In Japan if a bat can manage to live for a very long time it will become a vampiric creature called a nobusuma (“most ancient”). This ENERGY VAMPIRE flies through the night sky looking for a sleeping person to assault. When it finds suitable prey, the nobusuma lands on his chest and begins to tap on the sleeping person’s chest, making him cough. When this happens, the nobusuma will take in the escaping breath, leaching off some of the person’s life. Over the course of the next three days, unless the nobusuma is stopped, the victim will die, his life energy drained away. To prevent this from happening, all that has to happen is for someone to witness an attack taking place. This will drive the vampire off, never to return. The victim will instantly recover fully and go on to live a long and healthy life.
Source: Iinkai, Japan, 794; Japan Society of London, Transactions and Proceedings, vol.9, 27-28; Poulton, Spirits of Another Sort, 64
The neuntöter is a vampiric REVENANT from German vampire lore (see GERMAN VAMPIRES). Its name, neuntöter, means “nine killer”, as it takes nine days for the vampire to fully transform once it has been placed in its grave. When it does rise, it is covered with open sores and smells like excrement. It is also a plague carrier. People who were born with teeth or an actual spoon in their mouths are heavily predisposed to becoming neuntöters upon their deaths. To ensure that a person lies in rest for all time, the spoon that was in his mouth at birth must be burned to ash and then fed to the child. If this is not done, then after death, the head must be removed from the body between the hours of 11 P.M. and midnight; additionally a lemon must be placed in the mouth before the body is interred.
Source: Bunson, Vampire Encyclopedia, 188; Haining, Dictionary of Vampires, 180; Ronay, Truth about Dracula, 23
A vampiric REVENANT from Slovakia, the nelapsi is known to be able to destroy an entire village in a single night. With two hearts and two souls, the nelapsi is very fast, very strong. It can kill a person with a single blow and is also a plague carrier.
To prevent a person from becoming this type of vampire, place money, a religious icon, or personal items in the COFFIN with the body at the time of burial. There is also a very complex ritual that can be performed, which involves running a stake through its heart, carrying the body headfirst to its grave, and tossing a few handfuls of poppy seeds in the grave with it, just in case the ceremony did not work. Should the person rise from the dead as a nelapsi, it must be staked through its twin hearts with a stake made of HAWTHORN, iron, or oak.
Source: Belanger, Sacred Hunger, 127; Bryant, Handbook of Death, 99; Perkowski, The Darkling, 102-103
According to Serbian lore, when a child dies before he is baptized he becomes a type of vampire known as a Nekrštenici, which brings harm to young mothers and their newborn children.
Source: McClelland, Slayers and Their Vampires, 55; Stanojević, Narodna Enciklopedija, 45
Согласно сербским преданиям, когда ребенок умирает некрещеным, он становится вампиром, известным как некрштеници, который вредит молодым матерям и новорожденным детям.
Источники: McClelland, «Slayers and Their Vampires», 55; Stanojević, «Narodna Enciklopedija», 45
In pre-Islamic Arabia, there was the belief that a deceased body could still have a soul inside of it. This animated corpse, a vampiric REVENANT, was called a nefs (“self”).
Source: Bailey, Jacob and the Prodigal, 105; Pandolfo, Impasse of the Angels, 191-203, 357; Roux, Le Sang
Нефс (Нефес)
Варианты: Нафс, Нефеш
В доисламской Аравии было поверье, что в теле умершего все еще может оставаться душа. Этот оживший труп, вампрического ревенанта, называли нефс («сущность»).
Источники: Bailey, «Jacob and the Prodigal», 105; Pandolfo, «Impasse of the Angels», 191–203, 357; Roux, «Le Sang»
In Romania, the word necurat translates to mean “accursed” or “dishonest”. It refers collectively to all evil, vampiric creatures. It is used in place of the name of a specific vampire so that the demon does not hear its name and be drawn to the person who said it.
