This rather obscure name is used in Cardiganshire for the Welsh banshee, sometimes called 'y Cyhiraeth'. She would go invisibly beside the person she wished to warn, and if she came to cross-roads or to a stream she would burst out into a ghastly shriek, beating the ground or the water and crying out, 'My husband! My husband!' if she was accompanying a woman, or, 'My wife!' if a woman's death was foretold. Or again, 'My little child! O my little child!' if it was a child who would die. Inarticulate screams meant the death of the hearer himself. She was described as very hideous, with tangled hair, long black teeth and long withered arms out of all proportion to the length of her body. Rhys, who gives this description of her in Celtic Folk-Lore (Vol.II, pp.452-355), considers that she is generally regarded as an ancestral figure, but thinks it possible that she may be one of the mother goddesses, like Anu or the Cailleach Bheur.
Another of the sinister North Country spirits, a form of the trash or skriker. Like the Trash it is a death portent, but instead of appearing like a shaggy dog with saucer eyes, it takes the shape of an evil cow. Mrs Wright mentions it in Rustic Speech and Folk-Lore (p.194), but it is not mentioned by William Henderson, nor in the Denham Tracts. It is possible that she may have learnt of it orally from her husband. Professor Wright of the great Dialect Dictionary.
A variant of Gabriel hounds. 'Ratchet' is an archaic term for a hound that hunts by scent. By the 17th century they were called 'Lyme Hounds' as opposed to 'Gaze Hounds'. The archaic name is a proof of the antiquity of the belief.
[Motif: G303.7.1.3]
Гаврииловы трещотки
Вариант названия Гаврииловой своры. «Трещоткой» (Ratchet) в старину называлась гончая, бравшая след по запаху. В XVII в. их стали называть «лиемхаунд»*, в отличие от «гейзхаундов», охотившихся как на запах, так и по-зрячему, борзых. Архаический термин указывает на возраст поверья.
The cries and wing-beats of migrating birds, particularly geese, are sometimes taken to be the baying of superterrestrial spirits, a pack of spectral hounds, sometimes called 'sky yelpers', sometimes the gabriel ratchets. They were known as the 'Gabriel Hounds' in Lancashire, and were said to be monstrous dogs with human heads who travelled high up in the air. Brockie, quoted in County Folk-Lore (Vol.IV), says that sometimes they seem to hover over a house, and this foretells death or misfortune to the inmates. Lewis Spence, in The Fairy Tradition in Britain, calls them the Lancashire version of the yeth hounds and of the cwn annwn.
The Goblin Market in Christina Rossetti's poem is entirely unlike the traditional fairy market or pixies' fair. These fairy markets are held between the fairies themselves. If humans come to harm in them it is from their infringement of fairy privacy or as a punishment for human greed. People approaching them courteously have even been able to trade with them to advantage.
Одна из самых таинственных и необъяснимых фей, появляющихся и исчезающих в легендах Артуровского цикла. К тому времени, как Мэллори собрал воедино «Дело Британии», феи были эвгемеризированы как чародейки, но в более ранних повестях по-прежнему очевидна их эльфийская природа.
In 1831 a high tide on the coast near Uig in the Isle of Lewis washed away a sand-bank and exposed a cave in which there was a small beehive-shaped building rather like the little domestic grinding querns to be found in the Highlands. A labourer working near found it, and, thinking it might contain some treasure, broke into it. He found a cache of eighty-four carved chessmen ranged together. They had an uncanny look, and he flung down his spade and ran, convinced that he had come on a sleeping company of fairies. His wife was of sterner stuff and made him go back and fetch them. The greater part of them are now in the British Museum. Replicas have been made of them, but the originals, all mustered together, are much more impressive. A tradition has arisen about them. It is said that the guards who take the guard-dogs round at night cannot get them to pass the Celtic chessmen. They bristle and drag back on their haunches. So perhaps the Highlander's superstition can be excused.
О груагахах было написано много, и из всего богатства сведений, собранных Дж.Ф.Кэмпбеллом и Дж.Г.Кэмпбеллом, Александром Кармайклом, Дональдом Маккензи и Льюисом Спенсом, можно сделать вывод о трех различных типах груагаха.
В шотландских Горах встречается эльфийская дама, одетая в зеленое, с длинными золотыми волосами, иногда прекрасная, иногда — страшная и безобразная, которая охраняет скот и является чем-то вроде заведующей хозяйством на ферме. Маккензи склонен думать, что она на самом деле — глаштиг, а «груагах», «волосатая» — ее прозвище. Как и глаштиг, она много путешествует и связана с водой. В ее обычае было приходить в дома мокрой, как котенок, и просить обсушиться у окня.
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