Men have been assaulted by the vampiric demon known as the succubus (“spirit bride”) as far back as ancient Greece where it was clearly defined and described. The male counterpart to the succubus is known as an INCUBUS, and, according to medieval lore, the incubi outnumber the succubi by a ratio of nine to one.
At night succubi, as they are collectively called, appear as beautiful women. They can be very alluring and persuasive. They seek out sleeping men to have sexual intercourse with and, according to medieval lore, are particularly fond of monks. During the sex act, the succubi drain off a number of vital essences and fluids, such as blood, breath, life-energy, and semen to the point of their victims’ deaths (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). A succubus need not even be physically in the room for the assault to take place, as it can visit a man in his dreams, causing his body to fall into a state of sleep paralysis. Succubi are specifically interested in semen, taking it and implanting it into unsuspecting and innocent women.
If a man wanted an encounter with a succubus, he need not wait in hopeful anticipation for one to show, as it is a demonic being and can be summoned to appear by use of magical incantations. Likewise, if a man is desirous of ridding himself of its assaults, he must seek help through the church.
If a child is conceived by a succubus, it will be born a half demonic being known as a CAMBION.
Source: Bullough, Human Sexuality, 298-299; Cavendish, Powers of Evil in Western Religion, 103-105; Doniger, Britannica Encyclopedia of World Religions, 503, 1035; Jones, On the Nightmare, 125, 243, 320
The Roman poet Ovid (43 B.C. – A.D. 17) wrote about the stryx in his poem Fasti. Prior to this poem written about the various Roman holidays, there is no mention of this VAMPIRIC WITCH. However, Charlemagne recorded in his Saxon Capitulary of A.D. 781 a law that all stryx when discovered were to be criminally prosecuted and condemned to death.
The stryx was able to shape-shift into an owl and then fly out into the night sky looking for a child it could attack with its beak and talons so that it could drink up its blood. To prevent a stryx attack, the parents would need to appeal to the goddess Crane. If their prayers were answered, the goddess would then go herself into the home and perform the sacred rites to prevent the stryx from entering, including placing a branch of HAWTHORN in the child’s sleeping area.
Source: Davenport, Sketches of Imposture, 276-277; Hurwitz, Lilith, the First Eve, 78; Stoneman, Greek Mythology, 163; Stuart, Stage Blood, 68
In Istria there is a type of vampiric REVENANT called a strigon. It is created whenever a sorcerer who drank the blood of children dies. It wanders the community during the midnight hour, knocking on doors or punching out windows. Within three days, someone in the knocked-upon houses will die. The strigon slips into homes and drains the blood of children, as well as has sexual relations with a woman while she is asleep without waking her husband.
To destroy a strigon it must be stabbed through the stomach with a stake made of ash or HAWTHORN wood, but only after its midnight wanderings are finished. When staked, the strigon will thrash about wildly and that blood will erupt from its body. While the vampire is in its death throes, it must be set on fire and burned down to ash.
The last known strigon outbreak was reported in Larbach, Germany, back in 1672; however, it is not wholly uncommon to find fresh corpses in the Istria countryside with stakes in them to this day.
Source: Oinas, Essays on Russian Folklore and Mythology, 116; Ralston, Russian Folk-Tales, 326; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 185
A vampiric REVENANT from Romania, the strigol is created when a magic user or sorcerer dies. It has the ability to shape-shift into numerous animal forms, such as a cat, dog, frog, or insect, which it uses mostly to get close to the humans from whom it intends to drain the lifeenergy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE).
To prevent its rising from the grave as a vampire, the sorcerer’s heart must be removed, spat upon, and nailed to his forehead with an iron nail. If the sorcerer was a woman, then the heart is nailed to its eye. The body is then taken up into the mountains and abandoned in a secret place. Once at the site, GARLIC is placed in the mouth. Should this ceremony happen to take place on St. Ignatius Day, then the body must also be covered in a layer of pig’s fat. The Feast Day of St. Ignatius is October 17, according to the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches, December 20 in the Greek Church, and January 2 in the Coptic Church calendar.
Source: Folklore Society, Publications, vol.79-80, 100; Senn, Were-wolf and Vampire in Romania, 10; Stratilesco, From Carpathian to Pindus, 250; Thigpen, Folklore and the Ethnicity Factor, 131
The strigoiul muronul of Romania sounds as if the MURONI and the strigoiul (the male counterpart of the STRIGOIU) mythologies were combined. When one considers how regional the vampire species of Romania can be, it is entirely possible that this vampire came from a region located between that of the other two.
