In Norfolk and Suffolk, a local version of the word 'fairies' is 'frairies'. Keightley (p.306) describes an interview with a Norfolk girl about the frairies. He says:
We once questioned a girl from Norfolk on the subject of Fairy-lore. She said she had often heard of and even seen the Frairies. They were dressed in white, and lived under the ground, where they constructed houses, bridges, and other edifices. It is not safe, she added, to go near them when they appear above ground.
[Motifs: F211.3; F236.1.3]
В норфолкском и саффолкском диалектах слово «fairies» выглядит как «frairies». Кейтли (с.306) приводит разговор с норфолкской девушкой о фрэйри. Он пишет:
Однажды мы расспросили девушку из Норфолка об эльфоведстве. Она сказала, что часто слышала и даже видела Фрэйри. Они одеваются в белое и живут под землей, где строят дома, мосты и другие сооружения. Она добавила также, что подходить к ним близко, когда они появляются на поверхности, небезопасно.
We know this as a fairy name from the pathetic cry of a little frairy captured near Bury St Edmunds and reproduced from 'Suffolk Notes and Queries' in the Ipswich Journal of 1877. It is to be found in County Folk-Lore (Vol.II, pp.34-35) and forms a particularly sad example of a captured fairy:
There wus a farmer, right a long time ago, that wus, an he had a lot o' wate, a good tidy lot o' wate he had. An he huld all his wate in a barn, of a hape he did! but that hape that got lesser and lesser, an he kount sar how that kum no how. But at last he thout he'd go and see if he kount see suffun.
So off of his bed he got, one moanlight night, an he hid hiself hind the oud lanetew, where he could see that's barn's doors; an when the clock struck twelve, if he dint see right a lot of little tiddy frairies. O lork! how they did run — they was little bits o' things, as big as mice, an they had little blue caoots and yaller breeches an little red caps on thar hids with long tassels hangin down behind. An they run right up to that barn's door. An if that door dint open right wide of that self. An lopperty lop! over the throssold they all hulled themselves. Well, when the farmer see they wus all in, he kum nigher an nigher, an he looked inter the barn he did. An he see all they little frairies; they danced round an round, an then they all ketched up an air o' wate, an kopt it over their little shouders, they did. But at the last there come right a dear little frairie that wus soo small that could hardly lift that air o' wate, and that kep saying as that walked —
Finvarra the King is still believed to rule over all the fairies of the west, and Oonagh is the fairy queen. Her golden hair sweeps the ground, and she is robed in silver gossamer all glittering as if with diamonds, but they are dew-drops that sparkle over it.
The queen is more beautiful than any woman of earth, yet Finvarra loves the mortal women best, and wiles them down to his fairy palace by the subtle charm of his fairy music.
Nuala is also said to be Finvarra's wife, but perhaps it is not surprising that so amorous a fairy should have several wives.
These spirits are the lay form ofthe abbey lubbers who used to be supposed to haunt rich abbeys, where the monks had grown self-indulgent and idle. As a rule it was thought that fairies could feed on any human food that had not been marked by a cross. The story of the tacksman of Auchriachan is an example of this. But, by an extension of this belief, it was sometimes thought that the fairies could take any food that was ungratefully received or belittled or anything that was dishonestly come by, any abuse of gifts, in fact. It was under these circumstances that the abbey lubbers and buttery spirits worked. A very vivid account of a buttery spirit is to be found in Heywood's Hierarchic of the Blessed Angels (Book 9).
A pious and holy priest went one day to visit his nephew who was a cook, or rather, it seemed, a tavern keeper. He was hospitably received, and as soon as they sat to meat the priest asked his nephew how he was getting on in the world, for he knew he was an ambitious man, anxious for worldly success.
'Oh Uncle,' said the taverner, 'my state is wretched; I grow poorer and poorer, though I'm sure I neglect nothing that can be to my profit. I buy cattle that have died of the murrain, even some that have been found dead in ditches; I make pies of dogs' carcasses, with a fine pastry and well spiced; I water my ale, and if anyone complains of the fare I outface them, and swear I use nothing but the best. I use every trick I can contrive, and in spite of that I grow poorer and poorer.'
'You'll never thrive using these wicked means,' said his Uncle. 'Let me see your Buttery.'
'Fay' was the earliest form in which the word 'fairy' appears. It is generally supposed to be a broken-down form of 'Fatae', the Fates, which in Romance tradition became less formidable and multiplied in number. The word 'fairy' was originally 'fayerie', the enchantment of the fays, and only later became applied to the people working the enchantment rather than to the state of illusion.
