In Croatia, when a member of the community returns to unlife, its face red and with an elastic body, it is called a kosac. By day it lies helplessly in its grave. However, at night the vampiric REVENANT returns to its former hometown, knocking on doors, and drinking the blood of anyone who answers; it is especially interested in attacking its former spouse. Victims remember only falling into a deep sleep and awakening feeling tired and drained of energy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). Kosacs can also spread a mysterious and fatal disease. Although it is impervious to being staked, it can be destroyed by beheading.
Croatia was the site of the first “modern-day vampire epidemic”. In 1672 it was reported that Giure Grando of Khring, located on the Istrian Peninsula, returned to unlife and was responsible for causing many deaths.
Source: Bryant, Handbook of Death, 99; Dundes, Vampire Casebook, 145; Jones, On the Nightmare, 114; Perkowski, The Darkling, 86, 92
In Russia, a koldun is a vampiric sorcerer whose name means “one who uses magic” (The female form of the word is koldun’ia). Generally speaking, he is a poor man of marginal social status among his people, who victimize him while simultaneously asking for his assistance. The koldun, in life, uses his magic to do harm to others, either by evil inclination or because he was hired to do it, accepting jobs out of whimsy if not financial necessity.
Kolduns are carefully watched by the people of the community that they live in or near, as they are both feared and respected. A koldun who has accumulated a great amount of magical knowledge has the ability to “spoil”, a power that causes crops to fail and causes illness and death to livestock and people. Apart from his herbal lore, the sorcerer has a power source that he can tap into — a vampire that gives him the ability to cast spells.
Although the koldun is a human, it may be possible that he is a LIVING VAMPIRE, but after his death (particularly if he dies by committing suicide, dies by drowning, or was never baptized), he will return to unlife as a vampire himself.
Source: Oinas, Essays on Russian Folklore, 121; Paxson, Solovyovo, 165-166; Ryan, The Bathhouse at Midnight, 39, 43, 50-52, 68, 73-90; Warner, Russian Myths, 65
Variations: Ki-sikil-lil-la-ke, Ki-sikil-ud-daka-ra (“the maiden who is as the light”), LILITH
In ancient Sumeria Kiskil- Lilla was a female, vampiric demon of the night. She is mentioned in the prologue to the Epic of Gilgamesh. Her name, Kiskil-Lilla, translates to mean “Lila’s maiden”, as in the “beloved companion of Lila”. Gilgamesh’s father, Lila (or Lillu, sources conflict), was said to have been an INCUBUS and was known for assaulting women as they slept.
Source: Gray, The Mythology of All Races, 362; Lurker, Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, 192, 208; Rose, Spirits, Fairies, Gnomes, 181
Кискил-Лилла была вампирической демоницей ночи в древнем Шумере. Она упоминается в прологе к «Эпосу о Гильгамеше». Ее имя, Кискил-Лилла, переводится как «Дева Лилы» в значении «возлюбленная спутница Лилы». Говорили, что отец Гильгамеша, Лила (или Лиллу источники разнятся), был инкубом, известным тем, что нападал на спящих женщин.
Источники: Gray, «The Mythology of All Races», 362; Lurker, «Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses», 192, 208; Rose, «Spirits, Fairies, Gnomes», 181
The Kimbundu people of Angola believe in a fast and agile vampiric demon named kishi. In its true form it has two heads or appears as a hyena with large teeth and powerful jaws. It can shape-shift into a man or a skull. In its human guise it will take a wife and impregnate her as quickly as possible. After she gives birth to its child, the kishi will kill her. It will then raise the two-headed monstrosity (one of a man and the other of a hyena) in its home under the sea, where the child will become a flesh-eater like its father.
Source: Chatelain, Folk-Tales of Angola, 57, 85, 97; Mack, Field Guide to Demons, 70-71; Stookey, Thematic Guide, 138
Кимбунду, народность Анголы, верят в существование быстрого и ловкого вампирического демона по имени киши. В истинной форме у него две головы или он выглядит как гиена с большими зубами и мощными челюстями. Он может принять облик человека или черепа. В человеческом обличье он возьмет себе жену и как можно скорее оплодотворит ее. После того как жена родит ему ребенка, киши убьет ее. Затем вырастит в своем доме на дне морском двуглавое чудовище (одна голова человеческая, другая — гиены), где ребенок станет таким же пожирателем плоти, как и его отец.
Источники: Chatelain, «Folk-Tales of Angola», 57, 85, 97; Mack, «Field Guide to Demons», 70-71; Stookey, «Thematic Guide», 138
In France, a child born of the union between an INCUBUS and a mortal woman is a type of CAMBION called a kilcrops. It looks thin and fragile; even eating great quantities of food will not cause it to gain weight. As an adult it will become a rapist.
