Вустерширское название для блуждающего огонька, какового Эллиз определяет в приход Бэдси, хотя Пинково Поле, Пинков Луг и Пинкова Поляна были обнаружены им по всей округе. Эллиз указывает также, что Пинком зовут одного из дрейтоновских эльфиков. Хинки-Панк — так называли блуждающий огонек на границе Девона и Сомерсета — предлагает несколько отличающийся вариант того же имени.
A Perthshire urisk from which the place-name Abcrfeldy is said to be taken. The whole tribe of evil spirits of this type are called fuath. Most of them haunt rivers, lochs or the sea-shore. Donald Mackenzie in Scottish Folk-Lore and Folk Life has a chapter on these Fuath. A Lowland form of Peallaidh is Shellycoat. In the Gaelic dialect of Lewis, 'Pwllardh' is used for the Devil, as Puck or 'Pouk' was in Middle English.
A prosperous and respected family living at the foot of Snowdon who were supposed to have fairy blood in them. They had fair complexions and golden hair like the Tylwyth Teg, and were said to be the children of a fairy wife, Penelope, one of the Gwragen Annwn whose story was much like that of the Lady of Fan y Fach. The imputation of fairy blood seems to have been resented by most Welshmen, but it was respected in the Pellings, as in the Physicians of Mydfai.
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