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Akakharu. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Akakharu (Oak-a-CAH-roo)
Variations: Akakarm, Akakhura, AKHKHARU, Rapganmekhab

An ancient Chaldean epic written in the third millennium B.C. tells the tale of this vampiric REVENANT. When the goddess Ishtar journeyed into the underworld to rescue her son and lover Tammuz, she said aloud, “I will cause the dead to arise and devour the living”. And so it came to be that these vampiric lesser demons or semisolid ghosts came into being, seeking human flesh. Interestingly, the word devour originally translated to mean “waste away”, as in from an illness.

Source: Cramer, Devil Within, 104; Jones, On the Nightmare, 121; Masters, Eros and Evil, 187

Aitvar. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Aitvar (ATE-var)

This vampire from Lithuania is essentially an ALP but is described as having very large hands and feet.

Source: Meyer, Mythologie der Germanen

Айтвар (Айтварас)

Этот литовский вампир по существу является альпом, но описывается как существо с очень большими руками и ногами.

Источник: Meyer, «Mythologie der Germanen»

Aisha Quandisha. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Aisha Qandisha (A-sha CON-da-sha)

Most likely, this vampiric goddess originated in the ancient city-state of Carthage. Her name, Aisha Qandisha. translates to “loving to be watered”, as in, covered with semen. Her name has been connected to Qadesha, the sexually free temple women of Canaan who served Astarte.

She, like the SUCCUBUS she is associated with, is described as being beautiful, but along the northern coast of present-day Morocco she is also said to have the feet of a goat. Then as now, she is found near wells and waterways, dancing wildly, bare-chested, lustfully enchanting anyone who will let her. Soon these unfortunate souls will find themselves her sexual slaves. Men whom she has seduced will be rendered impotent and lose interest in all other women. She has a constant consort companion, a jinni named Hammu Qaiyu.

As a goddess, she cannot be destroyed, only driven away by plunging an iron knife as hard as one can deep into the ground before becoming entranced by her beauty. For a man to break the enchantment he must endure ritual sacrifice and enter into a trance where he must see for himself her cloven goat feet. Once he has, he must then stab an iron knife into the ground, breaking her hold over him.

Source: Crapanzano, The Hamadsha; Gregg, Culture and Identity, 262; Gulick, The Middle East, 181; Westermarck, Pagan Survivals, 21-23

Aipalookvik. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Variations: Aipaloovik

This vampiric spirit is part of the folklore of the arctic regions, including Alaska, Greenland, and Northern Canada. Sailors and those who live near the water have described it as a severely rotting corpse leaving the water and seeking out human prey to drain — not of blood, but rather of body heat. The spirit that inhabits the corpse can access the memory and adopt the personality of the deceased. It is considered the epitome of destruction.

Source: Bilby, Among Unknown Eskimo, 266; Guirand, Larousse Encyclopedia, 436; Rose, Spirits, Fairies, Gnomes, 7

Варианты: Айпалувик

Этот вампирический дух — часть фольклора арктических регионов, включая Аляску, Гренландию и Северную Канаду. Моряки и люди живущие вблизи берега, описывали его как сильно сгнивший труп, выползающий из воды в поисках человека, чтобы выпить его — не столько кровь, сколько тепло тела. Дух, обитающий внутри трупа, может получить доступ к памяти умершего и позаимствовать его личность. Он считается олицетворением разрушения.

Источники: Bilby, «Among Unknown Eskimo», 266; Guirand, «Larousse Encyclopedia», 436; Rose, «Spirits, Fairies, Gnomes», 7

Agta. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Variations: Agre

In the Philippines there is a species of ENERGY VAMPIRE called an agta. A reputed cigar smoker, the agta can always be found wherever the fishing is good, as this vampire lives solely off the life energy of fish. As the fish are caught and killed, the agta absorbs the life energy as it escapes. The agta is normally invisible and can only be seen if a person bends over backward far enough so that they can see between their own legs.

Source: Maberry, Vampire Universe, 11; Ramos, Creatures of Philippine, 28

Вариант: Агра, Агре

На Филлипинах есть вид энергетического вампира, называемый агта. Агту, известного курильщика сигар, можно найти везде, где есть хорошая рыбалка, так как этот вампир живет исключительно за счет жизненной энергии рыб. Когда рыба поймана и убита, агта поглощает ее ускользающую жизнь. Агта обычно невидим и заметить его можно, только если человек наклонится достаточно низко, чтобы увидеть его между расставленных ног.

Источники: Maberry, «Vampire Universe», 11; Ramos, «Creatures of Philippine», 28

Agriogourouno. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Agriogourouno (Ah-ghree-oh-GHOO-roono)

In Macedonia it is believed that Turkish people who have led very wicked lives and have never eaten pork will become agriogourounos (“wild boars”) upon death. As much a were-creature as a vampire, this shape- shifting being is well known for its gluttonous appetite for human blood.

