of the Vampire, 47; Volta, The Vampire, 152