«Fay» — самая старая форма, в которой появляется слово «fairy». Обычно считается, что это — искаженная форма слова «Fatae», Судьбы, которые в романской традиции стали менее грозными и умножились в числе. Слово «fairy» изначально выглядело как «fayerie», чары фей, и лишь позднее оно стало применяться к людям, владеющим этими чарами, а е к состоянию очарованности.
The word 'fairies' is late in origin; the earlier noun is fays, which now has an archaic and rather affected sound. This is thought to be a broken-down form of Fatae. The classical three Fates were later multiplied into supernatural ladies who directed the destiny of men and attended childbirths. 'Fay-erie' was first a state of enchantment or glamour, and was only later used for the fays who wielded those powers of illusion.
A Manx name for the fairie tribe; the singular is 'Ferrish'. Gill supposes it to be derived from the English 'Fairies'. He gives a list of names of places and plants in which 'ferrish' occurs in A Second Manx Scrapbook (pp.217-218). The Ferrishyn were the trooping fairies of Man, though there does not seem to be any distinction between them and the sleih beggey. They were less aristocratic than the fairies of Ireland and Wales, and they have no named fairy king or queen. They were small, generally described as three feet in height, though sometimes as one foot. They stole human babies and left changelings, like other fairies, and they loved to frequent human houses and workshops when the inhabitants had gone to bed. Their favourite sport was hunting, and they had horses and hounds of their own. The hounds were sometimes described as white with red ears, like fairy dogs elsewhere, but sometimes as all colours of the rainbow, red, blue, green, yellow. The huntsmen wore green coats and red caps, so the hunt must have been a gay sight as they passed. They could hear whatever was said out of doors. Every wind stirring carried the sound to their ears, and this made people very careful to speak of them in favourable terms.
There are about five ways of spelHng the name of this, which is generally described as the Manx brownie. Indeed, he fulfils all the functions of a brownie, though he is more like lob-lie-by-t he-fire, whom Milton calls 'the lubbard fiend'.
He is large, hairy and ugly, but of enormous strength. There is a story, told by Sophia Morrison in Manx Fairy Tales, that when the Fenoderee was working in Gordon he happened to meet the blacksmith one night and offered to shake hands with him. The blacksmith prudently held out the sock of a plough which he was carrying, and Fenoderee twisted it almost out of shape, and said with satisfaction: 'There's some strong Manxmen in the world yet.' Similar tales are told about Ossian in his old age and about the last of the pechs.
Curiously enough, this uncouth creature is said to have been once one of the ferrishyn, banished from Fairyland. He had fallen in love with a mortal girl who lived in Glen Aldyn, and had absented himself from the Autumn Festival to dance with her in the Glen of Rushen. For this he had been transformed into a hairy shape and banished until Doomsday. He still kept a kindly feeling for humanity, however, and willingly performed all sorts of tasks when his help was needed.
Ведьма-людоедка с синим лицом и железными когтями, которая жила, как считалось, в пещере в Данских Холмах в Лейстершире. У входа в пещеру рос зеленый дуб, в котором она, как говорили, пряталась и подстерегала заблудившихся детей и ягнят. Пещеру, называвшуюся Домом Черной Эннис, она вырыла в горе собственными когтями.
Существовал обычай в пасхальный Понедельник с раннего утра проводить охоту с приманкой от Дома Черной Эннис до дома Мэра Лейстершира. Приманкой служила дохлая кошка, вымоченная в анисовом семени. Этот обычай отмер в конце XVIII века.
Дух-хранитель диких зверей, обитающий в Пограничье. Хендерсон приводит рассказ о встрече с ним, который мистер Сёртиз, автор «Истории Дёрхэма», прислал сэру Вальтеру Скотту.
В 1744 году два молодых человека охотились на болотах близ Элсдона, и остановились подкрепиться и отдохнуть возле горного ручья. Младший пошел к ручью напиться воды и, нагнувшись, увидел на другом берегу ручья Бурого с Болот — низкорослого крепко сложенного карлика в одежде цвета сухого папоротника, с нечесаными рыжими волосами и большими, как у быка, горящими глазами. Он сердито отругал парня за вторжение на его землю и убийство зверей, состоящих под его защитой. Сам он питался только черникой, орехами и яблоками. «Пойдем ко мне домой, сам увидишь,» — сказал он. Парень собирался уже перепрыгнуть через ручей, но тут его позвал его друг, и Бурый исчез. Говорили, что если бы парень перебрался через ручей, его бы тут же разорвали на части.
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