Source: Jackson, Compleat Vampyre, 56


В Македонии верят, что турки, которые вели очень злую жизнь и никогда не ели свинину, после смерти станут агриогуруно («дикими кабанами»). Будучи вампиром, это меняющее форму существо хорошо известно ненасытным аппетитом к человеческой крови.

Источник: Jackson, «Compleat Vampyre», 56

Afrit. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Afrit (AFF-reet)
Variations: Afreet, Afreeti, Afrite, Efreet, Efreeti, Efrit, Ifreet, Ifrit

African and Muslim folklore alike speak of a vampiric spirit called the afrit, or afriti when found in numbers. Its name means “blooddrinking nomad”. When a person is murdered, his spirit returns to the place of death. At the very spot where the last drop of his lifeblood fell, the newly created afrit rises up. Some sources say it looks like a larger version of the jinni, but others claim it appears as a desert dervish, a ghostlike form, a tall column of smoke, or a being resembling the Christian devil complete with cloven hooves, horns, and a tail. Just to see the creature will cause a person to be overcome with fear. To prevent this vampiric being from entering into existence, a nail must be driven into the exact spot where the last drop of lifeblood fell. This will force the spirit to remain in the earth.

In all, there are five types of jinni, and although the afrit is the second most powerful, it is the most ruthless and cruel toward its victims.

Source: Hoiberg, Students’ Britannica India, 5-6; Jacobs, Folklore, vol.11, 389-394; Philp, Jung and the Problem of Evil, 56-57; Rose, Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, 6

African Vampire Witch. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

African Vampire Witch

Variations: Nthum, Owang, Saf In Deam, Sefaf In Dem

Generally speaking, African vampire mythology is not based on the wholly undead or animated corpses like that of so many other cultures (see UNDEATH). However, what it does have are vampiric creatures and witches with vampiric tendencies that practice forms of cannibalism and necrophilia, as well as committing acts of vampirism. The ability to become a witch is not always an inheritable trait and is not necessarily something that can be taught to someone who desires to learn.

There is no reliable test that can be performed to determine who may become a witch, although women who are naturally barren or are postmenopausal are most commonly suspect. But anyone has the potential to become a witch. A person suspected of being a witch will find herself blamed for any unfortunate event that happens in the community, more so if the mishap happens to involve a child.

If a witch is discovered, she may be lucky enough to be banished and driven out of her community. Since there are several tribes who blame all of their misfortunes on witches, there have been pocket societies that have developed that consist of nothing but people who were labeled as witches. These small communities are very close-knit and quick to take in new arrivals.

However, if the witch has been directly connected to a specific crime, she will literally become a scapegoat and be ritualistically slain. When the witch is killed, the evil she wrought will die as well.

Once discovered, the witch’s tongue will be immediately cut out and pinned to her chin with a thorn so that she cannot speak and cast a spell on her captors. She is then beheaded, her body impaled upon a stake, and cremated. Her head is thrown away so that predatory and scavenging animals may consume it.

Adze. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Adze (ADS)

The Ewe people of southeastern Ghana and southern Togo, Africa, believe that this vampiric spirit looks like a CORPSE CANDLE, the constant light of a firefly, or like a shining beetle when not possessing the tribe’s sorcerer (see AFRICAN VAMPIRE WITCH). The adze, whose name means “an axelike tool”, is attracted to, hunts, and takes the blood from only the tribe’s most beautiful children. Although the creature would normally drink blood, it can be staved off with offerings of kokosmilch (coconut milk) and palmoel (palm oil). If captured while in its ball of light or insect form, the adze will immediately shape- shift into the form of a human. While it is in this form, any means that would normally kill a human will destroy the vampire.

Source: Arens, The Man-Eating Myth, 153; Bunson, Vampire Encyclopedia, 2; Hollinge, Blood Read, 87; Spauldin, Re-forming the Past, 104

Abruzzi. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Abruzzi (Ah-BRUTS-ee)
Variations: Abruzzo

Each November 1, the citizens of the town of Abruzzi, located in central Italy, hold a ceremony for their dead. Both the ceremony and the type of vampiric spirit they call are named after the town.

An offering of bread and water is placed on the kitchen table and beckoning candles are lit and placed in the windows of the home. Similar candles are placed on the graves of loved ones, allowing their spirits to rise up. Slowly the spirits gather together and form a line as they march back into town and to the homes they once lived in. Leading the procession are those that in life would have been considered “good” people, followed by “evil” people, then those who had been murdered, and finally, those who are condemned. Once they return to their old homes, they consume the essence of the food offering left for them.

There is a very complex magical ritual that can be performed at a crossroads that would allow the practitioner to see this procession of the dead. However, this is a very dangerous undertaking, as to see the dead walk will cause insanity, followed by death.

The celebration of Abruzzi is all that is left of the ancient Roman religious tradition that pertains to the Feast of Lemuria, which is similar to the ancient Greek festival, Anthesteria.

Source: Canziani, Through the Apennines, 326; Frazer, The Golden Bough, 77; Summers, Vampire in Europe, 15; Summers, Vampire in Lore and Legend, 77