Source: Chaplinpage, Dictionary of the Occult, 91
Во Франции есть вид камбиона, ребенка, рожденного от союза между инкубом и смертной женщиной, под названием килкроп. Он всегда выглядит худым и хрупким, даже большое количество пищи не приведет к увеличению веса. Став взрослым, он сделается насильником.
Источник: Chaplinpage, «Dictionary of the Occult», 91
According to Chinese legend, if the light of the moon should fall upon a corpse, it will return to unlife as a vampiric REVENANT known as the kiang-if (see UNDEATH).
Source: De Quincey, Confessions, 206
Согласно китайской легенде, если лунный свет упадет на труп, тот вернется к не-жизни как вампирический ревенант, известный под названием цзян-иф (смотри «Немертвость»).
In Cambodia there is a vampiric bird that looks like an owl but is not. Khmoch Long (“ghost owl”) flies into a village and lets out a call that causes disease and brings death to those who are already dying. Fortunately, the vampire can be easily driven off by yelling vulgarities and insults at it or by throwing firewood or cheese made from cheese at it.
Source: Fong, Culturally Competent Practice, 201; Frazer, Fear of the Dead, 189; Maberry, Vampire Universe, 175
В Камбодже есть вампирическая птица, которая похожа на сову, но не является ею. Кхмотьх лонг («призрачная сова») летит в деревню и кричит, вызывая этим криком болезнь и принося смерть тем, кто уже умирает. К счастью, вампира легко можно прогнать, выкрикивая в его адрес оскорбления и вульгарности, а также бросая в него дрова или творожный сыр.
Источники: Fong, «Culturally Competent Practice», 201; Frazer, «Fear of the Dead», 189; Maberry, «Vampire Universe», 175
The Kallawaya tribes of the Andes Mountains in Bolivia never had a vampire in their mythology or lore until they encountered the Spanish and were invaded. From the start of the Spanish occupation, the Kallawaya suddenly had vampiric attacks upon their people, and the vampiric demon they named kharisiri suddenly became woven into their culture and mythology.
A kharisiri attacks when a person is intoxicated. It will cut a small hole near a person’s liver and enter into his body. Once inside, it eats away at the fatty tissue. What it does not eat, the kharisiri gathers together and sells to bishops and hospitals.
If a person has this vampiric demon inside of him, he will run a high fever and behave oddly. Sometimes there is also a small scar on his body near the liver. Chewing on cocoa leaves has the magical ability to ward off a wide variety of evil beings, including the kharisiri.
Source: Crandon-Malamud, From the Fat of Our Souls, 119-123; Jones, Evil in Our Midst, 67-70; Kolata, Valley of the Spirits, 25-26; Wachtel, Gods and Vampires, 52-71, 146
In ancient Greece a ker was the vampiric spirit of a deceased person who had escaped the funeral jar that it was buried in (see GREEK VAMPIRES). Keres (plural for ker) were hideous women wearing red robes over their dark-skinned bodies. They had black wings and long white fangs and nails.
The keres were under the control of the Fates, killing only those that they are permitted to kill. The vampires began their attack with a bloodcurdling scream, then they dived down and drank the blood of the dying on the battlefield and ripped the souls from the bodies of the dying. Vengeful, plague-carrying beings, the keres were known to control heroes on the battlefield. It was said that the Olympian gods themselves would stand invisibly on the battlefield and swat at incoming keres to keep them off their favorite heroes.
Tar was often painted on doorways to keep a ker from entering into a home. The idea was that the tar would stick to the ker if it tried to enter into the home and it would be stuck in the doorway. To destroy one, it must be exorcised by ritual incantations.
Keres played a prominent role in Homer’s The Iliad. On March 4, a three-day ritual called Anthesteria was held to honor the keres, keeping them from attacking.
Source: Berens, Myths and Legends, 149; Lawson, Modern Greek Folklore, 290; Turner, Dictionary of Ancient Deities, 266; Widengren, Historia Religionum
The Karen people of Burma fear a demonic vampire called a kephn. It is created through the use of dark or evil magic. It is described as looking like both the floating head of a wizard, dangling its stomach beneath, or as a dog-headed water demon. Both versions are always hungry for human blood and souls.
Source: Conway, Demonology and Devil-lore, 41-43; Spence, Encyclopædia of Occultism, 421; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 224
Варианты: Схуам
Бирманская народность каренов боится демонического вампира, под названием кепн. Он возникает благодаря черной магии. По описаниям это либо плывущая по воздуху голова чародея, со свисающим внизу желудком, либо водяной демон с головой собаки. Обе версии всегда жаждут человеческих душ и крови.
Источники: Conway, «Demonology and Devil-lore», 41-43; Spence, «Encyclopædia of Occultism», 421; Summers, «Vampire: His Kith and Kin», 224
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