The most serious of all the fairy thefts was the theft of human beings: human babies taken to reinforce the fairy stock and changelings left in their place, children enticed away, young maidens to be brides, newly delivered mothers to act as nurses to fairy babies and others. Once these humans had been made captives in fairyland it was very difficult, though not impossible, to rescue them, but there are quite a number of anecdotes of the prevention of theft or of rescues before the captive had reached fairyland. 'The Laird of Balmachie's Wife', from Gibbings's Folk-Lore and Legends, Scotland' is a representative example. It is reproduced in A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales in the English Language (Part B, Vol.I):
In the olden times, when it was the fashion for gentlemen to wear swords, the Laird of Balmachie went one day to Dundee, leaving his wife at home ill in bed. Riding home in the twilight, he had occasion to leave the high road, and when crossing between some little romantic knolls, called the Cur-hills, in the neighbourhood of Carlungy, he encountered a troop of fairies supporting a kind of litter, upon which some person seemed to be borne. Being a man of dauntless courage, and, as he said, impelled by some internal impulse, he pushed his horse close to the litter, drew his sword, laid it across the vehicle, and in a firm tone exclaimed:
The name of one of the female fairies in the Life of Robin Goodfellow. Following as usual the guidance of the name, the anonymous author makes her the nurse of the fairy babies:
Имя одной из фей в «Жития Робина Славного Малого». Руководствуясь, по своему обыкновению, именем, анонимный автор делает ее нянькой для эльфийских детей:
А Укачай им нянькой выступает,
Их одевает, холит и ласкает.
В своем списке эльфов Эллиз находит немало топонимов, начинающихся на «Lull».
At Westray in Orkney there were two burial mounds which were called 'Wilkie's Knolls'. Offerings of milk were said to be made to Wilkie, though nobody seems very clear about him. It is at least obvious that, like quite a number of other fairy types, Wilkie was closely connected with the dead.
На Вестрее в Оркнеях есть два кургана, которые называют «холмами Уилки». Говорят, что Уилки носили молоко, но никто не знает точно, кто он такой. Очевидно лишь одно — что Уилки, как и множество других эльфийских типажей, тесно связан с мертвыми.
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