Source: Cremene, Mythology of the Vampire in Romania; Diószegi, Shamanism, 146; Znamenski, Shamanism in Siberia, 46
Варианты: Оргой
В Румынии слово некурат переводится, как «проклятый» или «бесчестный». Оно относится ко всем злым вампирическим существам. Используется вместо названия конкретного вампира, так чтобы демон не слышал свое имя и не смог подойти к человеку, который назвал его.
Источники: Cremene, «Mythology of the Vampire in Romania»; Diószegi, «Shamanism», 146; Znamenski, «Shamanism in Siberia», 46
A vampiric spirit from India, the neammaparusha wears a wreath of human intestines on its head. It tears the skull out of its victim, consumes the brains, and drains the blood from the body.
Source: Ashley, Complete Book of Vampires; Crooke, Introduction to the Popular Religion, 69, 322
Неамма-паруша — вампирический дух из Индии, носит на голове венец из человеческого кишечника. Он отрывает у своей жертвы череп, поедает мозги и высасывает из тела кровь.
Источники: Ashley, «Complete Book of Vampires»; Crooke, «Introduction to the Popular Religion», 69, 322
In Irish folklore there a vampiric REVENANT that is created through magic; it is called neamhmhairbh (“the undead”). It feeds off human blood. A neamh-mhairbh is not necessarily a species of vampire, but rather a vampire that has been created through the use of magic. Some versions of the story of the tyrant ABHARTACH consider him to be a neamh- mhairbh, as it was his own personal magic that allowed him to return.
Source: Fiérobe, Dracula, 67; Kiberd, Irish Classics, 384; Winn, I Never Knew That about Ireland, 255
Варианты: Мархео, Нем-Майр
В ирландском фольклоре есть вампирический ревенант, создаваемый магией, который называется ним-майр («нежить»). Он питается человеческой кровью. Ним-майр — не обязательно разновидность вампира, а скорее вампир, созданный с помощью магии. В некоторых версиях истории о тиране Авертахе, он считается ним-майром, поскольку именно его собственная магия позволила ему вернуться с того света.
Источники: Fiérobe, «Dracula», 67; Kiberd, «Irish Classics», 384; Winn, «I Never Knew That about Ireland», 255
A vampiric demon from Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, and Slovenia, a navi is created whenever a child dies before he is baptized or when a person drowns. It returns to the world looking like a common enough bird; it searches the countryside looking for its mother and calling out to anyone who will listen that it wants to be baptized. Never knowing its own mother’s love, it will attack women who are about to give birth, cutting them just deep enough to draw blood so it may take a drink. For seven years the navi can wander the earth calling out to others to help it. If it manages to persuade someone to baptize it, its spirit will be able to rest; if not, it will forever remain a demon.
Source: Georgieva, Bulgarian Mythology, 102-103; MacDermott, Bulgarian Folk Customs, 81; McClelland, Slayers and Their Vampires, 110
The ancient Aztec people of Mexico had in their beliefs vampiric sorcerers known as nanahualtin (“magicians”). A naualli (the singular spelling) was a human being who in addition to being able to cause a person to go insane, practiced his vampiric activities on children by first smothering them and then draining their blood. A naualli had the ability to shape-shift into an array of animals as well as being either a werecoyote or a werewolf.
Source: Brinton, Nagualism, 57; Soustelle, Daily Life of the Aztecs, 192; Spence, Magic and Mysteries of Mexico, 67-70, 87-95; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 264
Науалли (Нагваль)
В верованиях древних ацтекских народов Мексики были вампирические колдуны, известные как нанауальтин («волшебники»). Науалли (единственное число) — человек, который мог свести другого человека с ума, а помимо этого практиковал вампирическую активность над детьми, сначала удавливая их, а затем высасывая кровь. Науалли мог превращаться во множество животных, а также был койотом- и волком-оборотнем*.
Источники: Brinton, «Nagualism», 57; Soustelle, «Daily Life of the Aztecs», 192; Spence, «Magic and Mysteries of Mexico», 67-70, 87-95; Summers, «Vampire: His Kith and Kin», 264
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