A strigoiul muronul is created when a child is born out of wedlock to parents who were each born out of wedlock. Always born a redheaded boy, this child will become a vampiric REVENANT when he eventually dies. The only way to destroy this vampire is to burn its body to ashes or drive a nail through its heart.
Source: Haining, Dictionary of Vampires, 179; Ronay, Truth about Dracula, 23
A vampiric REVENANT from Romania, strigoiu appears whenever someone speaks its name aloud. Described as looking like a redheaded woman, a strigoiu will usually take up residence in an abandoned house. The only way to destroy this vampire is to nail it to the bottom of its COFFIN to keep it in the ground or to burn the REVENANT to ashes.
Not as dangerous as its female counterpart, the male of this species is called a strigoiul. Uncommon for a vampire, the strigoiul will gather together and hunt in packs. The same method of detruction that is used to kill a strigoiu will not work on a strigoiul. The death of the male requires that its heart be removed and cut in half. Then GARLIC must be placed in its mouth and an iron nail driven through its head.
Source: Eliade, Encyclopedia of Religion, 179; Ginzburg, Ecstasies, 170; Masters, Natural History of the Vampire, 44, 92
Strigoii Vii (STREE-goy VEE)
Variations: Concealment-Rãu (“bad one”), Strigoii
In Romanian vampire lore a strigoii vii is a person who is a VAMPIRIC WITCH while alive (see LIVING VAMPIRE) and will become a vampire, most likely a STRIGOII MORTI, in death. Strigoii vii are easily recognized for what they are, as they have blue eyes and red HAIR and two beating hearts. At night the strigoii, as it is commonly called for short, sends out its soul to psychically attack animals, crops, and humans, draining them of their life-energy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). As its soul flies in the night sky it looks like sparks, but it also has the ability to shapeshift its soul to look like an insect or small animal.
Strigoii Morti (STREE-goy MOR-tea)
Variations: Strigoii
In Romania, a strigoii morti is a male vampiric REVENANT that is friendly toward the Gypsy clans. It is created when a person commits suicide or the seventh son of a seventh son dies and rises back up from the dead. The strigoii morti returns looking much like it did in life, a blue-eyed redhead with twin hearts (see HAIR). A blood drinker whose very presence causes fear and repulsion, it is easily repelled by GARLIC. To kill this vampire, both of its hearts must be destroyed.
In Rome, Italy, there is a VAMPIRIC WITCH called a striges that by the use of her magic can shape-shift into a crow. In her bird form the striges will then attack people, using its claws and beak to draw blood that it will then drink up. The striges is no doubt the modern incarnation of the STRIGA and the STRIGE.
Source: Day, Vampires, 233; Summers, The Vampire in Europe, 230; Wood, The Nineteenth Century, 52
Варианты: Стриджес Мормос, Стригла
В Риме (Италия) есть вампирическая ведьма, называемая стриджи, которая с помощью магии превращается в ворону. В своей птичьей форме стриджи будут нападать на людей, используя клювы и когти, чтобы выпустить кровь, которую они потом выпьют. Стриджи без сомнения являются современным воплощением существ под названием стрига и стрега.
Источники: Day, «Vampires», 233; Summers, «The Vampire in Europe», 230; Wood, «The Nineteenth Century», 52
In Romania and Macedonia there is a vampiric bird called a strige. It is created when a witch’s soul returns to plague the living. Using its long sharp beak that can easily cut the skin of a person so it can drink his blood, it will attack alone or in a flock.
Source: Bryant, Handbook of Death, 99; Cremene, Mythology of the Vampire in Romania; Gaster, Myth, Legend and Custom, 579; Hurwitz, Lilith, the First Eve, 48
Стрыдже (Стрыга)
В Румынии и Македонии есть вампирическая птица, называемая стрыдже. Она возникает, когда возвращается душа ведьмы, чтобы изводить живых. Используя свой длинный острый клюв, который легко может поранить человеческую кожу, она будет атаковать в одиночку или в стае, чтобы пить кровь.
Источники: Bryant, «Handbook of Death», 99; Cremene, «Mythology of the Vampire in Romania»; Gaster, «Myth, Legend and Custom», 579; Hurwitz, «Lilith, the First Eve», 48
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