From the lore of India, the pitaras are a race of vampiric birds that feed off human life-energy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE).
Source: Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, 107; Garg, Encyclopaedia of the Hindu World, 443, 513; Griffith, Hymns of the Rigveda, 158
Варианты: Маны, Пи́три
В преданиях Индии питары — раса вампирических птиц*, которые поедают жизненную силу людей (смотри «Энергетический вампир»).
Источники: Blavatsky, «Isis Unveiled», 107; Garg, «Encyclopaedia of the Hindu World», 443, 513; Griffith, «Hymns of the Rigveda», 158
* В индуизме питары или питри — полубожественные души умерших предков, обитающие либо в царстве Питрилока, либо среди людей. Питары делятся на группы: вахрупы, навагвы, антиграсы, атхарваны, бхригу, васиштхи. Проклятые питары становятся пишачами. Что касается слова «маны» в вариантах, то так называли блаженные души умерших предков у римлян и этрусков. Манам поклонялись как божествам, заботящимся о благополучии своего рода.
Originally an Andean legend, it is now a Peruvian nursery bogey that represents the dark side of the cultural Latino male persona. A vampiric demon, the pishtaco looks like a tall white man wearing a long white coat, which hides the knife he carries. It sleeps too much and drinks great quantities of milk. This imagery has appeared on the ceramic work of the ancient Nazca people. The pishtaco, overly aggressive and unnaturally overendowed, captures children and severs the limbs and heads so that all that remains are the torsos. Then the pishtaco removes the body fat, which it then sells to make large bells for the church, run machinery, and contribute to paying off the country’s huge international debt.
As recently as April 8, 1998, police received an anonymous tip that led them to discover the mangled bodies of two men. The bodies were described as having been flayed and all of their body fat removed. The autopsy revealed that the cause of death was due to cardiac arrest that was caused by lack of blood. The skins of the men were never found.
Vampires that are very similar to the pishtaco are the KHARISIRI, LIK’ICHIRI, LIQUICHIRI and the ÑAKAQ.
Source: Campion-Vincent, Organ Theft Legends, 153-156, 168; Gow, Amazonian Myth and Its History, 256-259; Llosa, Death in the Andes, 12-13, 18-19, 28, 33, 52-58, 80-85, 98-101
In India, the word pisacha (“bloodthirsty savages” and “eaters of raw flesh”) is used to collectively refer to all ghosts and vampires. There is a vampiric spirit called a pisacha that is created from human vice or as the by-product of the anger of the Brahma. Hideous in appearance, the pisacha feeds off human carcasses and is known to rape drunken women, an attack which is almost always fatal as it is very fast and strong; its blood is a contact poison. Pisacha live in cemeteries and at crossroads, and unless one wants to be found, the pisacha is unable to be detected by any means. On occasion it can be enticed to cure a person with leprosy, a disease it is known to spread; it is particularly fond of good conversation, as it is an intelligent and otherwise polite being.
Should a pisacha attack, it can be driven off by soaking it with holy water, but this is a temporary fix, as it will return as soon as it dries off. While it is gone, the victim must assume that he has contracted leprosy if not some other horrible disease. He must go to the crossroads with offerings of rice and perform a ceremony every night until the pisacha arrives. It will want to eat the rice, but the victim should offer it in exchange only if it heals him of the disease. The only way to truly destroy a pisacha is to burn it to ash.
Source: Agrawala, India as Known to PIṇini, 447-448; Bkah-Hgyur, Tibetan Tales, 23-25; Crooke, Introduction to the Popular Religion, 153; Wright, Vampires and Vampirism
A vampiric god from Lithuania, Pikulas looks like a pale old man with a long beard. A god of cattle, magic, wealth, and the underworld, Pikulas is responsible for all the death and destruction that occurs. Known to manifest to highranking officials during the last days of their life, Pikulas is ritualistically offered the severed head of a man and tallow is often burned in the god’s honor. If angered, Pikulas must be appeased by the offender or he will die within three days. The only way to appease him is by offering him horse or human blood spilled against an oak tree. He is one of the three gods that make up the holy trinity of Lithuanian traditional religion, which was practiced until the late 1300s. After the introduction of Christianity to the people, Pikulas was reimagined to be the Christian devil, Satan, most likely because of his strikingly long beard.
Source: Bojtár, Foreword to the Past, 309; Fraenkel, Die baltischen Sprachen, 126; Golan, Prehistoric Religion, 112
In Croatia and Yugoslavia there is a vampiric REVENANT known as a pijavica (“drinker”). Typically male, this vampire is created when a person dies who has committed an act of incest with his mother, although a person who was particularly evil in life may also return as this type of vampire. The pijavica will first attack its family and then its descendants, ultimately killing every person it can on its family tree until it is stopped. Only once it has killed its entire family line will it move on to other people. The pijavica has the ability to detect its own family members, no matter how distant the relation.
