The Welsh version of the English puck. His actions and character are so like those of Shakespeare's Puck that some Welsh people have claimed that Shakespeare borrowed him from stories told him by his friend Richard Price of Brecon who lived near Cwm Pwca, one of the Pwca's favourite haunts.
Sikes in British Goblins reproduces a rather pleasing drawing of the Pwca, done with a piece of coal by a Welsh peasant. The Pwca in this picture has a head rather like a fledgeling bird's and a figure not unlike a tadpole's. No arms are shown, but the figure is in silhouette.
One story about the Pwca shows that a tribute of milk was left for him. This may possibly have been in payment for his services as a cowherd, though that is not expressly mentioned. A milkmaid at Trwyn Farm near Abergwyddon used to leave a bowl of milk and a piece of white bread for Pwca in a lonely place on the pastures every day. One day, out of mischief, she drank the milk herself and ate most of the bread, so that Pwca only got cold water and a crust that day. Next day, as she went near the place, she was suddenly seized by very sharp but invisible hands and given a sound whipping, while the Pwca warned her that if she did that again she would get worse treatment.
Pwca is best known, however, as a Will o' the Wisp. He will lead a benighted wanderer up a narrow path to the edge of a ravine, then leap over it, laughing loudly, blow out his candle, and leave the poor traveller to grope his way back as best he can. In this behaviour he is like the Scottish Shellycoat as well as the English Puck.
Shakespeare in his Midsummer Night's Dream has given Puck an individual character, and it no longer seems natural to talk, as Robert Burton does in The Anatomie of Melancholy, of a puck instead of 'Puck', nor, like Langland, equate Puck with the Devil and call Hell 'Pouk's Pinfold'.
Shakespeare's Puck is the epitome of the hobgoblin, with the by-name of Robin Goodfellow. In folk tradition emphasis is perhaps most laid on Puck as a misleader, and 'Pouk-ledden' is a commoner phrase than 'Hobberdy's Lantern'. Shakespeare's Puck plays all the pranks described in the Life of Robin Goodfellow. His selfdescriptive speech to Titania's fairy could not be bettered as the description of a hobgoblin:
A kind of Bogy or Bogey-beast. It has horns, teeth and claws and fiery eyes. Henderson describes the Barguest as closely allied to Padfoot and the Hedley Kow. Like them it can take various forms, but usually appears as a shaggy black dog with huge fiery eyes. It is generally regarded as a death portent. William Henderson in Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties (p.274-275) said tnat it used to haunt a piece of wasteland between Wreghorn and Headingley Hill near Leeds. At the death of any notable person in the district it would appear, followed by all the dogs in the district, howling and baying. Henderson reports that he met an old man who claimed to have seen the procession as a child. Hone's Everyday Book (vol.III, p.655) gives a lively report of an encounter with a barguest:
You see, sir, as how I'd been a clock dressing at Gurston (Grassington), and I'd staid rather lat, and maybe getten a lile sup o' spirit; but I war far from being drunk, and knowed everything that passed.
A household spirit of the hobgoblin kind, who only seems to appear in the ballads. His speciality was giving good advice, but in 'Young Bekie' (No.53 of the Child collection of ballads), which is a variant of the story of a Becket's father, Burd Isabel, the French princess who has helped young Bekie to escape and plighted her troth with him, is warned by the billy blind that young Bekie is on the point of marrying someone else, and assists in a magical journey to England in time to prevent the celebration of the nuptials, hailing a magic ship which the billy blind himself steered across the sea.
Another ballad in which he appears is No.6 in the Child collection, 'Willie's Lady', in which Willie's mother, a rank witch, is preventing the birth of his child by various cantrips. The billy blind advises them to announce the birth of a child and summon the mother-in-law to the christening of a dummy. The mother-in-law expresses her surprise in a soliloquy which gives away the methods by which she has been preventing the birth and enables them to counteract them, as, for instance, by killing the master kid beneath her bed. It is rather strange that this spirit only occurs in the ballads. 'Billy' means a companion or a warrior.
One of a long list given in the Denham Tracts (vol.II, p.78) of supernatural creatures feared by our ancestors. There is a rhyme quoted by G.F.Northall in English Folk-Rhymes which he relates to Buckie (some relation probably of bug-a-boo, see Bugs, etc.). The lines were recited by Devonshire children when they had to go through passages in the dark.
Bucky, Bucky, biddy Bene,
Is the way now fair and clean?
Is the goose ygone to nest?
And the fox ygone to rest?
Shall I come away?
'Bene' was the Old English for a prayer, and 'bidding' for asking, as in the 'Bidding Prayer' for the Benefactors of Oxford. 'Bucky' suggests the goatish form assumed by the Devil and imps.
Название, встречающееся в длинном списке сверхъестественных существ, которых боялись наши предки — Трактаты Денхэма (Т.II, с.78).
Дж.Ф.Нортхолл в «Английских народных стихотворениях» цитирует стишок, который он соотносит с Бакки (неким, по-видимому, родственником буг-а-бу, см. Бyги и другие). Девонширские дети, когда им надо было пройти через темноту, повторяли такие стишки:
This was sometimes taken to be a fairy curse, probably called down by the unfortunate positioning of a house. Sometimes stock only were affected, and sometimes the wife as well as the stock would be cursed by barrenness. It was, however, more commonly attributed to witchcraft. The ballad 'Willie's Mother', in which the mother-in-law was a rank witch and help was given by a domestic fairy, Billy Blind, gives almost a recipe for inhibiting birth.
Four young men were on a hunting trip and spent the night in an empty shieling, a hut built to give shelter for the sheep in the grazing season. They began to dance, one supplying mouth-music. One of the dancers wished that they had partners. Almost at once four women came in. Three danced, the fourth stood by the music-maker. But as he hummed he saw drops of blood falling from the dancers and he fled out of the shieling, pursued by his demon partner. He took refuge among the horses and she could not get to him, probably because of the iron with which they were shod. But she circled round him all night, and only disappeared when the sun rose. He went back into the shieling and found the bloodless bodies of the dancers lying there. Their partners had sucked them dry.
Кельтская богиня войны Бадб, или Бахв, согласно «Вере в эльфов в кельтских странах» Эванса Вентца (с.302-305), воплощала трех богинь, Неман, Маху и Морригу в едином обличье серой (капюшонной) вороны. Мифология выродилась в фольклор, и обличье вороны, сидящей на крыше дома, в нем часто принимает банши, или «волшебная женщина». Сага о битве при Мойтуре в «Книге Лейнстера» дает одно из самых ярких описаний деятельности Бадб и ее духов-прислужников.
The name given to the Fairy Pig of Man. Walter Gill in A Manx Scrapbook (p.444) mentions a fairy pig seen near Niarbyl by a child who told him about it some fifty years later as an old woman. It was a beautiful little white pig, and as the fairy pigs are supposed to bring luck, she called to her uncle to come and help her to catch it. But he called back to her to leave it alone, and it soon disappeared. Dora Broome has a tale of a little fairy pig in her Fairy Tales from the Isle of Man. Her little pig is white, with red ears and eyes like most Celtic Fairy animals. It can alter its size, but apparently not its shape.
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