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Maw Du. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Maw Du (MAW DO)

In Thailand, there is a type of Buddhist monk known as a Maw Du (“Seeing Doctor”). All throughout Thailand, these monks work out of shops and stalls set up in marketplaces, waiting for their services to be hired out. In addition to divining the future, fortune-telling, healing the sick, and selling charms for every occasion, they can also be hired to destroy a vampire. They cast spells and recite specific religious and magical incantations to do so.

Source: Graham, Siam, 545; Cambridge University Press, Modern Asian Studies, 781; Keown, Buddhism and Abortion, 44

Мау Ду

В Таиланде есть вид буддийского монаха, известного как Мау Ду («Видящий доктор»). Эти монахи работают возле магазинов и киосков, установленных на рыночных площадях по всему Таиланду, ожидая, когда понадобятся их услуги. Кроме предсказания будущего, гадания, исцеления больных и продажи амулетов на все случаи жизни, их также можно нанять для уничтожения вампира. При этом монахи накладывают заклятия и читают определенные религиозные и магические заклинания.

Источники: Graham, «Siam», 545; Cambridge University Press, «Modern Asian Studies», 781; Keown, «Buddhism and Abortion», 44

Mavky. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Mavky (Mov-KEY)

A vampiric fay from Ukraine, the mavky lives in the forest. The nymph lures its victims to a secluded place by using beautiful music and its own melodious singing voice. Once it has its prey alone and has won his confidence, it will literally tickle him to death, feeding off his joy until he is dead (see ENERGY VAMPIRE).

Source: Grey, Mythology of All Races, 253; Kubipovych, Ukraine, 329-330, 358; MacCulloch, Celtic Mythology, 253; Wagner, Aspects of Contemporary Ukraine, 276

Мавки (Мавкы)

Мавки, вампирические феи из Украины, живут в лесу. Нимфа заманивает своих жертв в уединенное место, используя красивую музыку и мелодичный голос. Как только она останется с добычей наедине и завоюет доверие, она буквально защекочет ее до смерти, питаясь весельем человека, пока тот не умрет (смотри «Энергетический вампир»).

Источники: Grey, «Mythology of All Races», 253; Kubipovych, «Ukraine», 329-230, 358; MacCulloch, «Celtic Mythology», 253; Wagner, «Aspects of Contemporary Ukraine», 276

Mati-Anak. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Mati-Anak (MANTI-AH-nac)
Variation: Mati Ânak, Mantianak, PONTIANAK

A vampiric spirit from Malaysia, the matianak (“child dead”) is created when a child is stillborn or dies at birth. It has the ability to shapeshift into an owl, the form which it will use when hunting down unsuspecting animals and people to prey upon for their blood. To prevent the spirit of a stillborn child from rising as a mati-anak, it must be buried facedown in its grave. Glass beads must be placed in the mouth, a hen’s egg in each armpit, and pins pierced through its palms of its hands.

Source: Benedict, Study of Bagobo Magic and Myth, 270; Clifford, In Court and Kampong, 231; Masters, Natural History of the Vampire, 60; Skeat, Malay Magic, 328

Massâcet. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Massâcet (Ma-saa-CHET)

In the country of Turkey, the word massâcet translates to mean “vampire”.

Source: Theosophical Society, The Theosophist


На территории Турции слово массаджет переводится как «вампир».

Источник: Theosophical Society, «The Theosophist»

Mashan. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Variations: Chudel

The mashan is a demonic vampire known to the people of India and Nepal. Residing in another dimension, the mashan seldom if ever comes to our world because it is very difficult to find a place where the barrier that separates dimensions is weak enough to allow the demon to pass through. On occasion, a sorcerer, by use of geomancy, will discover such a location and summon a mashan to our world with the intent of binding the demon to do his bidding. This is a very dangerous prospect because if the sorcerer makes even the slightest mistake the mashan will drain him dry of his blood and then immediately set out on a killing spree, spreading plague everywhere it goes. Only prayers said to the god Shiva can send the demon back to the realm where it belongs. Shiva uses his influence and encourages the demon to return of its own accord.