This vampire is very fast and very strong. In addition to being able to read minds, it also has the power of suggestion. Unless it is destroyed by a willful act, the pijavica is otherwise an immortal being.
Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight will eventually kill a pijavica as will staking it through the chest with HAWTHORN or burning it to ash. However, the most effective way to kill a pijavica is to decapitate it and when reburying the body, place the head between its legs.
Source: Ralston, Songs of the Russian People, 410; Ronay, Truth about Dracula, 22; Senn, Were-wolf and Vampire in Romania, 66
The Araucanian people of Chile tell of an evil, vampiric god named Pihuechenyi. He looks like a gigantic winged snake and at night will find sleeping humans from whom to suck blood.
Source: Carlyon, Guide to the Gods, 64; Guirand, Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, 453; Rose, Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, 382
Пихуэчений (Пигуэчен)
Народ арауканов в Чили рассказывает о злом вампирическом боге по имени Пихуэчений. Он выглядит как гигантская крылатая змея и по ночам ищет спящих людей, из которых сосет кровь.
Источники: Carlyon, «Guide to the Gods», 64; Guirand, «Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology», 453; Rose, «Giants, Monsters, and Dragons», 382
In ancient India there was a demonic race of vampiric Asuras known as picacas. They were evil by nature, chattering incessantly and, although aligned with the RAKSHASAS, were ranked beneath them. The picacas often warred against the Aryans, a race of tall, white-skinned people who migrated to India from central Asia; the Daitayas, a race of giants; and Nagas, god-like snake beings. They ate the flesh and drank the blood of both the living and the dead, being particularly fond of pregnant women. Picacas lived in abandoned places, burial grounds, and charnel houses but have been known to hunt in the jungle, spreading diseases while looking for humans to afflict with insanity or consume. Carrying iron or a piece of the neem tree will ward a picacas off.
Source: de Gubernatis, Zoological Mythology, 376; Keith, Religion and Philosophy, 384; Meyer, Sexual Life in Ancient India, 94; Rose, Spirits, Fairies, Gnomes, 261
A type of vampiric phi from Thailand, the phii krasue is described as a flying head with dangling entrails, a long tongue, and sharp teeth. The phii krasue drains a person’s blood by inserting its tongue into its victim’s anus. As it drains the blood, the vampire chews on the body, taking out bite-sized chunks of flesh.
Source: ThulIlongk, Asian Review, 116; Phongphit, Thai Village Life, 54, 70; Sotesiri, Study of Puan Community, 44
Пхи-Красу (Красу)
Пхи-красу — вид вампирического пхи из Таиланда, который описывается как летающая голова со свисающими с шеи внутренностями, длинным языком и острыми зубами. Пхи-красу высасывает кровь из человека, вставляя язык в анус жертвы. Выпивая кровь, вампир одновременно жует и тело, отгрызая куски плоти.
Источники: Čhulālongk, «Asian Review», 116; Phongphit, «Thai Village Life», 54, 70; Sotesiri, «Study of Puan Community», 44
In pre-Buddhist Thailand there was a type of vampiric phi called phi song nang that was created whenever a woman died before she married. The phi song nang looks like a beautiful woman, and at night it hunts for handsome men to prey upon. It will try to lure the man off to a secluded place with the promise of an indiscretion; once alone, it will turn and attack him, draining him of his blood.
Some men have been known to wear nail polish and women’s bedclothes to bed at night in an attempt to trick the phi song nang into thinking he was a woman. Back in the 1980s in Thailand, a phi song nang was blamed for the spread of a mysterious disease that killed some 230 migrant workers. The illness was called Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome. Those who claimed to be survivors of the assaults described feeling a sudden fear come over them while they slept and upon waking felt as if there was another presence in the room. They also said that there was an increasing pressure on their chest and that they were unable to move or scream. All of these symptoms are also present in an ALP attack.
In Thailand spirits are collectively known as phi (“ghosts”). They are too numerous to be counted or fully catalogued. Their types and varieties are as varied as ghosts, undead, and fay are (see UNDEATH). There is a vampiric spirit that was first recorded from pre-Buddhist Thailand called phi. It is created whenever someone dies suddenly, as in an accident. Invisible, and usually found living in isolated places in the countryside, it attacks people by scratching them, drawing blood, and then lapping it up. Its bite can cause illness and disease. MAW DU (seers who are well-versed in occult knowledge) both sell and make charms that can protect against phi attacks. However, if there is an infestation of phi or a singularly dangerous one that is resistant to the charms, then the MAW DU can be hired to banish or destroy it.
Source: Bastian, A Journey in Siam, 158; Blanchard, Thailand, 97; Lewis, Peoples of the Golden Triangle, 260; Maberry, Vampire Universe, 247
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