Харланд и Уилкинсон в своей книге «Легенды и предания Ланкашира» (с.16) приводят рассказ про «Буренку и Старое Ребро», забавную версию легенды, встречающейся и в Уэльсе, и в Ирландии.
Kirk, in his 'Secret Commonwealth' names a double, such as the Germans call a Doppelgänger, a 'Co-walker'. In the North it is called a Waff and is said to be a death token. Kirk, however, considers it to be one of the fairies, and says (1933 edition, p.69):
They are clearly seen by these Men of the Second Sight to eat at Funeralls (and) Banquets; hence many ofthe Scottish-Irish will not teast Meat at these Meittings, lest they have Communion with, or be poysoned by, them. So are they seen to carrie the Beer or Coffin with the Corps among the midle-earth Men to the Grave. Some men of that exalted Sight (whither by Art or Nature) have told me they have seen at these Meittings a Doubleman, or the Shape of some Man in two places; that is, a superterranean and a subterranean Inhabitant, perfectly resembling one another in all Points, whom he notwithstanding could easily distinguish one from another, by some secret Tockens and Operations, and so go speak to the Man his Neighbour and Familiar, passing by the Apparition or Resemblance of him.
And on the next page he continues:
They call this Reflex-man a Co-walker, every way like the Man, as a Twin-brother and Companion, haunting him as his shadow, as is oft seen and known among Men (resembling the Originall), both before and after the Originall is dead; and wes also often seen of old to enter a Hous, by which the People knew that the Person of that Liknes wes to Visite them within a few days. This Copy, Echo, or living Picture, goes att last to his own Herd.
Now generally described as a fairy shoemaker, while the cluricaune haunts cellars and spends his time in drinking and smoking and the Fir Darrig is the practical joker of this trio of solitary fairies. Crofton Croker, however, merges the lepracaun and cluricaune together, and regards the differences of names as merely regional. He says (Vol.I, p.140):
The Cluricaune of the county Cork, the Luricaune of Kerry, and the Lurigadaune of Tippcrary, appear to be the same as the Leprechan of Leinster, and the Loghery man of Ulster; and these words are probably provincialisms of Luacharma'n, the Irish for a pigmy.
Валлийский эквивалент брауни, на которых бубаход весьма похожи в том, что помогают по дому и склонны к буйному и даже опасному поведению, если их разозлить. Согласно «Британским гоблинам» Сайкса (с.30-31), у них есть одно отличительное свойство — нелюбовь к пьяницам и служителям раскольных церквей. Сайкс рассказывает о бубахе из Кардиганшира, который особо невзлюбил баптистского проповедника и выбивал у него из-под колен скамеечку и прерывал его молитвы, стуча кочергой или кривляясь в окне. В конце концов он окончательно запугал проповедника, появившись в облике его двойника, что считалось приметой скорой смерти. Эта шутка — из арсенала бук или оборотней, а не большинства брауни, а во всем остальном бубах отличается от брауни только названием. См. также Бука.
Буган — форма ныне забытого «буг» и вариант «бокана» и буг-а-бу. Упоминается в «Сельской речи и фольклоре» миссис Райт (с.198) как известный на острове Мэн, в Чешире и Шропшире.
Употреблявшееся в елизаветинскую эпоху уменьшительное от «lubber» — слова, вероятно, однокоренного с «лоб». Так называли дурачков и увальней. Аббатский Увалень — по-видимому, самое известное использование этого термина в фольклоре.
Гномы не могут быть отнесены ни к эльфам, ни к гоблинам, ни к букам, ни тем более к бесенятам. Они более принадлежат сухой науке, чем народной традиции. Гномы являются членами очень небольшого класса, состоящего из четырех элементалей или стихиалей — гномы, сильфы, саламандры и нереиды, соотносящиеся с четырьмя стихиями — землей, воздухом, огнем и водой. Человек и все смертные существа созданы из различных сочетаний этих четырех стихий, стихиали же чисты по составу, каждый из них состоит исключительно из своей стихии. Так гласит герметическая и неоплатоническая доктрина, на которой основывались вся средневековая наука и медицина. С приходом Возрождения и укреплением эмпирической науки вера в четыре стихии постепенно угасла.
One of the most malignant of old Border goblins, Redcap lived in old ruined peel towers and castles where wicked deeds had been done, and delighted to re-dye his red cap in human blood. William Henderson gives a full account of him in Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties (p.253-255). He describes him as 'a short thickset old man, with long prominent teeth, skinny fingers armed with talons like eagles, large eyes of a fiery-red colour, grisly hair streaming down his shoulders, iron boots, a pikestaff in his left hand, and a red cap on his head'. Human strength can avail little against him, but he can be routed by scripture or the sight of a cross. If this is held up to him, he gives a dismal yell and vanishes, leaving one of his long teeth behind him. The wicked Lord Soulis of Hermitage Castle had Redcap as his familiar, who made him weapon-proof so that he was only finally destroyed by boiling him in oil in a brazen pot on Nine-stane Rig.
In Perthshire, however, there is a milder Redcap, a little man who lives in a room high up in Grantully Castle and whom it is fortunate to see or hear. The Dutch redcaps, or Kaboutermannekin, are of the true brownie nature and typical brownie tales are told about them.
A grotesque kind of hob or brownie who haunts mills. It is described at some length by William Henderson in Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties (p.252-253). Every mill used to be supposed to have its killmoulis, or mill-servant. He was not very pleasant to look at, for he had no mouth but an enormous nose, up which he must have snuffed his food, for a rhyme quoted by Henderson runs:
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