Source: Dube, Untouchable Pasts, 67; Fauna and Flora Research Society, Scientific Results of the Japanese Expeditions, 149; Saletore, Indian Witchcraft, 40; Sarkar, The Folk Element in Hindu Culture, 89-90

Masani. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Masani (Man-SAA-nee)
Variations: MASAN

Although the masani is also known to some as a masan, the two are in fact different types of vampires. The masani is a vampiric spirit from India, like the masan, but that is where the similarity ends. The masani has jet-black skin and an overall monstrous appearance. It lives in burial grounds, and at night, it rises up from the ashes of a funeral pyre and attacks the first person it sees.

Source: Bunson, Vampire Encyclopedia, 170

Варианты: Масан

Хотя масани также известен некоторым как масан, на самом деле это разные виды вампиров. Как и масан, масани — вампирический дух из Индии, но на этом сходство заканчивается. У масани глянцево-черная кожа и чудовищный внешний вид. Он живет в могильниках, а ночью поднимается из пепла погребального костра и нападает на первого встречного.

Источник: Bunson, «Vampire Encyclopedia», 170

Masan. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Masan (MA-san)
Variation: Masand

The masan is a vampiric spirit from India, created when a child from a low caste, who was a bully in life, dies. An oppressor in life, the masan now delights in tormenting and killing children, slowly draining away their life as it turns their bodies horrid shades of GREEN, red, and yellow (see ENERGY VAMPIRE); any child who walks through its shadow will die immediately.

The masan is attracted to households that use water to put out cooking fires or to people who pinch out candle flames with their fingers and then wipe the grease on their clothes. If a woman allows her gown to drag along the ground, the masan will follow her home. The only way to save the life of a child who is being harassed by this vampire is to have the child weighed in SALT.

Source: Bunson, Vampire Encyclopedia, 170; Crooke, Introduction to the Popular Religion, 80, 161-162; Crooke, Popular Religion and Folk-lore of Northern India, 260; Turner, Dictionary of Ancient Deities, 311

Masabakes. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн


From the lore of northern Spain comes the masabakes, an ENERGY VAMPIRE. It keeps a familiar, a species of imp known as a tentirujo, that it sends off nightly to find a sleeping virgin. When it does, the tentirujo rubs the girl’s thighs with a piece of mandrake. The next day the girl is overcome with sexual desire and will seek out a man to have intercourse with. The masabakes feeds off the lustful desire that builds up throughout the day in the virgin and then feeds again as her sexual energy is released during intercourse.

Source: Maberry, Vampire Universe, 210-211


Масабакес — энергетический вампир, происходящий из преданий северной Испании. У него есть фамильяр, разновидность импа-беса, известного как тентирухо, которого он каждую ночь отправляет на поиски девственницы. Отыскав ее, тентирухо натирает девичьи бедра кусочком мандрагоры. На следующий день девушку одолевает сексуальное желание, и она будет искать мужчину, чтобы вступить с ним в связь. Масабакес питается сначала похотью, которая накапливается в девственнице за день, а потом ее сексуальной энергией, что высвобождается во время половой связи.

Источник: Maberry, «Vampire Universe», 210-211

Märt. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Märt (MART)

In Germany, the märt is a variation of the vampire known more commonly as the ALP (see GERMAN VAMPIRE). A vampiric spirit similar to a SUCCUBUS, at night it hunts for a man who has fallen asleep in a fetal position. Once he has, the märt sits upon his chest, rendering him completely immobile. Then, it mounts him in a sexual fashion and drains away his life- energy and some blood (see ENERGY VAMPIRE).

The approach of a märt sounds like a mouse gnawing on something, and if the man is wearing a glove that was inherited, he will be able to grab and hold the märt before it attacks.

Source: Senn, Were-wolf and Vampire in Romania, 42; Sha, Occultism, 225; Summers, Vampire in Lore and Legend, 49

Maroc. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Maroc (Ma-ROCK)
Variations: Oustrel

In the Strandja Mountains of Bulgaria, maroc is a regional word that means “vampire”.

Source: Georgieva, Bulgarian Mythology, 104

Варианты: Устрель

Мароц — местное слово в болгарских горах Странджа, которое означает «вампир».

Источник: Georgieva, «Bulgarian Mythology», 104
