Chaucer's The Wife ofBath's Tale is worthy of comment for two reasons. First, it is an early and excellent example of a fairy-tale, and secondly it contains a medieval example of the complaint of the departure of the fairies after the manner of Corbet's 'Farewell, Rewards and Fairies'. It seems that from the earliest times the fairies have always been leaving us, and yet sometimes they never quite go.
История о Зеленых Рукавах, опубликованная Питером Буханом в «Старинных шотландских сказаниях» — великолепный пример сверхъестественного волшебника, какого можно встретить в сказках «Нихт-Нохт-Ничего» и «Битва Птиц». Все это — сохранившиеся целиком кельтские сказания, но фрагменты их можно обнаружить и в Англии. «Зеленые Рукава» — сказка о «сверхъестественной невесте», и богата мотивами, присущими в основном кельтскому уму, хотя содержит также и множество универсальных мотивов.
The country trooping fairies were fertility spirits who admired lavish behaviour and were particularly annoyed by all grudging and covetous persons. They did labour without specific reward, but many brownies left the service of a farm if a new inmate gave them inferior rations of milk and bread. Many fairy stories are based on the ill-luck of refusing a gift of bread to anyone who asks it.
The appearance of small round bruises clustered together was supposed to show the marks of fairy fingers pinching. People who spied on the fairies, and so were responsible for an infringement of fairy privacy, or who betrayed their secrets, were particularly liable to be pinched, and it was also a penalty for careless, dirty ways since the fairies applauded neatness. In Ben Jonson's Entertainment at Althorpe we have:
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